
  1. darkravenbest

    Z axis for Relativistic missile

    Hello! I tried to make a simple spell using: Relativistic Missiles [vJASS][LUA][GUI] The idea is simple, missile fall directly from above the unit. So Starting point and Finish point are the same. The only difference is that starting Z is, for example, 1000 and finish Z is obviously 0. But the...
  2. Yours Truly

    [Solved] Can anybody tell me how this crashes Wc3?

    Target = Integer to determine which enemy is selected TargetMax = Max of Target IfAttack/Skill/ItemTime = Just un-necessary booleans EnemyIsEmpty = If enemy slot is empty EnemyIsDead = Its what it is Trigger Battle ActionsUpdateTarget = Contains variables that set TargetedEnemy to Target...