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Zephyr Challenge #6 - AOE Summon

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Level 7
May 28, 2009
I'm in, though i don't know so much about JASS and GUI. Hope it's the idea that counts.:thumbs_up:

Will go with a spell called Vengance of the Ghost Rouges. It will be like a locust swarm that takes over an enemy that it attacks (like possess). The ghosts will last for like 10 seconds and can only get 500 yards from the target (or whatever system of measurement WC3 has). The possession will only last for like 30 seconds.

BTW. How do you make a unit like etheral and still be able to attack?
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Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
im having a rather bizarre problem...
I changed my idea since last time... i will only mention what the problem is
When my unit dies, it deals damage based on how much hp it has. Strangely, this trigger doesnt work

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Dies
  • Conditions
    • (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to Pudger
  • Actions
    • Set Loc[1] = (Position of (Dying unit))
    • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 72, do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Set Loc[2] = (Loc[1] offset by 150.00 towards (20.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
        • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Loc[2] using Objects\Spawnmodels\Orc\Orcblood\BattrollBlood.mdl
        • Set Loc[2] = (Loc[1] offset by 75.00 towards (20.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
        • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Loc[2] using Abilities\Spells\Other\Stampede\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl
    • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Loc[1] using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
    • Unit - Cause (Dying unit) to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 500.00 at Loc[1], dealing (Life of (Dying unit)) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
It shows all the special effects and stuff, however, it doesnt deal any damage.

And yea, i know it is leaky as hell right now, but i will remove the leaks in the final version.
Level 5
Oct 26, 2009
Pyritie said:
Too bad you can't shadow local variables any more D:
That's one of the smarter things Blizzard's done. This just gives GUI users more incentive to embrace JASS and its plethora of options.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
im having a rather bizarre problem...
I changed my idea since last time... i will only mention what the problem is
When my unit dies, it deals damage based on how much hp it has. Strangely, this trigger doesnt work

  • Events
    • Unit - A unit Dies
  • Conditions
    • (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to Pudger
  • Actions
    • Set Loc[1] = (Position of (Dying unit))
    • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 72, do (Actions)
      • Loop - Actions
        • Set Loc[2] = (Loc[1] offset by 150.00 towards (20.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
        • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Loc[2] using Objects\Spawnmodels\Orc\Orcblood\BattrollBlood.mdl
        • Set Loc[2] = (Loc[1] offset by 75.00 towards (20.00 x (Real((Integer A)))) degrees)
        • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Loc[2] using Abilities\Spells\Other\Stampede\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl
    • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Loc[1] using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
    • Unit - Cause (Dying unit) to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 500.00 at Loc[1], dealing (Life of (Dying unit)) damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
It shows all the special effects and stuff, however, it doesnt deal any damage.

And yea, i know it is leaky as hell right now, but i will remove the leaks in the final version.

You have a unit which is dying, and you are trying to damage the area with the same amount of life as the dying unit has... by other words zero.
I think I might join.

However, I would like know some things first:
Is the spell bugless; does it work? Is the tooltip well-written*1, and is a fitting icon chosen? Does the spell fit into WC3?*2

*1 - Does this confront *2? Means, if I describe the skill well with colors and "Level [x/x]" and stuff, does that mean it doesn't fit wc3?

*2 - So using much eyecandy and knockback is not wc3 like? Because the normal wc3 skills all does not use any knockbacks or heavely enchanced effects.

My Idea so far:
The caster sacrifices his life to the devil to summon a demon which he can then control.
The casting costs life, depending on how much life is being drained from the caster the stronger the demon is going to be (it has a maximum limit though).
The caster can die while casting, even if he gets killed by some other units, the devil will be summoned anyway.

