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Murlocs models and Icons

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
These murlocs (ROC) have additional animations, such as swimming, eating corpses, and casting spells.

There are also murloc models without the black cloth around the shield

Unfortunately, some murlocs don't have a corpse-eating animation.

Most of these models and icons were not made by me, I just found them and published them so that people would not search for so long
If there is a complaint from the authors of any of these models, then first, please first prove that this is your model and write to me in a personal message.

Unfortunately, I don't remember where I found a few models, most of the models were made by a friend of mine, and he allowed me to exhibit my models.

Blue Murloc (Model)

Blue Murloc Custom Icon (Icon)

Blue Murloc Custom Icon 2 (Icon)

Blue Murloc Portrait (Model)

Blue Murloc River Priest (Model)

Blue Murloc ROC (Model)

Blue Murloc ROC without a shield (Model)

Green Murloc (Model)

Green Murloc Custom Icon (Icon)

Green Murloc Portrait (Model)

Green Murloc ROC (Model)

Green Murloc ROC without a shield (Model)

Green Murloc Swamp Hunter (Model)

Green Murloc Swamp Hunter Icon (Icon)

Green Murloc Swamp Hunter Icon 2 (Icon)

Murloc Berserk (Model)

Murloc Berserk icon (Icon)

Murloc Berserk portrait (Model)

Murloc Weapon Swamp Hunter (Model)

Orange Murloc (Model)

Orange Murloc Icon (Icon)

Orange Murloc Mage (Model)

Orange Murloc Mage Portrait (Model)

Orange Murloc Portrait (Model)

Orange Murloc ROC (Model)

Orange Murloc ROC without a shield (Model)

Orange Murloc without sword and shield (Model)

Orange Murloc without sword and shield portrait (Model)

Purple Murloc (Model)

Purple Murloc Portrait (Model)

Purple Murloc ROC (Model)

Purple Murloc ROC without a shield (Model)

White Murloc ROC (Model)

White Murloc ROC without a shield (Model)

White Murloc with a hammer (Model)

Yellow Murloc (Model)

Yellow Murloc Icon (Icon)

Yellow Murloc Icon 2 (Icon)

Yellow Murloc Portrait (Model)

Yellow Murloc ROC (Model)

Yellow Murloc ROC without a shield (Model)

General Frank
Simple. Some people find use for it.