
  1. Armelior_is_back

    [HD/Modeling] TFT undead campaign loading screen modification

    Hello, I'm a Jon Snow about modelling so I don't know if it's a big ask or a 5 minute job, but I've seen modified campaign loading screens before on custom campaigns so at least it's possible. I would just like Arthas with the Lich King helmet on in the TFT Scourge campaign loading screen : you...
  2. EnigmaX

    [Gallery/Unfinished] Arthas - Death Knight

    Polygons with- LQ skulls: 2620 HQ skulls: 3040 created by EnigmaX Project due date: 7/10/21 ~ Thanks for watching. [Gallery/Unfinished] Arthas - Maw Wanderer & Maw Escaper
  3. popnrshin

    [Role Playing Game] World of Warcraft Lichking raid-Region Remix Development

    Hi I am now developing this map around few years. Sometimes I released new versions of this map, but it was Korean. My goal is translate Korean to English and discuss with you about this map. MAP SIZE : 256 x 256 MAP TYPE : Raid-RPG MAP PLAYERS : Single (Can be multi-play later...) APPROX...
  4. popnrshin

    My project developing SINCE 2009

    Hi guys. This is first time to write. :) First of all, I am Korean, but I have no problem to communicate English. I show you my Warcraft 3 usemap project since 2009. Kindly click the youtube video/ Also you can visit my channel Project name is Wraith of Lich King(WOTLK) Raid (with concepts)...