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New Hosted Project: Gaias Retaliation

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Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
It has taken some time to set up but finally we are there. Everyone give a warm welcome to...


Years have passed since the poison of Gaia sprung forth from the lands. Corrupted forests, inhospitable to all, have spread across the face of Kurodan, and borders have faded as all fled before the encroachment of the toxic spores. Ankhmaron, the last haven protected by the Grand River, has sent out messengers to gather volunteers for the task of finding a cure to the plague.
In a tavern close to the village Riversdale, a small group of adventurers have gathered, unknowing, that their search will turn out not to be just a race against time ...

Gaias Retaliation is a team-orientated multiplayer save/load Rpg, designed for 3 to 8 Players.

  • Multi-Tier heroes
  • Threat system and unique mob AI
  • building interiors and dungeons with entertaining bossfights
  • attachment system
  • local quests stored to the save code
  • unique equipment system with material bag and backpack
  • custom music tracks
  • stunning realtexture terrain

















Please visit our official forums at http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/gaias-retaliation-orpg-649/
Also, we are still looking for members that want to join the project at: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/gaias-retaliation-orpg-649/project-recruitment-159565/
Anachron, if you could just stop advertising your fucking inventory system in every damned post you make, you'd make me a tad bit happier.
I just had to get that out of my system.

what a pun!!

anyway full screen inventories are kind of cool but soooo unnecessary since they're just massive and fat and you can just, you know, use a simple one, and they achieve the same thing without needing a user guide
I don't like Fullscreen inventories because of the lag. Trackables are always the worst choice in terms of speed. And the inventory system we use is extremely fast and intuitive, if you ask me.
Excuse me? There only two possible ways how to detect a slot action:
Units and trackables.
But unit doesn't allow hover events. So trackables stay.
They are also fast (but not faster as normal inventory >.<) and you can do a LOT with them.

Also, your inventory could be completely done by mine, since my FullScreen UI is just a little addon to give it a nice UserInterface. (Yes, ... You heared it correctly)

Also, my FullScreen inventory isn't THAT hard to use, you only need to know how to create items, since the rest is done by system automatically.

One last thing, I don't think you should have prejudices before actually checking what I am talking about.
Excuse me? There only two possible ways how to detect a slot action:
Units and trackables.
But unit doesn't allow hover events. So trackables stay.
They are also fast (but not faster as normal inventory >.<) and you can do a LOT with them.
I never said that there is another solution than trackables. However, trackables are still slow as hell, which is a general problem of FSS.

Also, your inventory could be completely done by mine, since my FullScreen UI is just a little addon to give it a nice UserInterface. (Yes, ... You heared it correctly)
Errr, why? It works perfectly fine. I love how the ordinary WC3 inventory is fast and intuitive.

Also, my FullScreen inventory isn't THAT hard to use, you only need to know how to create items, since the rest is done by system automatically.

One last thing, I don't think you should have prejudices before actually checking what I am talking about.
I just said that fullscreen systems are slower than ordinary inventories and much less comfortable. Why should that be prejudice if it is true?
Errr, why? It works perfectly fine. I love how the ordinary WC3 inventory is fast and intuitive.
You still don't get the idea behind my inventory.

What I created is basically an inventory that has its functionality optional and which can be used with any UI. So also the normal WcIII Inventory.

To face it, you can still have your wc3 inventory but can get all the functionality my CustomInventory system provides.

With my new indexing methods its fast as hell too.

(And if you want to change your inventory it'll be easier though)

If that doesn't sound reasonable enough then I don't know.
Level 8
Apr 16, 2008
Anachron, stop advertising - and everyone else just drop it.

It's a nice hosted project, but the text and hotkeys could be better (buttons are oddly placed for the warrior and whatnot). It's superb terrain and mechanics, though, and I think it's rightfully a hosted project
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Anachron, stop advertising - and everyone else just drop it.

It's a nice hosted project, but the text and hotkeys could be better (buttons are oddly placed for the warrior and whatnot). It's superb terrain and mechanics, though, and I think it's rightfully a hosted project

He just try to help them by explaining that with the help of his system, the inventory could be much better.
Even if it is "advertising", it is just to help them improve the map.
Just advertising and trying to help is different things.
Oh well, you seem to not understand the way of open source programming.
You share librarys to use a standard.
This standard can be improved by anyone, so making it bugfree, fast, flexible and easy to understand.

