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Your Political Profile

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Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
I found this: http://www.gotoquiz.com/politics/political-spectrum-quiz.html may allow you to get a more accurate view since they allow you put neutral opinion and whether the question matters a lot or too little.

Political spectrum (not compass) results:


[highlight]NOTE:[/code] If possible, put your profile between


do the test and put up your score




Firelord's score.
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Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Questions like this bother me:

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

Do I believe in proportional punishment? Yes. Do I believe in 100% retributive justice? No.

Some of these questions don't even make sense. There's so many examples I can think of that I can't even pick an answer because I'm not sure what they're talking about exactly.

For example: By strongly agreeing with "Good parents sometimes have to spank their children." I feel like I'm going to get placed alongside people who believe that brutally harming their children is morally acceptable.

edit: Found another. How do you even disagree with this? "A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system."

Even if you're against a one-party system, I find it damn near impossible to disagree that it's more effective in accomplishing things.
Level 9
Feb 3, 2010

Please tell me about the points show about how I'm good or bad.

The question "Good parents sometimes have to spank their children" I disagreed hardly. Because it just making the spanked children's lifes harder and have problems to concentrate to work good to avoid spank their parents. (By thinking about their parents and how making it good to avoid it)

BTW nice quiz you got here.
I am Ghandi :grin:

but this quiz is missing some buttons like "stupid question", "I don't give a damn" and "none of these" (every quiz should have these options and probably some others I forgot)

The question "Good parents sometimes have to spank their children" I disagreed hardly. Because it just making the spanked children's lifes harder and have problems to concentrate to work good to avoid spank their parents. (By thinking about their parents and how making it good to avoid it)

before I only knew "spanking" from .... another context

hitting children makes them remember things better but it has negative side effects like fear which can have a serious impact on their development
reasoning should always be the first option
but if the children don't get it after the 1000th time (because they are too stupid or just do it for fun although it hurts others) I think it's okay to give them a slap
depends on case to case though
but I don't educate any kids so why am I even talking about it like I knew anything about it
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
My outcome: http://politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-4.75&soc=-5.38

I find the example names used in the explanation for this test a bit silly. :B

edit: Found another. How do you even disagree with this? "A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system."

Even if you're against a one-party system, I find it damn near impossible to disagree that it's more effective in accomplishing things.

I'd say it's an advantage to some and a disadvantage to others, but sadly that was no possible option. :c
Spanking children doesn't have earful side-effects, I was spanked a lot as a child, and am one of the most well behaved teenagers in my town.

Midnigthers just convinced me to not spanking (lol) children or they might become like him :xxd:

anyway...who cares about behavior
there are many traits of character which are more important (from my point of view of course)

I find the example names used in the explanation for this test a bit silly. :B

why? don't you believe that they asked Hitler and Stalin?
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
My results.

Well, okay. Spanking Kids (We talk about that now) is really a necessity (sometimes). It was always like this:
Step 1: You look at them (if not enough, then step 2)
Step 2: You warn them (if not enough, then step 3)
Step 3: You "beat/hit" them.

Step 3 is the most promising one to be used. I got "beat" a lot as a kid, now I behave the best in my class (15 years old). I know "basic/advanced moral", which most kids do not even understand. I can't, for example, joke on someone else's expense, and I strongly disagree to fight with others. I can't have (actually, I hate having) conversations about stupid stuff taken seriously, like talking if someone's either this or that. I love science and it's fields. "Beating" a kid shouldn't be "forbidden to some degree" (like it is, in some countries).

anyway...who cares about behavior
there are many traits of character which are more important (from my point of view of course)

Behavior is a VERY important trait of a character. Intelligence, Strength, "Cunningness", whatever, all those are less important traits of a character... well, maybe Intelligence is somewhere in the same line as Behavior, maybe above. I disagree that there are MANY that are more important (to the society, only MAYBE intelligence is more important than behavior. I'd rather hang out with an man who's "stupid" but knows how to behave than with someone who's "smart" but doesn't know how to behave (Though, this one's really REALLY rare... well, don't mention Dr. House now, please).
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
About, and I'm serious, 99% (if not 100%) people that are intelligent know how to behave. If they did not know how to behave, they wouldn't be intelligent (in my eyes, maybe you got a different mindset (which is obvious)) because they're blind and do not know/see which importance behavior has in everyday life.

