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Warhammer 40,000: The Lost World

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Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Elysia shook her head after the crash. She had a minor headache. She checked her Hellgun to make sure the power cells were active. "Good to go, you marines better prove your worth." She walked over to the techpriests desk and grabbed her sniper rifle and power knife. She looked over to the prototype, "Once this is over you tihnk you can rebuild that ship from the blueprints Allain?"
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
OOC: Sure, go ahead.
"I shall try as hard as ever a servant of the Omnissiah ever can. Such a holy object from Mars itself must be rebuilt at all costs." He barely even heard the words that the woman spoke, instead his eyes were fixed on the dead Blood Raven before him on the deck. He looked up at the Sister who had just placed him there. "This means that he was possessed, but it was brief, or else his hood would not have still been in place to safeguard his soul from the enemy." Thinking fast, he remembered something important. "If this is indeed a daemon we face, the only weapon capable of killing such a potent being if he enters another host is a Nemesis weapon, a psyker's weapon that we have on-board, in the hands of our brethren. We can only hope that this warped creature will not evade us for long, sister. It shall pay dearly for the loss of Anixamander." His servo-arms shook, giving away the perhaps too-strong rage that he felt eating at as he looked over the pathetic looking remains of his most powerful brother. Even that fool Crowfeather would mourn the quiet and easy-going warrior, once a humble Librarian of the Blood Ravens. "Needs must when daemons drive," he said, quoting some old text, "and this daemon could be capable of anything."

Meanwhile, Brother Corien looked around as he found himself and another marine, Androthamere, heading to warn the Grey Knights and the Navigator of the daemon's threat. The Dark Angel was supposed to be with Udun looking for their comrade, but all in the killteam knew that the two would never learn to work together well, even in the face of the aliens and heretics that had fought. Still, he was a little worried when his brother halted behind him and raised his boltgun at a group of servitors heading toward them quickly. He was even more worried when he saw the bloody rags that had been the servitors as they came out of the dark, still rolling along, but slower. Whatever had killed them was down there, and only their presence could stop it. He waved the other forward, and they moved down the hall.

Neither saw the red shape form from the bodies of the dead servitors behind them. And neither of them saw it move at them, until it had carved a thick piece of ceramite and marine flesh out of the Dark Angel who was supposed to be covering Corien. He fired a few shots at the thing he could not see well, but it cunningly used the dying Androthamere as a shield. The grievously-injured warrior barely had the energy to even draw his bolter and fire at his attacker before it finished him by ripping his right arm and a good section his his body away from it, ignoring his armor like a knife through thin parchment. Another of the killteam had died senselessly before even reaching their target.

As it was, Corien was going to die no-matter-what. The daemon, for that was what it must have been, seemed to distend and distort, avoiding most of his bolts, and within seconds it was in front of him, drawing the Dark Angel's own sword and cutting the boltgun apart. Then it grabbed Corien and faded like thick smoke into his face. He almost screamed before he grabbed his own bolter, understanding what was happening to him. His fingers were senseless though, and he could not even seem to move himself, although he realized a moment later that his bloodied self was raising itself and picking up Andro's boltgun. Then his own soul seemed to die, and along with it went the Raven Guard who had been called Corien. There was only Grathêrmax the Thirster, most cowardly and low among the Blood God's servants. He did not want to die just yet, though. He knew what waited on the ship's final destination. Khorne would make him a Greater Daemon for what his most low servant would bring to him. He hurried back to the rest of the unit, knowing he mustn't come near the powerful psyker-warrior he sensed ahead, that Corien and the other marine had been sent to fetch to destroy him..

Meanwhile, Tashj paced impatiently in the ancient teleporter room, beside the hugely-menacing figures of the Explorator and Telemnos of the Grey Knights. At one glance from the small and curious Navigator, the big superhuman had almost smiled and told him that he need only fear if he was an enemy of the Emperor. They now waited, on the Captain and the Inquisitor's orders, for the newly-placed killteam member to arrive, as a last-moment muster had brought in yet another of the eerie fanatics that Tashj thought must hate him... But some strange sense told him that the newcomer would be needed, very soon, perhaps something to do with the sociable Allain's order earlier, to leave the Warp four minutes ahead of schedule. He was still wary about that one, despite his good attitude and relative kindness to the Navigator, for he had overheard the Lord Inquisitor and the captain speaking of him. He knew what things Techmarine Allain had done in the past, what heresies he had come so close to committing.