If I don't 'advertise' my system, I could just remove it from this site.

I want the system to be used, because its open source and fast, flexible and powerful, not because I want to spam around because I feel like doing so.
I want the system to be used, because its open source and fast, flexible and powerful, not because I want to spam around because I feel like doing so.
No, your system is *not* fast, ... at least not for the fullscreen part, as you still have the problem of either having to wait for synced selections or the trackable events to fire ...And you can not do anything about that, as its an engine flaw of WC3.
And if I am not going to use the fullscreen part of your system, then there's no damn point to use it at all. :con:

I love my inventory system the way it is. It doesn't spam abilities or items into the object editor and doesn't get in the way of your UI. It's intuitive (as you can drop, sell and trade your items like you always do, even for your backpack), doesn't block your sight (like FS systems do) and faster than any other system could ever be.
And if I am not going to use the fullscreen part of your system, then there's no damn point to use it at all.
Ofcourse there is, you can still change the UI without needing to change the system.
Also its public and the bugs can be fixed by everyone.
Aswell as the more use it the more bugs get reveled and the better it gets.

I love my inventory system the way it is. It doesn't spam abilities or items into the object editor and doesn't get in the way of your UI. It's intuitive (as you can drop, sell and trade your items like you always do, even for your backpack), doesn't block your sight (like FS systems do) and faster than any other system could ever be.
Yes, if you will never need to update to another inventory system and you never want to add any functionality to it, then its fine I guess.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
2 Wrongs:

1. It's not only ''looking'' good, its AWESOME
2. Try it NOW! :)

It does look good, and no it is not really enough to be called "AWESOME" yet.
It is still not much playable areas, i find the beginning kinda boring, you just walk out there and slay some beasts, and it is almost impossible alone aswell.
This map have a long way to go before i would call it awesome, but it have the possibilitys to turn into something amazing.
Level 5
Aug 27, 2008
It is still not much playable areas

I wouldn't say that, well this is a alpha version and there is coming much more thats right, but the content you can play at the moment is about 5 hours or more ( compared to some othere rpgs with just 1 hour of content ) you shouldnt be looking on the map size at all compared to the playabel area^^
:eek: btw did you played so far also in the dungeons?

and it is almost impossible alone aswell

Well thats completly fine the map is not meant to be played allone, at least you should play it with minimum of 3 players to have more fun the dungeons and bosses are impossibel allone, and the dungeons and the bosses are the most fun in it (well for me).

you just walk out there and slay some beasts

Well ok this is not a action rpg which starts somewhere in a dungeon with mega cool spells and Bosses you should be sure about that, its a bit more difficult our hero starts weak. But anyway if you play in a small group with 3 guys for exampel you dont have to "just slay some beasts" you can do quests and also for exampel pretty fast some bosses and a dungeon which is more fun then just slaying some wolfes allone in a corner.

The map is counting on the team based roleplaying gameplay.

Did you played it allone ? Be sure to play it with 2 othere friends at minimum and how far did you played?

Would be great to get a good critique (good critiques are rare) ^^ its still in alpha so we need comments maybe with some exampels which things you dont like and which could be better in your point of view.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
I wouldn't say that, well this is a alpha version and there is coming much more thats right, but the content you can play at the moment is about 5 hours or more ( compared to some othere rpgs with just 1 hour of content ) you shouldnt be looking on the map size at all compared to the playabel area^^
:eek: btw did you played so far also in the dungeons?
Well, how long you play and playable areas is entierly different things.

Only becouse you stay at one place like forever does not mean that there is much content, i would like to say that it would be fun with more variation insted.

Well thats completly fine the map is not meant to be played allone, at least you should play it with minimum of 3 players to have more fun the dungeons and bosses are impossibel allone, and the dungeons and the bosses are the most fun in it (well for me).
I really dont like when people say that.
The map says that it is recommended from 1 player and up, nothing at all says that your suppost to be more people. They should not claim that if its not true.
And i did not count dungeons, i mean, okay, dungeons is suppost to be for multiple players, but you should have the ability to be alone and still be able to do something outside of them. Only becouse you are like 5 people playing the map does not mean that all is at the same place. I dont want to spend the same amount of time searching for players as when i actually play the map.