// Shiet, while writing this I noticed it pretty much similars the 'Doom' skill.
Gotta come up with a new idea.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
1) Tooltips like the ones Blizzard have done in their spells should be enough no? If you want to pimp it more, I'm not sure it's going to help, but well I'm not the judge either.
2) It is, if you have effects which is adapted for wc3 in a standard gameplay, which can handle the balance for instance. Futuristic kaboom spells which isn't really in the environment from the start wouldn't be a good idea (except if you really make it fit the character, eg Tinker)
The problem with Blizzards spells is that they all are quite simple, making something solely based on those would make the concept of your spell boring. Adding extra uniqueness in the code, such as knockback (even though it used to be common now) and various of geometric effect or spheremovement or you name it, would make it more fun and more interesting, in my opinion.
Level 8
Aug 4, 2006
How do you make a unit etheral and able to attack?

To make a unit able to attack, but not able to be attacked, you would do the following:
1) Give the unit a dummy ability (not actually ethereal)
2) Detect when a different unit acquires this unit as a target and make sure it doesn't use this unit as a target.
3) Detect when a different unit is ordered to attack this unit. Use SimError to display the "cannot attack ethereal units" message, and reorder the attacking unit. You could try using the AbortSpell library by Rising_Dusk.
4) Detect when this unit loses the dummy ability, at which point you disable the triggers used for 2) and 3).

Okay I probably missed something and I'm not exactly sure how you would do the second point, but at least that gives you an idea how to do it.

Bleh I really need to start on my own spell...
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Hmm... the rules say nothing about using previous work... i think i'll enter the contest! (With something new, since if i use my previous work, it would be cheating, i reckon.)

you are allowed to import models. Those were certainly made before (or probably while) the contest. I think as long as it aren't huge systems which just make your work A LOT easier you are allowed to use previously made small systems as well. Credits should be given though.
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008

The fuck.JPG
Level 5
Oct 26, 2009
Spamming of imported special effects combined with an imported summon model is really not cool. At all.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I would agree on that point as well. I am going to try (If I am entering) to not use any imports at all, except an icon

Nevertheless, it doesn't make the spell look bad, just maybe less impressive

Here's my WIP:

I've named the spell arcane frostshards. I'm considering to alter that a little bit. Well, it summons a timed taunting arcane sculpted iceblock, and at random, ice shards'll fall from the heavens, dealing massive damage. If you want the map itself, to see my WIP, i'm attaching that too. It is NOT done. The block doesn't taunt, the shards of the heavens doesn't really damage all that much yet, the damage timing is inaccurate, the third level of the spell doesn't work, and so on. But it's on it's way.

~The_Clam (Also Gamecrafter_DK, me.)


  • WIP Arcane frostshards.JPG
    WIP Arcane frostshards.JPG
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  • Arcane frostshards.w3x
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Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
Entry NameContestant Name
Lightning ShardsRaiN.

Summons several lightning shards which start to pulse with electricity damaging any unit caught in their net.

Credits to RightField for his laser model.

Edit: Requires JNGP!


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Level 6
Feb 27, 2008
meh entry

Well, i made several units, but i think this is the most complete one, seeing as it is MUI.

Summon Butch, the Pudger (dont say i took the name from Pudge, dont you think i know that? :p )

Summons a terrible abomination. The abomination starts with 50 hp, and the max dmg it can take on attack is 25.
Each time Pudger eats a unit, it devours it, gaining it's hp. Once this unit has eaten enough, it gets overfed, which means it moves and attacks much more slowly, and will die in 3 seconds. When it dies this way, it explodes, dealing damage equal to the hp it had when it died. If the abomination is killed before it gets overfed / exploded, it deals dmg equal to the max hp it had during it's duration.

Not the perfect idea, but i was low on ideas anyway.

Btw, i didn't import anything... i could do that to make the spell look better, but i wanted to stay on the editor capabilities.
And yeah, the terrain is just a plain terrain.


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Level 6
Feb 10, 2008
Pretty cool there RaiN!

Attaching test.. Ok, upload complete.

My entry:

Molten Strike
Fires a bouncing beam of molten lava at target enemy unit. Each bounce deals damage and spawns a small golem with low hit points that explodes upon death.
EDIT: Cleaned up some code & fixed credits.


