
  1. Arathorn

    [Solved] Removing parts and animations of a model (Cannoneer Team Kul-Tiras HD TC)

    Hey, I'm using this very nice model of a Cannoneer Team in my map and I'd like to also have another unit only using the cannon model without the 2 operating men. It would mean: properly removing all parts of the 2 men then only keeping the Spell Alternate animation for attacks and spells (the...
  2. J2Krauser

    [Solved] Removing phantom units from a unit group

    Hi. Probably sounds like a hot topic that comes up every now and then. I tried searching for a good answer, but, unfortunately, found nothing that could work in my situation. Anyway, to explain what I'm talking about. Simply put: removed units. A bit more precisely, units which get removed...
  3. dfxiispro

    [Solved] Removing Dialog Buttons from dialog after button is pressed

    Hi, Is there anyway to create a dialogue that once a button within it is pressed, that button is removed and does not appear in the dialogue when it is shown again?
  4. DeMoN100

    Removal of Unit, Structure, or Hero!

    I am trying to make a removal command and I thought it would either be targeted unit or picked unit referring to the unit I have clicked on and said remove to remove the unit. How do I make it remove the units, building, and hero currently selected?
  5. Trezon

    Removal of Hero glow

    Can someone help me editing the model of Tinker by removing the hero glow of the hero? I need help in context of this map.
  6. tiaramisu

    Multi-Hero abilities Removal/Learning

    Hello! i'm having trouble by making a Multi-Ability for a hero , What i mean by multi-ability? lets say Hero A Has 1 ability , ''Ability A'' I Made a triiger so when you choosed ability A you had 2 choices. ''Shockwave'' or ''furious stomp'' (Via dialog Box) Now my problem comes here. I...