Oh, I've been wrong all the time. Behavior is no important trait of the Personality. It is not a trait of the Personality. It's showing off the Personality. Anyone who can behave is intelligent.

You're saying that behavior is no important trait of the personality, that's acceptable, but I don't know if you meant if it's not important at all. If you're saying that it's nothing important to the personality, then I'm strongly disagreeing with you. Being a Gentleman is really important, and you can't be one without good behavior.

Also, well behaved kids learn and study much faster and much more often, resulting them in getting smart later as they progress through their lives. They have a system of living, they have fun in it, and don't bother their time with useless stuff. They read a lot too. They also result in turning out to be creative writers and artists, mathematical geniuses and similar. The importance of behavior is not to be questioned here by either one of us. I can't really imagine your look at other simplier topics if you got a that narrow mindset towards behavior.

I'm going to back down, not because I have no arguments or whatever, but you can't really reason when you have 2 sides; Almost never do they come to the same conclusion, and it'll just end in closing this thread (like it did to the other ones as well).
Yes, with punishment, you learn right and wrong, and that when you do wrong, you get punished. Then you begin paying attention more.

I've met idiots (in behavior) who were actually quite smart

Also note that not everyone learns the same way, some people can still retain the information even acting like fools in class, or like they could learn what they want/need to know outside of class but just be unable to control themselves in a social situation.

It's too difficult to make such a wide generalization like that due to the many different types of people.
Level 5
Aug 12, 2010
Let's not delude ourselves here. Corporal punishment is not a necessary part of learning how to interact with other members of society in a productive manner.

It's a rather crude form of classical conditioning. That's all. Pavlov rings a bell on feeding his dogs, and the dogs associate the noise with food. A kid gets his ass whipped for disobeying some rule, and the kid associates pain with the behavior.

EDIT: And how the hell did we get on this tangent, anyway?
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Mine was about the same, although I do strongly disagree with it, since there were some questions were I felt neutral, but picked agree or disagree becuase I had no other choice.

I dont like communism/socialism i.e left but I also like the 'between authoritarian and liberal' because I think democracy is allowing too many things, some things are just going too far to be allowed, at the same it can't be totalitarism, thus in the middle. The reason to go left is simple: you decide you will help people and all will be done in the name of people, if you wanted money and high class above all, you would be on the right quadrants. Thing is that socialists are no different in how much they help to improve people's living standard.
Yes, with punishment, you learn right and wrong, and that when you do wrong, you get punished. Then you begin paying attention more.

if you are too stupid to get it without being beaten that might help

but it makes much more sense to educate them in a way that they notice what's right and wrong themselves

reminds me of this:
"Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime."

of course you could give them fish every day...

Anyone who can behave is intelligent.
No. This doesn't make any sense.

I've met idiots (in behavior) who were actually quite smart

and I have met people who can behave but are stupid
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
In Norway it's illegal to spank your children (or punishing your child physically in any other way) if you don't like the way they behave. Also, I saw a documentary some time ago where some parents and some psychiatrists said that using punishment to correct the behaviour of your children is not the best way for your child. Even when the punishment is denying your child candy because he/she plays video games too much.

Anyway, the test was kinda weird, and I didn't feel like there was a fitting alternative to some of the questions, but meh. Here's mine: http://politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-6.75&soc=-3.23

If I were to compare with the political parties here in Norway I would say I should be in the red field. Too be honest, I was expecting to be in the top left corner because I strongly agreed with this:
"from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a fundamentally good idea.
And a couple of other questions which I know the "red parties" over here agree with which the "blue parties" strongly disagree with.

Communism FTW.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005

Yep, I'm pretty left wing.

Intelligence comes with behavior, because if you act like an idiot in school, without punishment, you learn nothing at all.
Because obviously intelligence is directly related to primary/secondary school..?

