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Your beliefs (Religion)

What are your true religious beliefs? What religion are you?

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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Vote in this poll what you believe in. No, not what you were brought up as, but what YOU actually believe in. Making this because I'm a little curious what the majority of the religion is and how much diversity there is.\

Lemme know if I missed any religions.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Just for the record...you forgot Wiccan/Neo-Paganism.

And Catholic/Baptism is apart of Christianity. They are just different denominations of it. Kind of like how Shii'te and Sunni are denominations of Islam.

And Jewish is the same thing as Judaism.
Level 10
Jun 10, 2007
I don't remember what I said before, but I think I've finally found what my religion is. Pantheism. But my mother is a lutheran christian, my father is atheist, and my brother is a very adamant atheist.

As such religious discussions are pretty rare among us...
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Chrstian - Catholic.

I believe in the general principles of the Christian faith (God, Jesus, all that good stuff) but I can't be bothered to attend chruch, or to be really anal about following the faith. The Christian faith is all fine and great, but to hell if they can force me to live my life the way they want me to.

And yes, Wicca is a definite option, as two of my cousins are now Wiccan, converted from Christianity.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
I have my own religion, sadly im the only one who believes it :<

(Usta be a Christian when i was younger, alot younger)

Oooh, I'm interrested *Slime, hit on her, flirt just kidding... Or am I?* What do you do in there, slaughter bunnies on a altar? Praying to the east? Or no food and water a whole year? :O What do you do in yourown religion? :O
Level 8
Sep 9, 2007
I am an open minded Christian. I strongly believe in Christianity, but I'm not a bible thumper as I know that this closes people's ears more than anything.

Some people where saying that they were agnostic because they don't believe in God. Please tell me if I'm wrong but, isn't agnostic where you are still deciding whether you believe in God or not.

I know this is probably in bad taste but it has to be said...
Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac?
He stayed up all night wondering if there was a dog.
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
Oooh, I'm interrested *Slime, hit on her, flirt just kidding... Or am I?* What do you do in there, slaughter bunnies on a altar? Praying to the east? Or no food and water a whole year? :O What do you do in yourown religion? :O

Divineboss...I will say this once....or a thousand times if need be. THOU SHALT NOT FLIRT OVER THE INTERNET!!!! Especially with wulfy. We have already had problems with a certain obsesive someone who fell for Wulfy.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
*Cough* yes it is *cough* it is accepted by faith *cough* and has its own philosophy *cough* and even its own creation myth *cough* and doctrine *cough* and creed *cough*

But anyways......why include pastafarianism? Its a joke. Or was that sarcasm?
Level 3
Sep 18, 2007
Well, it's just as plausible as Christianity. If you can prove to me that Pastafarianism is less plausible than Christianity, you'll get a cookie.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Well, it's just as plausible as Christianity. If you can prove to me that Pastafarianism is less plausible than Christianity, you'll get a cookie.
I'd say more plausible, but I guess it's a matter of opinion ;)

But anyways......why include pastafarianism? Its a joke. Or was that sarcasm?
You really disgust me... Is everyone's choice a joke if it's not your own?

And it's not so much of a joke, it's something else. To find out what you'd have to look in to it a bit ;)

*Cough* yes it is *cough* it is accepted by faith *cough* and has its own philosophy *cough* and even its own creation myth *cough* and doctrine *cough* and creed *cough*
We try to base more things on logic, and I wouldn't say ours is as much of a 'myth' as a theory. It actually has backing.

Also, doctrine? Creed?

And we don't go to church to worship The Big Bang or anything.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Faith that you are right in your view of the world.

Faith that you are right in your choice of diety (choice of not having one as not all religions have a diety)

Faith that your world philosophy is correct.

Faith that within that philosophy there are no moral absolutes, that all things are explainable by science, that all things are explainable without any form of god.

Faith that all things are material.

Faith that there is no God or that it is highly unlikley.

Creed. There is no God, There is no supernatural, There is nothing but the material world.

