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World at War v2.4

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
World at War v2.4

Team up with a maximum of 5 players and defend from the hordes of the Undead. Out of the five players of your team, you must split up and defend the three lanes (Right, Middle and Left). Purchase items from the Laden der Waffe (Weapon Shop) and if you need to store items, store them in the Lagerzelt (Storage Tent). When your team is powerful enough to destroy the Undead, eliminate them and finally test your strength with the almost-immortal Skeleton King!




World, War

World at War v2.4 (Map)

19:32, 26th Feb 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected Memory leaks, bad triggers, poor terrain and not balanced gameplay.




19:32, 26th Feb 2011
Status: Rejected
Memory leaks, bad triggers, poor terrain and not balanced gameplay.
Level 5
Dec 22, 2008
Do any of you ever read the rules?
I know that we all did this sort of thing once, but i cant emphasise it more.
Use BB Codes and colours to improve your description.

I downloaded it and played it and it was quite good. But you sould avoid using normal wc3 units: not many people here appreciate non-english names or partially translated things. I would recommend you make custom units in english rather than using german-edition wc3 units. Buildings which arent buildable by players should be translated into english, since the meanings are not obvious to most of us here lol, i know some german but i know many others on this website dont know any of it so it would be better to have 100% of essential text in english, and only the relevant german team units in german language.
You might be aiming for a bi-lingual sort of map but this is not really possible in warcraft 3.
Level 5
Dec 22, 2008
Indeed, the descriptions doesn't give anything informative, tell more about the gameplay, cool features, add some screenshots, add credits and changelog. Nobody cares that its' your first map and it's fun to play at full house...

That is a bit inconsiderate but its true lol.

Game pace is also too slow. Hero selection time should only be 30 seconds, and the units definitely need to move faster. I like a fast-paced game so if it were me i would have fast spawning times, normal speed, and low hp.
Rename the map aswell, its too typical and doesn't really tell anyone what the map is about.
I recommend this for approval, although it definitely needs a lot of changes to be an enjoyable map.
Level 16
Jan 31, 2009
Please read the submission rules before uploading. You need a good description telling us some of these; how to play, game modes, add screenshots, brief background story of map, heroes, items, etc. Here's a list of BB Codes to help you. Terrain seems a bit plain with only a few tile sets used in the preview image.
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Thanks a lot for all the comments, guys! I added German just to make the map more interesting and I've checked out the other map's descriptions and screenshots. There sure are many BB codes! I'll try to get my own picture for the map but I'm still not sure how to do it and making the default Quests (F9) table that can put in the information, credits and changelog. Maybe you guys can teach me? Hey, tell me how to put in the screenshots too!
Last edited:
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Tleno's guide of making screenshots for map easily™
1. Press Print Screen when you want to make a screenshot.
2. Alt+Tab the game
3. Open Paint and paste screenshot there. Crop it if you want
4. Save new picture as PNG or JPG, not BMP.
5. Upload these pictures to your album in Hiveworkshop, if you don't have one, create it.
6. On lower part there should be BB code of picture wroten. It should be comething like blah/blahblahblah..., copy it.
7. Paste it in your hidden tag and you got a screenshot!

That's it!
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Nice to see more people downloading my map! I really want to add some screenshots of the war taking place and show the troops fighting and towers but I haven't the time to do so...I try my best to add some soon! I think the skills I made for the 4 different heroes are quite cool, I try to add screenshots about them.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Yes, sure. And instead of putting all scrrenshots in separate Hidden tags, you could out them in one called "Screenshots" and write a comment before every of them. Just don't forget to press enter after each comment and screenshot, else it will loook messy.

You cal also use other BB codes to immprove your description. Such as colors. , all those , you cal also try for fun, it's really useful!
oh, thera are also some like , Aligin to center your test, good for titles, you can also use
for changelogs or other information.
Oh, and you can use so when a person scrolls the mouse over the text, there is more text wrotem, just like this.

I think that should be enough for a quick course about an awesomeness of BB code.
Level 3
Jan 4, 2011
Hello everyone, I'm working on a new map, The Lordaeron Empires. Expect a lot more from it, as it's a second attempt of my map making! My World at War will stop here, as sadly it isn't well recieved by my friends on GameRanger when I played it with them, before I uploaded it here.