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Help me removing weapon on skin

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Level 9
Dec 11, 2003
I have Photoshop 8 and Paintshop Pro 9. I try everything, but the weapon still DONT WANT TO DISSAPIRE, sometime the color is removed and the unit got a white weapon, sometime the unit lost his team color or the unit become completly red. I can't figure how to do it. I find a tutorial here http://www.samods.org/wcwarehouse/sub_index.php?page=tutorials.php but this tutorial explain how to do it whit Photoshop 7.01, Photoshop 8 is very diferent.

If someone can give me a better tutorial and everything you can tell me about this, like, exeption? maybe some skin dont work, or require a diferent technic? And if you can add some screen shot to explain me how to do it, it will be very apreciate.
Level 11
Nov 9, 2004
its because some models such as the beastmaster and wardens alpha chanels werent done right by blizzard i think.you need to add some transperancy through modeling.that would require 3dsmax.
just pm a model section mod or a request in the request forum to fix that up for you.
Level 9
Dec 11, 2003
you can see here i remove the weapon by editing the alpha channel, but i try to do it on the grunt and it never work!? i also try on the naga myrmidon, but for this one i get a diferent problem, the weapon became completly red!?

I also having a problem when removing parts from a model using skins and alpha channels. I working on a goblin skin for the ShadowHunter model and wanted to remove the beard, the long teeth thingys and the skull thing on his pants. I followed the tutorial right, but still they are still there, only in white.
I used Photosop 7.00 with Targa Plugin.

Is model editing the last solution to remove unwanted parts?
Level 9
Dec 11, 2003
i ear about a plugin for photoshop 7.00 to update it to 7.01, this plugin make the work easyer whit alpha channel. here the plugin http://www.samods.org/wcwarehouse/tools/targa.zip
but i dont try it so good luck, i dont need it i use photoshop 8.

afther many try, i think its possible to remove part of the skin only if the part have no color team on it or this part will become red. i get some exeption but most of them work perfectly. im not an expert maybe im wrong, i sucessfuly remove weapon on many skin.

If you dont find how to do it, ask me, i will be happy to help.
I already used the Targa Plugin that you linked to me and the alpha method didn't work, the parts turned white (I wanted to remove the beard and the teeth thingy on the ShadowHunter). Probably these parts doesn't have the transparency function so it cannot be alphaed (or whats it called). So I think Model editing is the last solution (I discovered that if you completly remove his beard, there will be a hole and that would look weird).
Level 12
Sep 13, 2004
if it becomes completely red it means its made of teamcolor, and you cant alpha it.
if it becomes white, it means you cant alpha it.
if your entire skin disapeares, it means your alpha channel has gone poof.

you can usually see if you can alphga something, if its made out of flat surfaces that are not 3d, its usually alphaable. if its 3d, its either not alphaable but alphaing it would make it look like shit anyway so why bother?
Level 8
Jul 16, 2004
thats very well and all but exactly how do you alpha things out? what color do you paint over the part to get rid of it? or is it something to do with layers :?:
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