banshee queen

  1. What joy is there in this curse?

    What joy is there in this curse?

    Sylvanas and her entourage: banshees and dark rangers - fear her wrath!
  2. Rebirth of Kel'Thuzad

    Rebirth of Kel'Thuzad

    Sylvanas became an unwitting witness of how her homeland perished and how the traitor of humanity, Kel'Thuzad, was resurrected. Also next to the fallen prince was the one responsible for the failure of the defense of Quel'Thalas - Dark'Khan.
  3. The Rise of the Banshee Queen

    The Rise of the Banshee Queen

    "You crossed my path, Ranger General. From now on, you and your archers will serve me. You yourself signed the death warrant to your homeland" (С) Arthas Menethil to Sylvanas Windrunner