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WH 40k related stuff

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hmm... i dont know where to post this so here i am in the off topic section.

does anyone know any WH40K related maps with actual custom models? like as in chaos marines with horns and bolters, not a reskin of a normal marine.
i am too lazy to check every map named WH40K so i am asking

the models do not include any of my models or any of the Mechanical_Man's tau & imperial vehicles nor The Curse's Crozius.

i just want to see if there are any other models i dont know about.
also i want to play something with warhammer40k stuff in it. i got bored of DoW and i cbf dling mods.

so this is like a map request. normally it would be a model request. lol
pretty stupid. but that's me.

and you could also post any really good wh40k related websites. not something that just pops up when you search in google.
i got one here.
this is where i mostly base my models from because it has crap loads of pic in a nice organised manner

please pm if you think this thread is stupid and you think it should be deleted
hmm... i dont know where to post this so here i am in the off topic section.

does anyone know any WH40K related maps with actual custom models? like as in chaos marines with horns and bolters, not a reskin of a normal marine.
i am too lazy to check every map named WH40K so i am asking

the models do not include any of my models or any of the Mechanical_Man's tau & imperial vehicles nor The Curse's Crozius.

i just want to see if there are any other models i dont know about.
also i want to play something with warhammer40k stuff in it. i got bored of DoW and i cbf dling mods.

so this is like a map request. normally it would be a model request. lol
pretty stupid. but that's me.

and you could also post any really good wh40k related websites. not something that just pops up when you search in google.
i got one here.
this is where i mostly base my models from because it has crap loads of pic in a nice organised manner

please pm if you think this thread is stupid and you think it should be deleted


Actually I gave up as there are no wh40k maps in progress. However, there are some maps, but they are very old (so no who40k custom models or whatever) and not really good, the best of them are still resembling DoW quite a lot.
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