Creep Respawn, Multiboard & Hero Tavern

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Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
Hi guys i need 3 triggers wich is very important to finish my awesome map xD...

1. I need a trigger for creep respawn...i mean...after the all creeps owned by neutral hostile dies(bandit lv 1) ,in 5 sec - 10 sec is respawned bandit lv 2,after the all bandit lv 2 dies,in 5-10 sec is respawned bandit lv 3 etc....

-->(romanian version in case u don't understand the english version translate this with google translate):
Imi trebuie un mecanism de declansare care sa creeze creepi...vreau sa spun..dupa ce toti creepi condusi de neutral hostile mor(bandit lv1), in 5 sec - 10 sec sa fie creeati bandit lv 2 , dupa ce toti banditii de level 2 mor sa fie creati bandit lv 3 si asa mai departe...

2.How does it work dota system for every time u killing a player?I need that trigger..But i want to change the gold for every kill..
-->(romanian version in case u don't understand the english version translate this with google translate):
Cum functioneaza sistemul dota pentru fiecare data cand omori un jucator?Imi trebuie acel mecanism de declansare .. Dar vreau sa schimb goldul primit pentru fiecare jucator omorat..

3.I need a trigger for hero tavern..To choose what hero u want on the beggining of the map...
-->(romanian version in case u don't understand the english version translate this with google translate):
Imi trebuie un mecanism de declansare pentru taverna de eroi..Sa alegi ce erou vrei la inceputul mapei..

That's all guys..I hope u can help me very deep..I'm not so good on triggers :D
1. Unit die --> If all units owned by neutral hostile are dead --> Create Bandits at Point.

  • Respawn Heros
    • Evénements
      • Unité - A unit Meurt
    • Conditions
      • ((Dying unit) is Un héros) Egal à TRUE
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • Si - Conditions
          • ((Dying unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (Killing unit))) Egal à TRUE
        • Alors - Actions
          • Joueur - Add (150 + (5 x (Integer((Real((Hero level of (Dying unit)))))))) to (Owner of (Killing unit)) Or actuel
          • Partie - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + ( a pwned + ((Name of (Owner of (Dying unit))) + ( pour + ((String((150 + (5 x (Integer((Real((Hero level of (Dying unit)))))))))) + d'or !)))))
          • Joueur - Add -100 to (Owner of (Dying unit)) Or actuel
        • Sinon - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • Si - Conditions
              • (Owner of (Dying unit)) Egal à (Owner of (Killing unit))
            • Alors - Actions
              • Partie - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + s'est |cFFFF0000S|r|cFFFF1C00u|r|cFFFF3700i|r|cFFFF5200c|r|cFFFF6E00i|r|cFFFF8A00d|r|cFFFFA500é|r !)
              • Joueur - Add -100 to (Owner of (Dying unit)) Or actuel
            • Sinon - Actions
              • Partie - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + ( a deny + ((Name of (Owner of (Dying unit))) + !)))
      • Set Kills[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] = (Kills[(Player number of (Owner of (Killing unit)))] + 1)
      • Set Deaths[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] = (Deaths[(Player number of (Owner of (Dying unit)))] + 1)
      • Wait (3.00 + (2.00 x (Real((Hero level of (Dying unit)))))) seconds
      • Groupe joueur - Pick every player in (All allies of Joueur 1 (Rouge)) and do (Actions)
        • Boucle - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • Si - Conditions
              • (Owner of (Dying unit)) Egal à (Picked player)
            • Alors - Actions
              • Héros - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of respawn team 1 <gen>), Montrer revival graphics
            • Sinon - Actions
              • Groupe joueur - Pick every player in (All allies of Joueur 7 (Vert)) and do (Actions)
                • Boucle - Actions
                  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
                    • Si - Conditions
                      • (Owner of (Dying unit)) Egal à (Picked player)
                    • Alors - Actions
                      • Héros - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of respawn team 2 <gen>), Montrer revival graphics
                    • Sinon - Actions
      • Caméra - Pan camera for (Owner of (Dying unit)) to (Position of (Dying unit)) over 2.00 seconds
      • Sélection - Select (Dying unit) for (Owner of (Dying unit))
3. You don't need any trigger for make taverns. You just create a neutral tavern, and put it which heroes you want. (in object editor)
Level 17
Feb 11, 2011

