Desparate Request - Item Replacement Trigger

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Level 2
Aug 10, 2004
I need a trigger made that allows for two or more items to be replaced by another, similar to the item system in dota allstars.

for example: to take 1. a sword item and 2. a fire orb item, and replace them with a fire sword item. savy? hope someone out there can help me. i'll give anyone who does so top credit and even an unlocked copy of my new AOS style map once its finished. its an awesome combination of DotA, DotA: Allstars, The Great Strategy, Rival Nations and some of my own creative additions. its gonna be the greatest fuckin AOS ever made! if only i could figure this out!
Level 3
Aug 9, 2004

i done something like this but it wasnt with just one trigger, i would have a unit walk to a location, and when he reached that region his first item slot would drop its item into a seperate region and the second slot would do the same, if region 1 had a axe on it and the second region had a ruby in it, then those 2 items would be wiped out and the combined product would be placed in a 3rd region o_O

Thats in my arena map, it works pretty well, hope that helps
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