(No one can find out that Corien's been "replaced", but you guys can kind of use him now, just make sure he doesn't talk much at all and mostly just follows around people to help out. The knights will deal with him.)
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Elysia walked up next to Allain, "Calm yourself Allain, daemons feed off of the anger and greed humanity is so famous for. I'm much more concerned for my safety, if this daemon can possess a mighty space marine so easily, then..." Elysia shuttered at the thought. She raised her Hellgun onto her shoulder and put on her helmet. After putting her helmet on she grabbed her Kasrkin pack powering her Hellgun. "I say we go, the more we linger the faster that daemon will find us. Besides, we have to deal with that ship tailing the Reliant."
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Allain's thoughts went back to the black ship, briefly glimpsed within the Warp. No doubt that Chaos-ridden vessel would leave the Warp soon, and he was sure that the Chaos-lovers aboard must have been following them. The traitors of humanity were ever eager to please their daemonic leaders with the offering of Imperial souls, Allain had heard often that any ship that passed through that nightmare dimension was a prospective target for the Chaos space marines and other denizens of the Warp on their many raids and forays into the Imperium.

He thought about the guardsman who had just talked down to him. If he had been any other marine he knew, and he was sure that the unfortunate human would have been reduced to a jellied corpse within moments. But the woman made sense, but he knew that somewhere in his bright soul, that brief spike of anger he had felt moments ago remained, staying within a small and near-corrupt portion where the resentment, fury and anger he always felt lived on. He knew he wasn't exactly a shining example of one of the Emperor's angels of death. As he nodded quietly to Elysia's words, he put down those heretical thoughts and headed out into the ship, passing by his headless former companion on the way out. "We have a warrior to avenge." He said in his most calm and anger-less voice, hard for him to manage at that moment. "Anixamander would have been my first choice to deal with this warp-spawned beast, but it seems now that my holier brethren will have to suffice." He knew he didn't sound as calm as he thought he did, but he could only hope that the Sister didn't sense the anger and coldness in his voice.

He had many reasons to feel the anger in the sweet way he did. He relished the way his fingers tightened around his power-axe, and the way the weapon's head resembled the gear of the Machine God. He had many reasons. All but a few of his original brothers from his Chapter were dead, devoured wholly or rent apart by the pushing force of the Hive Fleets, and when there should have been many others to aid their holding action, there had been none but a few forlorn Guard companies left behind. Now his friend had been slain, and it was again possible that nothing his genetically-superior body or weapons could do anything to help. Angry, he pulled his rust-red hood over his head, and put on his techpriest's filtration-mask, hiding the way his teeth gritted and his eyes furrowed. This daemon's actions would not go unpunished, and he care no more about how he would slay it.

He only knew that slay it he would.

"Let's move out, friends."
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Elysia quickly followed behind. "I saw a soldier from Krieg in the mess, maybe we should go there first." Elysia said through the full face helmets radio. Crew men were scouring the halls of the Reliant thinking they may be invaded by chaos at any moment. Some were running for their battle stations while others praying to the emperor for protection. "By the emperor it's like a madhouse." Elysia quickly added.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
"That was as close a description as anything else I've heard today, human." Allain could see that squads of shotgun-wielding navy crewmen were everywhere, some of them shouting into radios with frantic orders and reports as they prepared for a possible boarding action by the forces of Chaos. Allain knew they were just as likely to do that as to ram the ship with it's massive spiked head, or even fire all their guns into the Inquisitorial ship. Nearby, a unit of Storm troopers were trying to rally, but the tide of panicking guardsmen, unprepared and unarmed in the face of a possible attack, held them back and away from each other as the Guard made a run for the armory. The only thing keeping them going to arm themselves were the Commissars standing among them, but he knew that even such frightening men could not keep a man standing alone when daemons of Chaos were upon him and all he had was his lasgun.

