Hello and good evening Hiverworkshop

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Level 1
Sep 14, 2013
I am Andrew and I love modelling a lot. I am working deeply on new projects inside Warcraft 3 and Dota. I am using custom models and prefabs too. I am an amateur modeller with middle knowledge. I like to create a lot of units. I am 29 years old. And I study game design.:thumbs_up::grin:
Level 1
Sep 14, 2013
I am on an amazing project fellers read, I am building campaign maps separatelly for a huge Crusade Campaign into middle earth and middle historic warriors are my plans. I want to use some of your models also own custom. I downloaded some if I get something concrete I would post it here to download. The map archive is during this week tested and now I've got a Summoner Paladin as a basic hero. I use simple and complex editing with WEU. Is very usefull. Also I am building in 2 languages Spanish and English.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2013
I have also Duels (astrological signs creeps into middle earth) project on the other hand. I am doing also a campaign for it. If anybody wants to work with me distantly I have no problem. I work on the gameplay also testing, also skills. To make it more interesting. I am using a common W3X map of 2 players to do it faster. I custom it and then rename it is faster than creating a 0 map. Saves time. I've got huge knowlegde into modelling and thanks for the files you provided it we can make an amazing project new fashion Warcraft 3 TFT and ROC games.
Level 1
Sep 14, 2013
Well the story of Duels came in 2007 playing actually WOW and Lineage 2, 2 different sequels each other. I want to create using W3 graphical environment very custom and upload it to play it online. The story of Duels inside is 3 alliances with many professions. Also the races can be posible to adapt them to astrological facts and chinese horoscope. Using the issues of each sign, Leo (Lion Knight), Rat (dagger rat), Serpent (medusa warrior) etc. Those are the classes I've got in mind.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Sounds like a good project, try posting on the recruitment and idea sections, that way people will offer you their services. Good luck.

Oh, please avoid multiple posting, just edit your post if you need to include additional information.
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