  • Map Setup
    • Events
      • Map initialization
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Set bandit[1] = Bandit Level 1
      • Set bandit[2] = Bandit Level 2
      • Set bandit[3] = Bandit Level 3
      • -------- Do this for all your creeps. --------
  • Creeps Die
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Wait 10.00 seconds
      • Set group = (Units owned by Neutral Hostile matching (((Unit-type of (Matching unit)) Equal to (Unit-type of (Triggering unit))) and (((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True)))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (Number of units in group) Equal to 0
        • Then - Actions
          • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 10, do (Actions)
            • Loop - Actions
              • Set point = (Center of (Playable map area))
              • Unit - Create 1 bandit[((Level of (Triggering unit)) + 1)] for Neutral Hostile at point facing Default building facing degrees
              • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_point)
        • Else - Actions
      • Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_group)

In the loop part "from 1 to 10" you must change to 10 to how many creeps you want to spawn.
Note 2: In "Set point = (Center of (Playable map area))" you must change this to where you want the creeps to spawn.

2. This is how they calculate the gold given (if this is what you want):
CurrentStreakOfDyingHero + 200 + DyingHeroLevel*5

3. Click here for help with hero taverns.
Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
vladdadam can u make a new map with that trigger and give me a link to dl please?seems to be very difficult+ i can't understand that language(boucle,si,> also explain me please what lines is for gold given when u kill somebody,-gold when u are killed


I have 4 different location where i want creeps to i can do that?
vladdadam can u make a new map with that trigger and give me a link to dl please?seems to be very difficult+ i can't understand that language(boucle,si,> also explain me please what lines is for gold given when u kill somebody,-gold when u are killed


I have 4 different location where i want creeps to i can do that?

Sry, but my editor is in french. for the map, all triggers come of one my map, which is totally unprotected :, you can look how i make the tavern, the respawn (with gain gold), the streak system (who's bad for the moment), i have a creep spawn (with move).

So, the lines for the gold gain are these lines (you can remove the messages if you want, but all is here : if hero is killed by an ally, he don't gain gold, if you kill yourself there's a message which sayd "you killed yourself", and only if the killers is an enemy, he will gain gold)

  • Joueur - Add (150 + (5 x (Integer((Real((Hero level of (Dying unit)))))))) to (Owner of (Killing unit)) Or actuel
  • Partie - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + ( a pwned + ((Name of (Owner of (Dying unit))) + ( pour + ((String((150 + (5 x (Integer((Real((Hero level of (Dying unit)))))))))) + d'or !)))))
  • Joueur - Add -100 to (Owner of (Dying unit)) Or actuel
  • Sinon - Actions
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
  • Si - Conditions
  • (Owner of (Dying unit)) Egal à (Owner of (Killing unit))
  • Alors - Actions
  • Partie - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + s'est |cFFFF0000S|r|cFFFF1C00u|r|cFFFF3700i|r|cFFFF5200c|r|cFFFF6E00i|r|cFFFF8A00d|r|cFFFFA500é|r !)
  • Joueur - Add -100 to (Owner of (Dying unit)) Or actuel
  • Sinon - Actions
  • Partie - Display to (All players) the text: ((Name of (Owner of (Killing unit))) + ( a deny + ((Name of (Owner of (Dying unit))) + !)))
Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
vladdam i play ur map for testing it..i killed some creep from forest and they respawn after an amount of time..i open it with we and i said WOW... u have a lot of triggers..what is the folder with message text when u kill a player and for creep respawn..
Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
yeah vladamm thx very much but that's not i want...I want exactly like in dota to be..with first blood,ULTRAKILL,dominated etc...I know it's possible because i saw it in Damigod arena...Please help me guys ...And if u have that trigger make a new map with that triger,upload and put here de dl link because i'm soo begginer in trigger editor :)
Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
This is the streak system, not the kill&respawn system. And the triggers (lil bad actually, need to remake them) are too on my map (except the sounds)

make a map for me with that system and give me the link to dl please and my problem is solved...pls pls pls :D
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