I manage to ripped a N64 model of Suicune from Pokemon Stadium 2...
The number of textures used are many (12 to be exact) and looks quite messy...
Manage to clean it up a little...
By the way... The size is 67KB (without bones and animations)...
Dat so kewll.
I do not really understant :l
Pokemon stadium 2? ? ? ? ? w3x ?
IF not and if it is from a stand alone game ( Game boy probably) it still need animation and boning? ( Also seems kewl model for 67 kb , thx)
AND IF IT DOES , will it be hard now to be animated and boned? ( but i guess that this has to be answered by the other guy "UgoUgo" :d
Also does it need to be converted at wc3 format ? (mdx) ( If "Pokemon stadium 2" thing is not a w3x map.)
If u extracted dis model from a stand alone game , THEN I GUESS THAT I CAN GRAB MORE THAN 1 POKEMONS FROM THERE.
(Kidding. Even if i wanted and even if that would be good ( though this will be proved by the "crash test" with this suicine thing u extracted ) i do not know how to do so , so i may have your need to it.
Just for the record , i need Kyurem , Reshiram , Heatran , Glaceon , Leafeon , Elekid , Magby.)
At all , i may ( for certain ) have to thank you a lot about your concern , since u realize that you're the 3rd person who care about this thread.
The whole thing is out-dated and that's why probably , people do not like pokemon.
But when pokemon were the main interest of people , wc3 wasn't as it is now.
Though if that is true , why people still like dbz which is kinda older? D:
Anyway don't give attention to this monologue and keep my "thanks" :d
I'll try to ask some people and see if this model can be animated/boned/converted.
(Unless i take some answer from here :v)
I realize ..... Y u did not attach the model. Just a picture.
I do not understand ( now ) at all what u did. :f
It's a mistake ? or u just gave me textures ?
I feel confused :/
Shit.I can't remove "Thumbs up" :v