Yes, with punishment, you learn right and wrong, and that when you do wrong, you get punished. Then you begin paying attention more.
Do you agree with that perception of right and wrong or are you forced into it? If you ask me, doing something out of fear doesn't indicate strong morality at all.
Level 3
May 22, 2011
Questions like this bother me:

"An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

Do I believe in proportional punishment? Yes. Do I believe in 100% retributive justice? No.
So mark "Agree" instead of "Strongly Agree."
maybe you got a trauma so deep that you want to be the most polite person to prevent being spanked.
Then it worked!
I am... not sure what I am can someone tell me?
My result
Yer a filthy commie'.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
At what cost? The child's life is now ruined. Sure, he doesn't commit crime, but is he happy?

Pretty much everyone in my family, on both my father's side and my mother's side, and my immediate family included, was spanked for doing something really wrong except for me.

Out of my entire family, I'm probably the only one who has social issues because the way I act isn't usually "appropriate"

I think we're all generalizing this way too fucking much. Spanking a kid does not always end with him being traumatized. Nor does it always end with them learning their lesson.

If you want to spank your kid, then go ahead. The government doesn't need to know about it.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
If you want to spank your kid, then go ahead. The government doesn't need to know about it.
That's a very special view you got there. Spanking children is a criminal offence in most civilized countries. Is it okay to kill people too, as long as the government doesn't know about it?

Very many are traumatized by being spanked as young and few of those who are spanked behave like regular people after being repeatedly spanked for almost everything they do. In the end, many fear to do things which are completely fine to do because they fear that they will be punished.

You don't want people to be afraid of the law, you want them to understand and respect the law.
Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
That's a very special view you got there. Spanking children is a criminal offence in most civilized countries. Is it okay to kill people too, as long as the government doesn't know about it?

Very many are traumatized by being spanked as young and few of those who are spanked behave like regular people after being repeatedly spanked for almost everything they do. In the end, many fear to do things which are completely fine to do because they fear that they will be punished.

You don't want people to be afraid of the law, you want them to understand and respect the law.

Fear is one of the proper ways to rule, as Machiavelli once wrote. I'm not saying you should spank your child for everything. I'm saying there should be a balance between teaching and spanking.

Believe it or not, spanking CAN only occur in situations where it would replace other severe punishment.

Also, I wouldn't consider spanking a cold blood murder. I would compare it more to capital punishment, which is legal in many countries abroad.
Machiavelli wasn't proper, he was practical.

His arguments were in no way trying to appeal to ethics, they worked and that's all the support he needed for them.

So as it is with spanking, it's been shown to work in a lot of cases - but does that exactly make it right? Then we have to go even further, what exactly is right, and if it works do we have room to condemn it?

Personally I find spanking a bit barbaric in nature, but I'm not going to condemn people who feel it's the best way to raise their children, even if they're quick to condemn me for not agreeing.
Level 6
Aug 24, 2006
That's a very special view you got there. Spanking children is a criminal offence in most civilized countries. Is it okay to kill people too, as long as the government doesn't know about it?

Very many are traumatized by being spanked as young and few of those who are spanked behave like regular people after being repeatedly spanked for almost everything they do. In the end, many fear to do things which are completely fine to do because they fear that they will be punished.

You don't want people to be afraid of the law, you want them to understand and respect the law.

And no one is traumatized by being spanked. If they are, god forbid they ever get into a fight. They'll probably never come out of their room! What we're effectively doing with our new shitty punishments (like ten minutes in time out for telling your mom you hate her, WTF is that about?) is making a bunch of brat kids who grow up with no concept of the real world, a huge elitism thing, and have almost no work ethic because in school they didn't fail, they just were delayed in their success for whatever is happening now. Everyone gets trophies for participating!

My parents having hit me a few times when I was out of control doesn't make me afraid of the law. Admittedly I view our legal system as an ongoing joke and have no respect for most police, and would love to see it collapse now (or destroyed by a revolution... can't be too long, the way it's going), however that's because the law is for the most part totally idiotic. I spent a week in jail a bit ago (and in turn about got kicked out of school for it) for failure to pay a couple hundred dollars in fines I forgot about (paid most of it, but then I moved and had better things to worry about). My neighbors now ex-boyfriend beat the shit out of her not long ago, but somehow there was insufficient evidence so he got out after a couple days. I would gladly kill people like him, and would have no problem if someone else did it and didn't tell the government. Although I thinking killing people and spanking your kid when he needs it are not quite the same caliber....
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