Well ok this is not a action rpg which starts somewhere in a dungeon with mega cool spells and Bosses you should be sure about that, its a bit more difficult our hero starts weak. But anyway if you play in a small group with 3 guys for exampel you dont have to "just slay some beasts" you can do quests and also for exampel pretty fast some bosses and a dungeon which is more fun then just slaying some wolfes allone in a corner.
What i meaned was that you just start nowhere.
You have no idea why you are there, and what the heck is going on. You just walk a few yards and slay some beasts. When you have a story, there is something you look forward to, you continue to play to reach further in the story, you know whats happening and so on. This map does not really have anything of that. its just like "Well, if you are not used to play RPGs all the time, your screwed, becouse there is nothing that tells you whats going on and what your going to do".

And yes, i did play alone first, and then with one fried.
And tbh, the best thing about this map must be the terrain, everything is kinda generic, like any other map. It feels like this map is about visuals and not really gameplay.
This map is great, but it have a long way to go before it can reach the top.
And yes, i did play alone first, and then with one fried.
So basicly, you have seen nothing, as I doubt you did a dungeon with just two people.
And tbh, the best thing about this map must be the terrain, everything is kinda generic, like any other map. It feels like this map is about visuals and not really gameplay.
This map is great, but it have a long way to go before it can reach the top.
So ... you can reinvent the wheel? I really wanna see that.
I, personally, am fine just creating a wheel of very high quality that is fun to ride on, instead of trying to change its shape.

And besides ... I really like how people can judge the content of rpgs from playing like 3 minutes. :con:
Level 5
Aug 27, 2008
Well, how long you play and playable areas is entierly different things.

Only becouse you stay at one place like forever does not mean that there is much content, i would like to say that it would be fun with more variation insted.

No 4-5 hours of content means you have to run through all of it there is no point where you can stay on a place for a long time thats completly wrong what your saying sry.

I really dont like when people say that.
The map says that it is recommended from 1 player and up, nothing at all says that your suppost to be more people

Well im sry but thats also wrong we wanted do a team based orpg for the Bnet, and thats what we did the map is meant to be played with a minimum of 3 players and thats no problem in the Bnet you find even more for a party. Thats the point which really much fans like on it that its team based unlike nearly evry othere rpg. If you want to play a singel player map your not right with gaias orpg.

Anyway we made it also possibel to play it even allone if your grinding for something for exampel. Its np to do something allone then you meet your party again and you slay some bosses.

Only becouse you are like 5 people playing the map does not mean that all is at the same place. I dont want to spend the same amount of time searching for players as when i actually play the map

Thats why we actualy implemented the crafting system your now abel to do quests allone or searching for materials you need for a nice item.

What i meaned was that you just start nowhere.
You have no idea why you are there, and what the heck is going on

Yea thats meant to be so its still an alpha and in terms of storyline there is not really much thats true.

I dont know if you know how to build a right storyline,
in our case we are building a logical and real storyline ( well we try to ), and at the starting area the Hero just is not a strong guy which knows whats going on, this is leading slowly in to the stroryline and the charrackter becomes stronger while that, while hes fighting and growing stronger he'll understand the storyline better thats our intention. This means the story is in this alpha far away from completed.

But i guess your right we could do something better to lead the player better in our story thats right.

And tbh, the best thing about this map must be the terrain, everything is kinda generic, like any other map. It feels like this map is about visuals and not really gameplay.

Well first thanks (im working pretty much on the terrain).
Sry but thats really wrong >_< i guess you cant know it if you just played a bit allone and with 1 friend.
It is really like i said and plz dont try to say something against that, this map is meant to be played with minimum of 3 players!
Thats the point most fans like, because the most othere orpg's i know out there are not really team based.

And unlike you say this map is mostly about gameplay.

I thought there would come something interisting, where i can really say: obvious yea guy thats right what you'r saying we should change that/ we should implement that.

