heart of storms

  1. Dare to Enter

    Dare to Enter

    It's coming.
  2. Archdespot of All Succubi and Incubi

    Archdespot of All Succubi and Incubi

    "We have such sights to show you." Artwork by Dragon of Fate, done exclusively for Heart of Storms. Watch out for the big update. It's coming.
  3. The Damned Dozen

    The Damned Dozen

    Act II: Heralds of the Abyss is coming.
  4. Dark Iron Dwarves

    Dark Iron Dwarves

    Act II: Heralds of the Abyss is coming.
  5. Kul Tiran Marines

    Kul Tiran Marines

    Act II: Heralds of the Abyss is coming.
  6. House Ashvane Troops

    House Ashvane Troops

    Act II: Heralds of the Abyss is coming.
  7. Mean Streets of Kezan

    Mean Streets of Kezan

    Act II: Heralds of the Abyss is coming.
  8. HoS Horde Races

    HoS Horde Races

    Orc, ogre, goblin and forest troll, Warcraft 2 era. Chaos star is canon.
  9. HoS Alliance Races

    HoS Alliance Races

    Rise of the Horde era draenei, Warcraft 1 era human, Warcraft 2 era high elf, dwarf and gnome. Yes, draenei are NOT a part of the Alliance story-wise, but are an Alliance race in terms of mechanics.
  10. The Heart of Storms: Dusk of Draenor

    The Heart of Storms: Dusk of Draenor

    It's been a long way. Art by Braderunner
  11. You're Perfect

    You're Perfect

    While the ogre sisters play a very small role in HoS plot, I could not resist.
  12. Defenders of Karabor

    Defenders of Karabor

    They stood their ground. Pity it was all in vain.
  13. Ogres of Draenor

    Ogres of Draenor

    What remains of the Gorian Empire after the fall of Highmaul.
  14. Blackrock Clan Orcs

    Blackrock Clan Orcs

    Blackhand and his big happy family.
  15. Heart of Storms Title Screen

    Heart of Storms Title Screen

    From left to right: Dayoma, Stephania, Arnak, Branwen, the protagonists of the campaign.
  16. Rommel

    Heart of Storms: Resurrection

    You read that right. Heart of Storms (HoS, not to be confused with Heroes of the Storm or Heart of the Swarm) is back after 9 years spent in limbo. For those who never heard of it, the old site still works (though it barely has any info): Heart of Storms MOD As does the forum (thought it's...