
  1. prizraknadache

    Lighting Effects Does not appear corretly at Fog of War!

    Hello. I want to make my lighting effects visible on map even in the fog of war. I've found fucntion: set bj_lastCreatedLightning = AddLightningEx("CLPB", false, 0, 0, 800, 0, 0, 800) It workes, however, not how i am expecting. Maybe someone know how to make lightings effect visible on the fog...
  2. Drulia

    cJass2Lua - Powerfull cJass converter

    Warcraft III Reforged brought us lua scripting, but still a lot of map makers for WC3 are using cJass. Just because C-style syntax rules. Unfortunately cJass extension is unsupported for Reforged and who knows how it will be. Lua is more efficient, useful and simple for game development. But a...