For the next comment: I really want to read comments and critique, but maybe you do some more exampels in detail what you do not like and maybe also some exampels how this could be made better in your oppinion?
There is more then just complaining about something in a early stadium, to do a foundet critique you should acknowledge someone else work at least for a minimum which i can't see in your posts above for some reasons.
Last edited:
I agree with the story issue.
I Think the problem about the Storyline of Gaias Retaliation is, that all of the quests in the starting area were made before I even thought of a real story. :grin:

But I think it's not that much of a problem. The Starting area is meant as a tutorial anyways. Once the player reaches the City of Mytargas, then almost all of the quests will be based on the background story.

Other than that, I have to say that it is really a challenge to create a entirely new world with its own lore. Everything you do has to fit the mood somehow and it's very hard to achieve that sometimes. Lots of Maps on Bnet just rely on an existing lore (Diablo 3, LotR, etc.), which makes those things a lot easier.
What I'm trying to say is: Wait for the newest version and then judge the story again.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
So basicly, you have seen nothing, as I doubt you did a dungeon with just two people.
No, i did not play a dungeon.
Are you telling me that this map is all about the dungeon and that the rest is not suppost to be fun and enjoyable?
Like, play the dungeons or its boring? Well, if thats true, you really should work on it..

So ... you can reinvent the wheel? I really wanna see that.
I, personally, am fine just creating a wheel of very high quality that is fun to ride on, instead of trying to change its shape.

And besides ... I really like how people can judge the content of rpgs from playing like 3 minutes.
Yeah, but your wheel seems to be all about visual and not about useability.
Try to make it feel better insted of making it look awesome and thats it.

And i did not play for 3 minutes. I have played this a several times.
First i did it a few months ago, but at that time the freaking map gave a server split while playing multiplayer, so you could just play alone.

Now i played the map again, and it did not really impress me at all when playing alone.
You start the map, you have no idea where you are, you just are there, and are suppost to kill some wolfs for some reason. No story at all, it just starts.
And even worse, as a thief, if you did not get lucky hits, you would die without being able to kill a single wolf when you were alone, that really makes me feel that i want to continue playing.
So i asked a friend to play, and we did. We reached level 6 and 7.
Then we got bored becouse nothing happened, it was just the standard "kill that unit, return to me. Now kill that unit and return to him. Then go talk to that guy".
That was everything you did.
There was nothing at all that makes you wanna continue to play.

And dont think that i just say this out of nowhere, i am a big RPG fan and i have played RPGs (real games and warcraft 3 maps) for about 9 years now.

No 4-5 hours content means you run though all of it there is no point with staying on a place for a long time thats completly wrong what your saying sry.
"all of it". Have you ever thought of the fact that there is not much areas.
The map is small like hell actually. It just feels bigger becouse you stay at the very same area for a while and killt he same unit. And then repeat the process in a new area.
This map is not big, no matter how long it takes to do the quest in this small area, it still have the same size.

Well im sry but thats also completly wrong what you are talking about we wanted do a team based orpg for the Bnet, and thats what we did the map is just meant to be played with a minimum of 3 players and thats no problem in the Bnet you find even more for a party. Thats the point which really much fans like on it that its team based unlike nearly evry othere rpg. If you want to play a singel player map your not right with gaias orpg.
Anyway we made it also possibel to play it even allone if your grinding something for exampel. its np to do something allone then you meet your party again and you slay some Bosses.
When did you mention in the description that this is a team based ORPG for a full group, otherwise the map is boring with capital letters? You did not.
When the map said that it was from 1 player and not 2, like it is in all other ORPGs in warcraft 3, i actually expected it to be playable with 1 player, and with playable i mean like, you do not have to get lucky hits at the beggining to actually kill a unit.
And you are very wrong when you say that this is team based unlike nearly every other rpg. That is just so wrong. This is like most other RPGs. You must have a team to be able to kill a wolf or even a damn rat alone. If this map is from 3 players, why didnt it say so, i expected it to be from 1 player becouse that is what it says.

Yea thats meaned to be so its still an alpha and in terms of storyline there is not really much thats true.

