🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
Hey people. Here are two terrains I started to make through boredome, which ended up taking me quite a while Hope you likes, feedback is always welcome
I like the first one, maybe make the trees a bit larger, but the second one doesn't have a great atmosphere. The fog just doesn't fit in with that moon and the sky isn't too great either.
I really like the first one, but the second one looks a little odd... I agree, the fog doesn't fit very well. Otherwise, both very good pictures, +rep!
1. Looks fine iam not a fan of inhouse shots anyway so i cant critique it.
2. Make the trees bigger change the fog to something greyish maybe add some ground fog to it. Maybe you could add an arc to the city or an gate or something.
Also the units doesnt look like they are walking on a path, and ... eh i mean a city that has no connection to a road?
OK thanks for the comments guys I'll definately bear them in mind, dunno if I'll come back to this terrain at all though. BTW It's not a city, it's supposed to be some kind of long lost and mysterious tower nestled deep within the mountains, maybe some old wizards tower or something, I dunno Anyway that's why it's unmarked and such, I was considering writing a bit of blurb to create a background for it and set the scene but decided I couldn't be bothered But thanks for the pointers anyway people!
EDIT: OK I made a few quick little changes to the second scene according to what you guys suggested. Hope you think it looks better now
First one is superb! Fantastic job on it! Thought it was an actual photograph at first or Oblivion or something. Looks very realistic.
Your third (updated second screenie) would look great if you used different trees. They look out of place and don't blend with the tiles at all. The rest is great though! Keep it up! +rep'd!
Ahh, I actually don't like the updated second ones fog! The city and distant mountains look weird all pick, I know the sky is pink, but I've never seen mountains that colour! Maybe tone down the pink a bit. Although it looks good up close! The first pic as everyone said was awesome!
Yeah, adjust the fog to blend with the sky and adjust the color of the buildings in the background so they all blend together beautifully. That'd probably make the second one look much better.
Ya, I was having trouble with the fog, I usually go with a sort of pale, golden yellow colour for the Dalaran sky, but I thought pink seemed more mystical and magical in this case Anyhoo, I tried a few different shades, and this is what I ended up with, I guess it needs darkening a bit huh, or maybe a violet colour would suit?
Craka, I am guessing you mean adjusting the building RGB tinting values to belnd in? If so, should I be making them same as the fog or wha, what do you think?!
Yes, tint the buildings to look similar to the fog as much as possible to make it harder to see, which is a good thing. That's called blending. And in this case, blending the doodads is a big plus, and I recommend it!
Eh... more entertaining to look at good angles instead of a dozen of them and spotting only a few. So I believe it's good enough, but I'll leave the decision to HermanTheGibbon.
Well I would love to, but like I say, I did this only through boredom, so I made it specifically just for the one angle, as I was never planning on creating a proper and full terrain. Which means there are no walls or ceiling or anything beyond what you can see in that screenshot, and I don't have the time and nor can I be bothered to add more to it to be honest, that bit alone took long enough
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