
  1. Abomination


    Miniboss skills testing. And yes... those vapors are flammable.
  2. WC3SC1 New Brann AI Quotes & Dialogues

    WC3SC1 New Brann AI Quotes & Dialogues

    I had to remake the unit's quotes anew, but I think they turned out better heh.
  3. Possessed Uther

    Possessed Uther

    So I spent half a day clipping voice files of Uther, seemingly hoping to somehow feed an AI app... didn't work. I did the next logical thing and stitched some Uther clips from war3, wow, and hots with Duke, resulting in this absurd, silly scene.
  4. Shadowbeast, Scavangers, and Molerats (2)

    Shadowbeast, Scavangers, and Molerats (2)

    Some more monsters/animals from Gothic 1, in Starcraft-Mod form ツ Shadowbeast is permanently cloaked (can only be seen from close distance, like Company Of Heroes snipers). I made it so because in G1 shadowbeasts often surprised me or I unsuspectingly ran into them, and they're sneaky and nocturnal.
  5. Orcdog, Wolf, and Bloodfly

    Orcdog, Wolf, and Bloodfly

    Animals from Gothic 1, as seen in my Gothic 1 RTS project. Near the orc-controlled area in Gothic 1, there is packs of Orcdogs that contain some normal wolves as well.
  6. Wolf, Scavenger, and Bloodfly

    Wolf, Scavenger, and Bloodfly

    Animals and Monsters from Gothic 1, as seen in my SC:BW mod that turns Gothic into a real time strategy game.
  7. Swamp Camp Units

    Swamp Camp Units

    Units of the Sect Camp from Gothic 1, in RTS form (StarCraft: Broodwar Mod).
  8. Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 2

    Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 2

    From my Gothic 1 RTS proeject (SC:BW Mod). Depicts the Swamp Camp's Templar hunting Minecrawlers in the Old Mine. In that mission, Old Camp Guards will be "rescueable" and tag along for additional Old Mine atmosphere. Nameless hero as shadow will be rescueable as well so he can kill Minecrawlerqueen
  9. Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 1

    Minecrawler Hunt Old Mine Templar Swamp Camp 1

    From my Gothic 1 RTS proeject (SC:BW Mod). Depicts the Swamp Camp's Templar hunting Minecrawlers in the Old Mine. In that mission, Old Camp Guards will be "rescueable" and tag along for additional Old Mine atmosphere. Nameless hero as shadow will be rescueable as well so he can kill Minecrawlerqueen
  10. Gorn and the bandits 2 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn and the bandits 2 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    There is dialogues in Gothic 1 in the New Camp that inform you about the fact that the mercenary Gorn (hero unit) would sometimes join the New Camp's bandits in raiding Old Camp convoys. This will be depicted in a mission of my Gothic 1 RTS proejct (Starcraft Broodwar Mod).
  11. Gorn and the bandits 1 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn and the bandits 1 (Gothic 1 RTS)

    There is dialogues in Gothic 1 in the New Camp that inform you about the fact that the mercenary Gorn (hero unit) would sometimes join the New Camp's bandits in raiding Old Camp convoys. This will be depicted in a mission of my Gothic 1 RTS proejct (Starcraft Broodwar Mod).
  12. Molerats & Scavengers (Gothic I RTS)

    Molerats & Scavengers (Gothic I RTS)

    From my Gothic 1 RTS StarCraft 1 Mod. The world of Gothic 1 is defined by its creative yet realistic monsters and animals. This is why their addition to my Gothic 1 RTS project is very important to me.
  13. Old Camp units II.png

    Old Camp units II.png

    Random screenshot from my StarCraft 1 Broodwar mod that turns the atmospheric RPG Gothic 1 into an RTS. I will probablly call the mod "Khorinis Guild Wars", or "Guilds of Khorinis", or simply "Gothic RTS" (in reference to the equally named "Gothic Sequel", which is a cancelled addon to Gothic 1).
  14. Old Camp Units I.png

    Old Camp Units I.png

    Random screenshot from my StarCraft 1 Broodwar mod that turns the atmospheric RPG Gothic 1 into an RTS. I will probablly call the mod "Khorinis Guild Wars", or "Guilds of Khorinis", or simply "Gothic RTS" (in reference to the equally named "Gothic Sequel", which is a cancelled addon to Gothic 1).
  15. Unit Icon Wolf (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icon Wolf (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. Another one of these damn beasts!
  16. Idle Units - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Idle Units - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. Awaken!
  17. Unit Icons - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icons - Swamp Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. Awaken!
  18. Idle Units - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Idle Units - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. We will take back our freedom!
  19. Unit Icons - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icons - New Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. We will take back our freedom!
  20. Idle Units - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Idle Units - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. For Gomez!
  21. Unit Icons - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    Unit Icons - Old Camp (Gothic 1 RTS)

    screenshot from my Gothic 1 Real Time Strategy (RTS) project. It's a StarCraft I Broodwar 1.16.1 mod. For Gomez!
  22. Buildings for the Orcs (Gothic 1 RTS - SC1 Mod)

    Buildings for the Orcs (Gothic 1 RTS - SC1 Mod)

    An early test concept for the building graphics in my Gothic RTS. Depicts 2 Orc buildings: The Orc Tent (increases unit capacity) and the Idol Pillar, which unlocks Orc Shamans in the Tech Tree. The buildings are not actually in-game yet, this is a photo edit; but it would look like that in the end.
  23. Gorn (Hero Unit Gothic 1 RTS)

    Gorn (Hero Unit Gothic 1 RTS)

  24. Cor Kalom (Hero Unit Gothic 1 RTS)

    Cor Kalom (Hero Unit Gothic 1 RTS)

  25. Kalom's Departure (Final Swamp Camp Mission)

    Kalom's Departure (Final Swamp Camp Mission)

    From my Gothic 1 RTS project (SC1 mod). Depicts Cor Kalom and his fanatical Templar battling their way through the orc village to get to the Sleeper's temple.
  26. Tigrick

    SC1 Modding: Crash when SCV carries ore chunk

    Hi all! I modded the SCV's sprite in SC1. It works well, UNTIL it picks up minerals and then moves. That causes a crash. VIDEO: Flughoernchen I suspect it has something to do with shadow-GRPs that run parallel to the SCV GRP. As soon as the SCV sprite reaches frameset 0x33 during its walk...
  27. Gothic_RTS_Fire_Mage_GIF


    Sprite creation for Gothic 1 RTS mod. Fire Mage of the Old Camp.
  28. Pr0nogo

    Project: Hydra -- co-op for 1.21+

    Hey everyone! I'm back with another co-op project for Remastered. This time it's an overhaul of the original campaigns, starting with Rebel Yell. The first six maps of the campaign have been released, so go check them out here! Project: Hydra (Topic) Project: Hydra's key features are... ‎* SC:R...