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Why do people hate Epic War?

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Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
www.epicwar.com - a WC3 map database, like Hive. But is it? It has about 60.000 maps (omfg), but not any other resources. You cannot even register. You can only upload and rate maps. Some of them are real treasures that don't exist in the Hive, while some are "Just another Warcraft 3 Map"s of 20 KB that have nothing in them, because site doesn't have moderators. 87% users of the Hive see Epic War like stupid n00b map gallery, but listen this: some excellent maps in Hive wouldn't exist without Epic War (ehem Legend of Magnador), then, 12% users don't know for Epic War, and 1% users like it. I am that 1%. Until I found Hive, I was spending eternity on that site finding miracle maps. Just type "Mortal Wrestling" in Epic War's search box and you will se what miracles I am talking about. Type "Mortal Wrestling" in Hive and see what you get.

[+]Over 60.000 maps
[+]Some pure epicnesses
[+]Lots of Genres
[+]No map size restriction

[-]No moderating which means stupid maps come
[-]Looks awful
[-]No registering
[-]Half of people who visit Epic War don't know about Hive

And we get to the end. I hope I am not only one in that 1%. And yeah, Epic War is made before Hive.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2009
Yes, Epic War is poor and awful, of course Hive is better but, you know, it needed only 2 things to be very good: A moderator and registration.

That's what I think.
Level 8
Jul 28, 2008
I hate epic war cuz ppl post maps with all kinds of stuff (viruses ect.). Like DarkHorse said, they even publish blank maps.
One more reason why i hate it is that i found a map that looked cool and all that stuff, but when i started it, it was in spanish. There was another map like that in german. I couldn't find the english version.

But other than that, i kinda like epic war too. I found some cool maps (in english lol) and i think that's the main reason.
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
On Epic War goes every shitty map. The votes are also non-doing it`s job, cause there will be one guy, which will go through pages and vote everything 1, and another guy will press 5 on every map. They also disabled commennts. But finally they have made, that you cannot just upload a map, and then sit and hit 'Download' as many times as you can, and it`ll count. It sucked and was killing me, when I saw an empty map, uploaded 3 mins ago, and which had about 200 downloads, and after some days about 500.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
On Epic War goes every shitty map. The votes are also non-doing it`s job, cause there will be one guy, which will go through pages and vote everything 1, and another guy will press 5 on every map. They also disabled commennts. But finally they have made, that you cannot just upload a map, and then sit and hit 'Download' as many times as you can, and it`ll count. It sucked and was killing me, when I saw an empty map, uploaded 3 mins ago, and which had about 200 downloads, and after some days about 500.

Yeah, that's right. People from Epic War often download something without brains, and rate it without reason. Not to mention my 75 KB Map "Panda Warz" who has 4.50 rating on Epic War.
Level 2
Jul 7, 2009
But Epic War is still a place to divulge a map, I know this cause I knew Epic War before Hive. I prefer Hive but we simply can't discard Epic War as a WarCraft III map database.

PS: When I finish my map I will make it with Hive laws, but I'll put it to be downloaded on Epic War too.
There's nothing epic about Epic War. It's just easily to be compared with a huge garbage dumpster field.
Like other people said, there is no approval/reject system there, thus any type of maps get submitted, like crappy maps, blank maps, edited maps, stolen maps, maps with uncredited materials. The vote systems and the comment systems are bullshit as well.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
There's nothing epic about Epic War. It's just easily to be compared with a huge garbage dumpster field.

But some people accidentaly throw usable items in the garbage field. If you search the field passing trough lots of retarded, unusable, stinky items, you will find a treasure.
You see where this leads?
Level 2
Jul 7, 2009
But some people accidentaly throw usable items in the garbage field. If you search the field passing trough lots of retarded, unusable, stinky items, you will find a treasure.
You see where this leads?

You're a Farseer man!
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Nonsense, with thousand of map flowing through epicwar.com. You don't even know which map are good quality and which are not; unless you already know the existence of the map.

This make the browsing far more difficult and irritating compare to hive, to search for even 1 good map. You got to browse 9 or probably 19 pages in order to find 1.

But some people accidentaly throw usable items in the garbage field. If you search the field passing trough lots of retarded, unusable, stinky items, you will find a treasure.
You see where this leads?

Look at my above msg.

[+]No map size restriction

8mb restriction, for your information.

[-]No moderating which means stupid maps come

Wrong, they do moderate it. By removing map that contain porn material or racist only.

[-]No registering

There is, but it was disable due to massive spam.

[-]Half of people who visit Epic War don't know about Hive

Why should we care about it?

The only reason to use Epic War is if your map is so horrible that it wouldn't be approved at a serious map section.

Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Epic War is a perfectly good site, it does it's job fine.

I have no idea why this thread was made though. People are welcome to dislike Epic War, I don't see why it should bother you.
The only reason I'll be uploading my map on EpicWar (when it done), is to provide a download mirror.
I'm also going to use the forums attachment system (I'm not sure if I'm posting it here, 'cause of the rules. It isn't exactly an original idea), file hosting sites, and my own domain to provide alternitives for downloading the map.

I used to use Epic War, until someone told me "Go dump your shitty maps on Epic War where no one cares about how fail it is".
Yeah. Kinda ruined it for me.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
I hate when people say sth like this: "Go throw this bullsh*t on Epic War, you will probably get 5." They just HEARD or SEEN Epic War, and suddenly, it's a shitty site. Did anyone search for Mortal Wrestling? You haven't seen anything of fight cinematics.
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Did anyone search for Mortal Wrestling?
You haven't seen anything of fight cinematics.

Nobody are going to browse through thousand of pages just to find 1 good cinematic without knowing what is the map title.

Sure, if you know the title. It is quite easy to find; then again if you don't. How?

On top of that, even if you know the map name. It would be freaking impossible to search it as well if there is thousand of map with similiar name.

Just type "Kill" and you would see how many thousand pages are over there.
Level 4
Jul 24, 2009
Nobody are going to browse through thousand of pages just to find 1 good cinematic without knowing what is the map title.

Sure, if you know the title. It is quite easy to find; then again if you don't. How?

On top of that, even if you know the map name. It would be freaking impossible to search it as well if there is thousand of map with similiar name.

Mortal Wrestling is the name of the map.
Level 7
Nov 4, 2006
I don't mind Epicwar. I uploaded 2 of my first "official" maps there and well... Like most people have already said, rating system & 97.5% dump maps which makes it harder for the maps I upload there to be found. Also there is no feedback which is really the reason I upload maps before its completely done.
Sort of a biased way of searching epicwar though is ignoring ones that are <100kb, terrain preview looks horrible, and names(bad name or obviously a simple edit of an already made map).
I still upload to epic war sometimes cause it gets downloaded like 200 times (mine have at least) = more chance of spreading :)
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