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WoW Cataclysm: Gilneas

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
First off, this is a Cinematic, it's about a minute and a few seconds long, it just shows Gilneas after the Greymane Wall Shattered.
Yes, I'm that bored.
I've used several models and skins and gave credits to all the makers, on the loading screen.

Please Ignore my crappy Camera skills :/ This is my first time using cameras.
Criticism, compliments, and suggestions are always welcome :)

Hope you enjoy!

Oh, and a side note: I added some WoW music from Gilneas, the Music is just too awesome *Tears up*
But it's kind of low, so make sure your volume is a bit higher than normal.

WoW, Cataclysm, Gilneas, Worgen, Greymane, Deathwing,

WoW Cataclysm: Gilneas (Map)

16:32, 29th Dec 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 3
Jul 4, 2010
Story doesn't really make sense, the worgen curse happened before the gate was destroyed. Also the gate wasn't a part of the city it was actually on the border to make sure they kept those hoodlums out. Other than that I like the models :)
Level 4
Oct 18, 2009
I know the curse was there before the gate was destroyed, unfortunately i remembered that after I finished the entire thing D:

regarding the crappy camera comment, I'm just informing you guys about it. :)

Bottom line:
thanks for downloading the map :D
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Don't make maps when you are bored....
...but I do it all the time! D: I just don't upload them :ogre_hurrhurr:

*Downloading file* (huge file size, but that's allowed for cinematics).
Hm, I'd better go review another map in the meanwhile.


Aargh, you imported the same music twice! No wonder it's that big... you added an unnecessary 3MB.
The camera (as you already mentioned) is very bad, I won't explain this since you already know it.

Since I also play as Worgen, I think I might say that this is not what Gilneas looks like... everything is TOO blue.
Also, you didn't use a sky (how awesome would it be to show a worgen standing on top of a building, roaring towards the full moon?)
The only thing in this cinematic is:
  • Human dies
  • Human becomes worgen
  • Worgen kills human
  • Repeat these steps to infinity.

Better luck next time :D
Level 4
Oct 18, 2009

Aargh, you imported the same music twice! No wonder it's that big... you added an unnecessary 3MB.
The camera (as you already mentioned) is very bad, I won't explain this since you already know it.

Since I also play as Worgen, I think I might say that this is not what Gilneas looks like... everything is TOO blue.
Also, you didn't use a sky (how awesome would it be to show a worgen standing on top of a building, roaring towards the full moon?)

The only thing in this cinematic is:
  • Human dies
  • Human becomes worgen
  • Worgen kills human
  • Repeat these steps to infinity.

First off, I imported it twice o_O? Are you serious?
Second, I know it's just a pointless repeat of actions, it's just showing Savage Worgen.
Third, You played Worgen?! D: I still didn't download patch 4.0 -.- And I've seen many cinematics, I know that the walls\Cathedral\Manor are too blue, I just didn't know how else to make them Gilneas-ish.

A suggestion on that would be nice :)

Thanks for the review (At least I think it's a review =_=)

Endnote: Any suggestion on how I can fix it?