Anyway, ahead of him, he could see that one or two of the Grey Knights still stood by the armory, protecting it lest some daemon destroy it and the blessed weapons it held within. Allain felt some weird stir of hate as he saw the blessed warriors of that mysterious chapter, odd, he'd never felt that way about the Knights before. He felt a sense of jealousy as he saw their clean white armor and their force-weapons at their sides. Angry, he turned away and headed back into the halls, aware that the daemon could be close at hand or on the other side of the ship. They had to hurry!
Level 1
Sep 6, 2010
Hey guys, Cthulus said I could join into this RP. Here's my character sheet.

Name: Amrasam the Bold
Race: Human Space Marine
Faction: The Dragon Paladins, DeathWatch
Rank: Assault Marine
Wargear: Power Armour, 2 Chainswords
Appearance: Black Armour with dark green shoulders. Tanned skin, red eyes, and
Biography: With the potential of being a company captain, Amrasam is an assault marine who abhors long-ranged warfare. He is the perfect Dragon Paladin. This, however was the reason that his chapter master sent him to the Deathwatch Killteam on the "Reliant of His Word". The Paladins responded to their navigator's distress call with Amrasam. The Paladins hope that Amrasam repay the debt they owe to the 'Reliant'.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
He turned around, abruptly, his face again the smiling and kind one everybody knew. "Of course, young Elysia, of course. I was distracted." He turned back to the armory, making a path as he waded through the mustering Guard. He nodded briefly at the Knight standing there, his face darkening for a moment, then headed inside. The Grey Knight gave him an odd look under his helmet, then shrugged and turned back to his duties.

Within, row after row of lasguns and a variety of exotic weapons stood along the walls and on the tables. Allain looked around, examining them. His eyes led him to the Adept supervising the distribution. "Greetings in the name of the Omnissiah, Adept Tarquin. I require some information on some of this gear you have here." The adept nodded, making a secret sign of the Mechanicus, before he withdrew a long length of parchment. "Whatever you ask, Blessed One." Allain felt a bite of pride rush through him briefly, but he bit it back. "The Nemesis Force-Weapons, those crafted so beautifully for the Grey Knights, I wish to know where the last set is being kept. The unissued ones." The adept raised the eyebrow of his non-bionic eye, and scanned the list, his other eye making a small red laser-line in the air. "Lower deck, just above the Lord Inquisitor's quarters. Do you require access codes or a permit?" Allain shook his head. He already knew the room, the blank chamber where they would keep the rogue witches or latent psykers that the Inquisition had captured in years past. "I can do without."

They re-entered the hall. Many of the guardsmen had already armed and returned to their units with all the gear they would need, and several units of Storm Troopers held the corridor, ready for any attacking force. Allain saw the mercenary from Krieg, and waved him over. "Elysia, explain our problem to this man. We will need all the help we can get now. The room the adept told me about is where they keep the captured heretics, and who knows if they're still under guard or kept under control. Perhaps the daemon has already liberated those wretched mutants. We may get some action earlier then I thought we would have to do." For some reason, he felt himself desiring things to be as he'd said, that a fight would be waiting for them, although he knew this was unlike him. He was not half as warlike as Udun or any other of the marines, but recently, with this daemon's attack on his friend, he felt himself desiring only bloodshed, and something within told him it wasn't the first time. Something in his head egged him on, calling him a coward if he refused to fight harder, and he barely was able to keep himself calm under the eyes of the Grey Knights as they headed down into the deeper levels of the Reliant.

Techmarine Allain Torgamund knew only that he wanted the blood of whatever foe to stain his axe. He narrowed his eyes and proceeded, calmer. "Keep close, who knows what waits for us? And be ready, for these guard cannot keep back my fallen brothers for long if they are what comes for us."
Level 8
May 8, 2009
Naesha rushed up beside Allain, now in full Seraphim armor. While lighter than a Space Marine or a normal Sister's armor, it still offered decent protection. Her right-hand Powerfist and left wrist-mounted Storm Bolter were both primed.
"My sisters have been alerted to the situation and are ready to assist as soon as the fighting starts. I, however, am going with you."
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
He looked over the Sister briefly, recalling the things said about the women who were almost as devoted to the Emperor as his order. He also knew they were almost as strong as marines, and that this one was no doubt well-armed and prepared. "It will be good to have you, Sister. But be wary, if the guards down below were caught unprepared, and that's assuming that the daemon passed through there, there will be several rogue psykers below." Stressing this, he presented his power axe. "And we will seek out each and end his chaos-loving existence." Under his face-mask, he licked his lips at the prospect of such an excellent fight ahead.

