Expresso's Tyrael model

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Level 5
Aug 25, 2007
Hello everyone. Here is a test map and the mdx and blp files that I've worked on so far in one convenient zip file for your perusal.

Things I'd like to point out first of all are, this model was originally just going to be a simple reworking of the Kael Bloodelf Hero into Tyrael. But after a year of tweaking with it, it developed into something a little more. Set aside for a year, then picked up again this past summer, I've hoped to finish it off and use it as a good basis for doing some real original model work.

This is my first time making a model in 3ds max, first time doing any texture work whatsoever, first time animating a 3d model. I do not have a completed "spell" animation yet. The texture is very incomplete, most parts simply "sketch-painted". Also some of the visibility tagging on a few of the animations may be off by a frame or two, but don't seem to affect the in-game playing. Also be sure to try out Tyrael's skills in the test map. I don't have them timed and working right exactly yet because I am an even greater noob at world editor.

For some thumbnails of the model you can check the original thread I started in the Artist's Discussion - Modeling Forum:


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Level 5
Aug 25, 2007
If the wings are really too much I could try to build a new animated texture file using every other frame. I think the frame count is not determined in the mdx file (I may be wrong) so one could just decide to use the full frame or half frame animation set. Could resize the blp's but they will be really pixely at the next step down.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Anything to get rid of all the excess textures.

But of all the Tyrael models I have ever seen.....I am in simple awe.

How did you animate it? And how did you model it? It looks like geomerges, except done in 3dsmax.....And the textures are simply beautiful..even without being 100% complete.

And for a reward of excellent modeling and just plain incredible talent and ability....

Level 1
Jun 25, 2008

Hi im new here and I like your model very much . It was the first one i saw when i joined . The only problem is, when i have everything imported and place it in editor, then hit test to test the map. Tyrael is invisible and i cannot see him at all. All i can see is his shadow . Could anyone please help me with this ?
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