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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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I really liked this model here on the hive. I'm using in my map so as a way to say thanks I made an icon for the model.

It's Link from zelda =D

Anime, Link, Zelda, Human, Green, Young Link, Shadelord

BTNZeldaLink (Icon)

18:05, 28th Jan 2009 Paladon: Please use correct DISBTN borders, post a valid link to the model, just as the permission of the model´s author.




18:05, 28th Jan 2009
Paladon: Please use correct DISBTN borders, post a valid link to the model, just as the permission of the model´s author.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2005
Its a good idea (we need an icon like this), but the shadows on the face do not work. In fact, the face's proportions are kind of bizarre. The eyes should be higher up in relation to the chin, and a nose might be nice. Also, try to think about where the light is coming from while you do your shading. There is no logical explanation for a big shadow across the middle of the face, especially given the lack of said shadow on the tunic. The neck, however is well shaded with a head above it (head blocks light). The tunic is also fine. One last thing: why is he so angry? - Only joking.
In short:
Keep the neck and tunic
Move the eyes up
Add a nose
Lose the shadow on the face
Add better shading
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