
  1. Wolf, Scavenger, and Bloodfly

    Wolf, Scavenger, and Bloodfly

    Animals and Monsters from Gothic 1, as seen in my SC:BW mod that turns Gothic into a real time strategy game.
  2. Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 1

    Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 1

    From my Gothic 1 RTS proeject (SC:BW Mod). Depicts the Swamp Camp's Templar hunting Minecrawlers in the Old Mine. In that mission, Old Camp Guards will be "rescueable" and tag along for additional Old Mine atmosphere. Nameless hero as shadow will be rescueable as well so he can kill Minecrawlerqueen
  3. Gorn and the bandits 2 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn and the bandits 2 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    There is dialogues in Gothic 1 in the New Camp that inform you about the fact that the mercenary Gorn (hero unit) would sometimes join the New Camp's bandits in raiding Old Camp convoys. This will be depicted in a mission of my Gothic 1 RTS proejct (Starcraft Broodwar Mod).
  4. Gorn and the bandits 1 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn and the bandits 1 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    There is dialogues in Gothic 1 in the New Camp that inform you about the fact that the mercenary Gorn (hero unit) would sometimes join the New Camp's bandits in raiding Old Camp convoys. This will be depicted in a mission of my Gothic 1 RTS proejct (Starcraft Broodwar Mod).
  5. Molerats & Scavengers (Gothic I RTS)

    Molerats & Scavengers (Gothic I RTS)

    From my Gothic 1 RTS StarCraft 1 Mod. The world of Gothic 1 is defined by its creative yet realistic monsters and animals. This is why their addition to my Gothic 1 RTS project is very important to me.