  • ZC6_MoltenStrike.w3x
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Here's my final submission of my spell (i think :xxd:)

by scorpion182


Type: Active
Target: Ground

Summons 5 acolytes that linked each other with magical energy and form a pentagram. Replenishes magical energy to any allies that enter it, but drains magical energy to enemies. If the enemy loses all of its mana, its hitpoints will be drained instead.

Level 1 - 300 AoE, 10 mana points per second, lasts 15 s.
Level 2 - 350 AoE, 15 mana points per second, lasts 20 s.
Level 3 - 400 AoE, 20 mana points per second, lasts 25 s.
Systems & Snippets:

[-x-] TimerUtils by Vexorian
[-x-] GroupUtils by Rising_Dusk

[-x-] Pentagram Icon originally taken from wikimedia.org

Utilities Used
TimerUtils & GroupUtils

3rd Party Tools Used
JassNewGenPack (with the latest Jasshelper)

MUI: Yes
GUI/vJass: vJass


  • Pentagram v1.00.w3x
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I just got this awesome idea, but there is a little problem about it. I don't think I'll have time to finish it :/

Orb of Annihilation

Creates a dark orb at the targeted location, orb would have spinning particles around it and those particles would suck out the life of enemy units near by it, after some period of time those particles would return back to the orb with their stolen/drained life.
Then a caster would get another ability.

Unholy Vitality

As casted caster gains the life that the particles had stolen.


You summon an orb and particles are flying around sucking out the life of enemies and let's say that there is 10 particles and each particle steals ~30 HP
So the stored value would be 300.

And then you cast another ability and your hero gets healed for 300 HP.

Also this would be a pain coding (for me) figuring out all the tricks...
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
I just got this awesome idea, but there is a little problem about it. I don't think I'll have time to finish it :/

Orb of Annihilation

Creates a dark orb at the targeted location, orb would have spinning particles around it and those particles would suck out the life of enemy units near by it, after some period of time those particles would return back to the orb with their stolen/drained life.
Then a caster would get another ability.

Unholy Vitality

As casted caster gains the life that the particles had stolen.


You summon an orb and particles are flying around sucking out the life of enemies and let's say that there is 10 particles and each particle steals ~30 HP
So the stored value would be 300.

And then you cast another ability and your hero gets healed for 300 HP.

Also this would be a pain coding (for me) figuring out all the tricks...

All you need is 2 structs. 1 for the big orb and one for the particles. Then you do a loop method in the particles doing damage around them and 1 for the orb for rotating the particles and counting duration. Then you just make the heal part on the destroy method for the orb struct and call the destroy with the second ability.
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
Wow, this got a lot of entries.
I'm wating for some Jass pro to just come along now and blow the rest away.
That'll be me xD

Anyway, WIP. Its pretty nice at the moment, but took me quite some time to get this right.

A quick explanation: Sends a nice little hawk at the target point. It will select a unit within a small aoe and pick it up to bring it back to you. If the dragged unit is obstructed when the hawk is returning, the unit is dropped. Along the way, all units in a bigger AoE takes damage (for the sake of this AoE summon theme -_-).
When the hawk returns, it becomes available as a unit for some time :D

If this doesn't work for the judges' definition of AoE, I'll make something different/similar. I'm using this for my map xD

BTW, does AoE summon mean that it affects a circular AoE or is linear AoE (so to speak) ok?


  • WingMark.jpg
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Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
I just got this awesome idea, but there is a little problem about it. I don't think I'll have time to finish it :/

Orb of Annihilation

Creates a dark orb at the targeted location, orb would have spinning particles around it and those particles would suck out the life of enemy units near by it, after some period of time those particles would return back to the orb with their stolen/drained life.
Then a caster would get another ability.

Unholy Vitality

As casted caster gains the life that the particles had stolen.


You summon an orb and particles are flying around sucking out the life of enemies and let's say that there is 10 particles and each particle steals ~30 HP
So the stored value would be 300.

And then you cast another ability and your hero gets healed for 300 HP.

Also this would be a pain coding (for me) figuring out all the tricks...

Oh, i hate you, that was my idea :(

Well, practically the same. I even had an orb in the idea.
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