I dont know if you know how to build a right storyline,
in our case we are building a logical and real storyline ( well we try to ), and at the starting area the Hero just is not a strong guy which knows whats going on, this is leading slowly in to the stroryline and the charrackter becomes stronger while that, this means the story is in this alpha far away from completed.
Yes i know how to make a storyline, i used to spend my free time writing storys a few years ago, it was a part of my free time, i loved to do so. As i am a map developer myself, i figured that i would need to know how to make an actual story for the map.
And the problem with this is that the map have been out for quite a while, and it seems like there is no process with the story? more content appears, but the story stays at the same place as before.
Also, here is a tip:
Only becouse the hero you play does not know whats going on, maybe the player wants to know anything about whats going on.
Most games usually have an opening cinematic or something that gets you into the story, or just have plain text that fade over the screen where you can read about the past and why things is going on, etc.
Currently this map have nothing of that, so it feels like the map isnt builded about a story at all?

Well first thanks (im working pretty much on the terrain).
Sry but thats really wrong >_< i guess you cant know it if you just played a bit allone and with 1 friend.
It is really like i said and plz dont try to say something against that this map is meant to be played with minimum of 3 players! ok?
Thats the point most fans like, because the most othere rpg's i know out there are not really team based.

And unlike you say this map is much about gameplay.

Well i think i expected from this comment more then what i readed :(.
I thought there would come something interisting for me where i can really say obvious yea guy thats right what you say we should change that/ we should implement that.
This is like other RPGs. I have yet seen anything at all that makes this map unique from others and is something related to actually gameplay.
There is quests and dungeons like most other RPGs.
May i ask what this map have that makes it so unique? I dont know, and i really want to know.
And everything i say is based on fact, so i can say things against this map if i have a valid reason to do so. If you do not want feedback from people, then i dont know what.. I am simply telling you what it is with this map that could be improved and whats bad about it, but insted of trying to improve it, it just feels like you try to do some kind of counter attack on me or something by mentioning something else and just forget about making things better, and i am serious.
And what RPGs are you talking about when you say that most rpgs isnt team based?
according to me, the most of them is team based...
TKoK is a perfect example of this. It have gameplay, visuals & is purely team based.
Man, I was so taking you seriously, but then you threw out this:
TKoK is a perfect example of this. It have gameplay, visuals & is purely team based.
So where exactly is the breathtaking, fetching story of TKOK? Where are the quests that totally involve you to the story? Yes, they are not available at the first levels. You see any parallelity?
Also, how does Gameplay of TKOK in any way differ from GR, other than that it has more content, which is natural, as TKOK exists for almost like four times the time Gaias does?
Don't get me wrong: TKOK is a great map and I like it very much. But I do not see any real difference in TKOK and GR other than the latter has less content, because its also younger.

Just tell me which part of the gameplay - other than the "lack of involving story" - you did not like?
Okay, damn, I wrote 1-8 players on the description of the map. My bad. This is totally a reason to bash this.

Then you said, that we do not accept criticism - Are you fucking kidding me?!
You basicly said that "other than visuals, the map sucks" ... excuse me ... but WHAT?! I completely accept that you do not like it, but this is a VERY bolt statement. have you ever made such an enormous span of systems, scripts, terrain, custom models, balancing, object data, etc. ALMOST ON YOUR OWN?!

I totally accept constructive criticism. I agreed on the story issue, as you can see above. But what I do not accept, is just insulting and disreputiating.

It requires maturity to acknowledge someone else' work, despite the personal oppinion on this somebody's work. Maturity you obviously do not have.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Man, I was so taking you seriously, but then you threw out this:

So where exactly is the breathtaking, fetching story of TKOK? Where are the quests that totally involve you to the story? Yes, they are not available at the first levels. You see any parallelity?
Also, how does Gameplay of TKOK in any way differ from GR, other than that it has more content, which is natural, as TKOK exists for almost like four times the time Gaias does?
Don't get me wrong: TKOK is a great map and I like it very much. But I do not see any real difference in TKOK and GR other than the latter has less content, because its also younger.

Just tell me which part of the gameplay - other than the "lack of involving story" - you did not like?
Okay, damn, I wrote 1-8 players on the description of the map. My bad. This is totally a reason to bash this.

Then you said, that we do not accept criticism - Are you fucking kidding me?!
You basicly said that "other than visuals, the map sucks" ... excuse me ... but WHAT?! I completely accept that you do not like it, but this is a VERY bolt statement. have you ever made such an enormous span of systems, scripts, terrain, custom models, balancing, object data, etc. ALMOST ON YOUR OWN?!

