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What is your time zone?

Where does your time zone lie?

  • -12

  • -11

  • -10

  • -9

  • -8

  • -7

  • -6

  • -5

  • -4

  • -3

  • -2

  • -1

  • 0

  • +1

  • +2

  • +3

  • +4

  • +5

  • +6

  • +7

  • +8

  • +9

  • +10

  • +11

  • +12

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Level 19
Jul 2, 2011

Just noticed there are spikes in the user activity here on the hive and I wonder is it because there are more users in one given time zone than another?

Which is why this thread is up...

High I'm an alien from a black hole and my time zone is +1... sorry originally I posted -1 but it's actually plus one

Which reminds me... make sure you have your time zone write before poling
Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I see there are sudden spikes in activity but then all of a sudden NOTHING!
Its like people come online for a split second, reply to all their junk, and they go somewhere else!
Do you guys something better to do than hive?
Am I missing out on some special convention or is their other things to do on the next besides chat on forums?????

Screw you youtubers X(
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