• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • It's time for the first HD Modeling Contest of 2025. Join the theme discussion for Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to post your idea!

display text

  1. HerlySQR

    Display text in the ORIGIN_FRAME_TOP_MSG

    Hello, I wanna display text in the top msg frame (where appears the upkeep warnings), something like this (is simplyfied): TopMsg = BlzGetOriginFrame(ORIGIN_FRAME_TOP_MSG, 0) BlzFrameSetVisible(TopMsg, true) BlzFrameSetText(TopMsg, "Message") But doesn't work, the message is not appearing...
  2. hweeter

    Display Text - Trigger once per player

    Hi Hive, I am trying to setup a trigger for displaying a text message when entering zones or walking up to quest givers etc. I want it to trigger once per player, currently it triggers for the first person to trigger it and then wont work anymore. If someone can point me in the right...