I totally accept constructive criticism. I agreed on the story issue, as you can see above. But what I do not accept, is just insulting and disreputiating.

It requires maturity to acknowledge someone else' work, despite the personal oppinion on this somebody's work. Maturity you obviously do not have.

I am really sorry, but when i mentioned TKoK i were talking about gameplay.
TKoK does have a perfect story. When you get to the last boss for example, he starts to talk, you know whats happening. You progress with the quests as you progress in the actual story of the map.
No, TKoK does not have perfect story that is directly connected to everything, but it does have the gameplay and multiplayer feel that makes it so fun to play.
The difference is how you have to build up strategys, stock up with specific consumable items, and have the right builds in order to success in the map.
The map have alot of strategy involved in it, and it is purely based on multiplayer.

The last boss is one of the best examples i can think of in warcraft 3s RPG history when it comes to strategy, gameplay & teamwork.

You need very good teamwork aswell as strategy in order to get the boss down, not to mention that it is insanely fun aswell.

If you could get all this into this map i would have to say that this map will be epic, but currently it does not.

As of now, it feels to generic and normal, except for the terrain, but it does have the potential to be something amazing like i said a few posts ago.
Dont get me wrong, i love this project, i think its amazing, but there is a lot of things that can be improved, and i just try to help you guys by pointing these things out.

And i did never say "other than visuals, the map sucks". I would never do so. Becouse i have tryed to say that the map is great but needs alot of work to reach the top all the time! I dont think this map sucks at all.
Well then, as I said, maybe wait for the next release, which adds a lot of cool features and also finally introduces the new advanced classes.
Keep in mind that the last version is almost 3 months old and there is lots of stuff going to be added soon.

Also, the third dungeon will be the first one that actually requires strategy for bosses. I took the time to wrote custom spells for every single boss in the new content.
Also, all the classes will have a unique class change quest which involves going into a 1 man dungeon.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Sounds good to me, i will give it a try when it is released :)

Sorry for going hard on the story part of the map.
It is just th at i love following a games story and that is usually what makes me wanna keep going.
Without a story it feels kinda empty, and i usually expect more of everything else when such things is missing :p
I have always been a fan of game storylines, etc.

And this is my 2,222 post! :p
Level 1
Jul 8, 2007
Great job on the map. The dialogue sequences are a little rough, as to be expected from someone who doesn't have English as their first language, however that is only a minor technicality, as you still get the general gist of the story.

The terrain is amazing, if only RP maps had this sort of terrain I may want to play on them more often. Ha.

I also liked the music you added. I believe the one in the dungeons is from The Witcher and the one outside is either Oblivion or Morrowind, couldn't really decipher which one it was. Seems that music gets overlooked in maps nowadays, so it is nice to see that it still has a place here.

Also, I couldn't seem to find the wizard's hat in the cave with the demon, is it referring to some cave that hasn't been added or did you forget to place it?

Anyway, keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing the next update.
Level 1
Jul 8, 2007
This is true, but the first few hours of RP maps are all building, I would rather have something like this, where most of the major stuff is already built around a central theme and just make up stuff from there.
There's a lot of stuff a medieval town/outskirts can be used for.
This map is really good, but Zwiebelchen, you gotta take in other people's opinions and feedback. You've stubbornly denied every single negative thing LTGH said, except for the 'Suggested Players' mistake. Some things like storyline, playable area is acceptable coz it is not finished, but others like unable to kill a level 1 creep in the beginning and bland quests are something you must work on.
Nonetheless a great map.
This map is really good, but Zwiebelchen, you gotta take in other people's opinions and feedback. You've stubbornly denied every single negative thing LTGH said, except for the 'Suggested Players' mistake. Some things like storyline, playable area is acceptable coz it is not finished, but others like unable to kill a level 1 creep in the beginning and bland quests are something you must work on.
Nonetheless a great map.
The discussion with LTGH was already finished and we came to the conclusion that he is right in some of his points. We try to have as much common sense as possible, but keep in mind that this is still our map. We never saw any cent from you. We spent like MONTHS of our freetime to make this, while you obviously didn't even take the time to get enough skill to kill a level 1 enemy - which is easily possible for EVERY SINGLE class in the game. I tested it to go sure.
In fact, this project has been developed since almost one and a half year. We accepted and realized LOTS of good suggestions and feedback from players and we also agree about the story issue and hope we can solve it in the next version.
Excuse me that I could not agree with you to make the map fully soloable, which - in my oppinion - totally destroys the mmo intention of the map.

