"Those kinda scripts" are just setting a variable
Custom script: set udg_tempInt = 'AHbz'
Is exactly the same as:
Set tempInt = 'AHbz'
With the exception that the above (the GUI one) isn't possible, so I use JASS to work my way around that.
(Everything inside the apostrophe's is an integer, but in ASCII instead of decimals - GUI cannot handle that).
There is no "Get casting time" function, so are there many abilities you want to store it for?
If not, then you can just use "Save Real" with the first value set to "1.5".
For the level of the ability, use "Save integer":
Hashtable - Save (Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit)) (Key (Name of Avatar) of 1 in HashVar
To load it all back, create an integer variable and a real variable.
Set the integer variable to "Hashtable - Load Integer Value" and restore all those values from before.
Do the same for the real variable.
I hope this kinda made sense?