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Best/most interesting boss fight on a WC3 map

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Level 10
Apr 3, 2006
What was the best/most interesting boss fight you have done or battled in and why?

I recently played an ORPG on B Net where there was this summoner boss, who sat back and constalty summoned alot of minions and you had to plough your way through these to get to him.

Another, was this sorcerer boss, who would telport about and and keep stunning you making it really hard to catch him.
Level 5
Jul 11, 2007
If you've ever played Impossible Bosses this topic has that game all over it.
Great game but almost impossible, all the bosses are totally unique and have their own set of abilities spells and a special attack.
Level 5
Apr 12, 2007
The most interesting boss fight I had was Prince Kael'thas on Ragos ORPG. If I remember correctly, he can spammed a lot of flamestrikes on your team. He even has bodyguards that can hurt real badly from the rear if you're not careful (mostly harmful to spellcasters).
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