It's our map and as long as we do not want to commercialize it or do not set up a donation system, we will make the map the way we think its good.
No offense. Pay us, then you get the map like YOU want it to be, though I can not guarantee that people will like it then.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
We never saw any cent from you. We spent like MONTHS of our freetime to make this, while you obviously didn't even take the time to get enough skill to kill a level 1 enemy - which is easily possible for EVERY SINGLE class in the game. I tested it to go sure.
In fact, this project has been developed since almost one and a half year. We accepted and realized LOTS of good suggestions and feedback from players and we also agree about the story issue and hope we can solve it in the next version.

Wow.. wow.. wow.. I spent one year working on a map, but i did not stop listening and taking feedback becouse of that ;)
Feedback is the most important part of the mapmaking process, becouse it is the people that plays the map that is suppost to enjoy it, right?
Okay, sure, forget about the single player thing and whatever. But just keep in mind that feedback is a huge part in the development.
Level 5
Aug 27, 2008
I spent one year working on a map, but i did not stop listening and taking feedback becouse of that ;)
Feedback is the most important part of the mapmaking process

You are absolutly right, it is verry important to listen and to take feedback!

But what do you think we are doing? we have nearly 1000 comments on thehelper.net and 720 comments on hive and a lot more in othere threats or forums.

I personally can say i read every comment! i think zwiebel does too.
And also like he said.

We accepted and realized LOTS of good suggestions and feedback from players

I do not just read them i think about them, because they are helping us in the development, especialy because the map is still far from being completed.

It is just .... if i notice some one did not understand a part or did not even tested it right.
"Like aaah im playing allone(or with 1 friend) and i have no fun i can't kill even wolfes right".
Then there are coming out senseless comments.
But i even read them and try to understand the user in his point of view you see? Also in your point of view LTGH you see ?
But im abel to differentiate senseless comments to important statements.

You also did some good statemants, i think there is no point to battle each othere.
The discussion with LTGH was already finished and we came to the conclusion that he is right in some of his points. We try to have as much common sense as possible, but keep in mind that this is still our map. We never saw any cent from you. We spent like MONTHS of our freetime to make this, while you obviously didn't even take the time to get enough skill to kill a level 1 enemy - which is easily possible for EVERY SINGLE class in the game. I tested it to go sure.
In fact, this project has been developed since almost one and a half year. We accepted and realized LOTS of good suggestions and feedback from players and we also agree about the story issue and hope we can solve it in the next version.
Excuse me that I could not agree with you to make the map fully soloable, which - in my oppinion - totally destroys the mmo intention of the map.

It's our map and as long as we do not want to commercialize it or do not set up a donation system, we will make the map the way we think its good.
No offense. Pay us, then you get the map like YOU want it to be, though I can not guarantee that people will like it then.

See? That's what I'm talking about! Yes, I know it is your map. Yes, I know it is your choice. Yes, I know you spent fing months doing this, but about 9/10 mapmakers do that and accept negative feedback as well as rejecting some.

It was LTGH who said that a Level 1 Thief could not kill a wolf, am I right? So don't pin that on me!

I'm not forcing you to make it solo-able. In fact, I didn't even mention it here, I only mentioned it in the 'Soloing' thread, which is where its supposed to be.

This map is one of the best RPG maps, in my opinion better than TKoK, but you have to accept feedback and opinions. Anything that's negative, you take it personally.

I'm just trying to give you critique. Look back at your posts, and you'll see that I am at least 50% right. I don't wanna start a fight, especially about a map for an 8 year old game.


I got nothing against you. You actually analyze and accept comments. See, unlike 'zwiebel',you did not write
Pay us, then you get the map like YOU want it to be, though I can not guarantee that people will like it then.
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