Doctrine. All things are to be seen, all things are to be concluded without God, all things are to be material, all things must be scientifically proven based on the scientific consensus of the day. Absolute truths are non-existent. Perspective rules the day.

Creation Myth. Evolution, Big Bang.

Holy Writ. Origin of Species. And various other material world view literature.

Means of Worship. Live your life as you see fit through the word of materialist philosophy. Organized worship. None as it is a private religion. Organized faith is held by rally and group.

You are a religion by the traits that your faith contains. It is undeniable.
Level 3
Sep 18, 2007
The only thing I know for sureabout religion, is that if there is a god of any kind, then there's not a single person on earth that knows about that god.
This is "God".

End of debate.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Creation Myth. Evolution, Big Bang.
You're confusing Myth and Theory.

Faith that you are right in your view of the world.

Faith that you are right in your choice of diety (choice of not having one as not all religions have a diety)

Faith that your world philosophy is correct.

Faith that within that philosophy there are no moral absolutes, that all things are explainable by science, that all things are explainable without any form of god.

Faith that all things are material.

Faith that there is no God or that it is highly unlikley.
Faith != religion.

Holy Writ. Origin of Species. And various other material world view literature.
I don't worship any sacred documents, nor do I have any.

This is "God".

End of debate.
GG. Is that from the "Are you there, God? It's me, Jesus." episode? (Looks like it)
Level 13
Jun 21, 2007
I'm finding it hard to put my thoughts into words...

I guess when I hear something that I can get behind, I'll consider that a religion. A while ago I think I made have found something like that... I'm keeping that to myself as some people may think I'm a bit crazy for it... I've told maybe 3 freinds and they think I'm nuts.
Level 6
Feb 19, 2004
My ultimate question about science is how can you prove there is no God with science by saying that we all came from a small dot of matter.

The way I see it is maybe the big bang did happen...and the energy put into it to make it "bang" was God giving it a slight push
Level 3
Sep 18, 2007
The big bang is just a theory. Instead of saying "I know that the big bang exploded by itself" I can merely say "I don't know how the universe started."

That is all I know about the start of the universe. The wise man knows what he do not know :grin:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
My ultimate question about science is how can you prove there is no God with science by saying that we all came from a small dot of matter.

The way I see it is maybe the big bang did happen...and the energy put into it to make it "bang" was God giving it a slight push
My view is that it's more likely for two pieces of condensed matter (AKA neutrons, probably) ramming eachother at super-high speeds is a lot more likely than a being in the nature of a god existing.

And even if they did exist, under your argument something would need to create them.

And we didn't say we can prove there is(are) no god(s)...
Level 35
May 22, 2007
You may not worship anyone. And a religion does not worship it's documents. And you have a creation myth. It is how you explain your origins. Creation myth is the word used in the sense of religous explanations used to explain origins.

But you are a religion because you have the traits that make you a religion. Not just faith.
Level 3
Sep 18, 2007
No, Elenai, you got that part of the "creation myth" wrong. Not every atheist necessarily believes in the big bang.

Take me for example. I find the Big Bang theory to be just that - A theory. I don't know how the universe started, and since I know I can't find it out, I won't make any new theories about it.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
I see the Big Bang somewhat like the Bohr-Rutherford model of the Atom. It's plausible and seems to work, but it's probably not all there is to it.

(In this case, Quantum Mechanics overshadows it (the Bohr-Rutherford model))

Anyways, Elenai, we try to base our beliefs on what we observe from scientific tests, etc, which is why I call it a Theory and not a Myth.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Well they use science to explain their origins of course, whilst we use other such means.

Honestly, i'm not the type of Christian to interpret the Bible literally, so I don't believe the whole Garden of Eden BS and how God created the world in seven days of our time, etc.

I believe that the stories were created to teach morals and things, but I don't think that they should be taken as fact.

Mind you, there are the literalists out there who insist that everything written down in the Bible must be taken at face value and that there is no such deeper meaning to be gleaned from anything.

I hate those kinds of people.
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