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Zulgurub Create by hwane9595

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.


Credits list:
Terraning: hwane9595
Tiles extractor(from WoW Burning Crusade): hwane9595
Tree and plant models from: ddahe

Simple Terraning example.

Troll jungle, troll, zul'gurub, zulgurub, terrain, terrain example

Zulgurub Create by hwane9595 (Map)

20:23, 6th Apr 2015 Orcnet: The way the map is designed and how it only adores visual detail, I couldn't budge on what type of map game this will fit, sorry but it will be rejected.




20:23, 6th Apr 2015
Orcnet: The way the map is designed and how it only adores visual detail, I couldn't budge on what type of map game this will fit, sorry but it will be rejected.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Why is the template so tiny? It's merely 32x32 in size and I don't really think it's enough for a template. It's getting out so well so expand your terrain a bit to a minimum of 64x64
Your few triggers have something confusing. If I type - _ I activate two triggers. One sets the time to 6.00 and the other sets the time to 24.00. Why is that? They contrast each other. Every command should have its own string, not similar ones.
Finally, why did you apply fog by triggers? You could simply do Scenario ---> Map Options ---> Tick Use Terrain Fog ---> Set the Z Start, Z end and colour

This template has potential as the little terrain you've done is beautiful but the size is just not sufficient. For now, I'll not rate this map but simply await for some updates.
Level 3
May 24, 2014
Before read this, you must know about several things.

I'm not living the English-speaking world and actually, I recently decided to upload this forum. It mean, the map was made for another forum site.

You ask for me, why I made 32x32 template, isn't it? I told you before, the map was not made for this site.

As a matter of fact, my intention was just 'show' about newbies "how to makes basic terraining." (+ Wanna someone to extract the other models (tree, fence etc.) in the map.)

And sorry to write this comments, I don't want invest my time just simple map like this.

and trigger. Honestly, I didn't realized you actually check the trigger, that -__ trigger is create for our language.

Last, fog. Ok I didn't know about set the fog more simply. If you didn't like that, sorry for that.

Finish a reply, Thanks for write comment in my thread and sorry about my bad English.

I will change and update with point out things which you were talk about. (Trigger, and fog)
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
If this map was not made for this site, then why even uploading it? You didn't mention in the map description that this was simply a template meant for another site. We have specific rigid rules about map submission so if your intention was to show noobs how to create good terrains, then a "tutorial" would've been more appropriate rather than an uploaded map.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Before read this, you must know about several things.

I'm not living the English-speaking world and actually, I recently decided to upload this forum. It mean, the map was made for another forum site.

You ask for me, why I made 32x32 template, isn't it? I told you before, the map was not made for this site.

As a matter of fact, my intention was just 'show' about newbies "how to makes basic terraining." (+ Wanna someone to extract the other models (tree, fence etc.) in the map.)

And sorry to write this comments, I don't want invest my time just simple map like this.

and trigger. Honestly, I didn't realized you actually check the trigger, that -__ trigger is create for our language.

Last, fog. Ok I didn't know about set the fog more simply. If you didn't like that, sorry for that.

Finish a reply, Thanks for write comment in my thread and sorry about my bad English.

I will change and update with point out things which you were talk about. (Trigger, and fog)

Should I give my concerns for the entire map community, I wouldn't say this map is intended as a piece result for venturing proper understanding in terrain making, isn't it? well, you could have just provided a proper tutorial on how to make an "Island hill theme" at your disposal but since you lack English, as one person told me once, "better learn it quick or never learn at all".

I also don't appreciate how you say "newbies" (new + baby = cheap thinking) to "beginners" learning the art, it takes time really, and proper guidance.

Since it is meant for a terrain template, I still won't bother to touch it due to its simplicity, visualizing on how many attempts should I partake in this map upon variations or categories of map titles, not one fits the hole.

I would also like to interrupt if this is also intended in importing models? there is plenty of island themes here as well as a tutorial on how to work with it, perhaps that would be a better place for you to start?

Overall, I like the view, but on how it would be playable it won't work out.