"But it is better to die in His service, even by these witches' foul spells, then live for our own sake." He breathed a short prayer to the Deus Mechanicus, then stomped down to locate the Nemesis weapons they would need to win.
Level 8
May 8, 2009
Naesha nodded slightly, moving up beside Allain and keeping next to him. She didn't want to have to use her jump pack to get in front of them in the confined areas of the ship when the fighting started.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
As they continued down, it became obvious that none of the Guard or Navy troops were down there, not a single man was at his post. This unnerved Allain much, as he considered what must have happened. Ahead, a few glow-globes had stuttered out, and he could barely see even with his enhanced vision into the gloom. Just beyond the period of darkness, he could see that farther down other small sections of light were offline. In one of them he also could see that a Guardsman had fallen there, although there was no blood and the man was spread on the floor as if he had died trying to embrace it. It seemed that his armor had been ripped open, and as they came closer, they could see a few small marks on it, small symbols of the Dark Gods that had been branded onto the unfortunate man.

Much further ahead, Allain was sure he detected some kind of movement. His thoughts returned to the enemy who he now knew to be waiting ahead somewhere on the deck. He shifted vaguely, pointing out whatever was up there to the party, but making sure he wasn't obvious enough for it to understand. "The only heretic that should still have been in there was a former Guard officer, Cassius Von Clemerton, who was recently revealed to be an Beta-Level psyker.. and a servant of the evil gods."

"Be wary.." he warned as he continued, taking point with his massive power-axe at the ready.
Level 8
May 8, 2009
Naesha followed close behind, her Storm Bolter up and at the ready, making sure to check both upwards and to the rear often. She wasn't sure exactly what a Beta-Psyker could do, but she sure didn't want to find out any time soon, especially not one serving Chaos...
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Elysia kept her Hellgun high and aimed at down the dark hallway. All she could hear was her heavy breathing within her Kasrkin Helmet, and the footsteps elicited from Allain, Naesha, and herself. There was a scream and a blast at the end of the hallway. A flash of a purplish red light came from around the corner as another guardsman was flung into the wall by daemonic energies. Then she stopped. "Do you hear that?" Elysia whispered. It was an ominous raspy voice at the end of the hallway. "You've come to silence me have you. Yes, yes I know all about you three, Elysia, a Kasrkin, Allain, a space wolf techmarine, and Naesha, a Battle Sister Seraphim. You aren't so quiet in my domain. No, no you are not. This ship is mine now, and no matter how strangely matched your little party is, it wont be enough." The laugh was heard again and everything was silent. Elysia looked back to Allain and Naesha whom she had stepped ahead of. Then the laugh could be heard again. "Die...." Was all that was spoken before a horror of tzeentch crawled around corner, it's jaw hanging low and daemonic fiery energies were conjured in its hand.
Level 8
May 8, 2009
The second the horror rounded the corner, Naesha rushed forward, bringing the Powerfist in an uppercut when she reached it, connecting solidly with it's open jaw. Moving with her blow, she kicked it into the wall with a thud. Then she jumped backwards, Storm Bolter at the ready in case it decided it wasn't dead.
"This ship belongs to us, Daemon. You and your kind have no place here. And I think that the three of us are more than a match for you."
Clearly she disliked- Rather, completely abhorred- the Horror's presence. Every word dripped with venomous hatred towards the creature; and she made no attempt to hide it.
OOC: (Abhor: to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate.) For those who don't know what it means and/or are too lazy to look it up. And Razek, Allain is one of the Scythes of the Emperor, I think.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: :vw_death:

And as the rocket flew forward, it hit it's target and a quite great explosion occured, destroying the gun and the men manning it.
''Forward!'' was the roar of Aman, immediatly after the explosion, who charged after the retreating regenades, silencing his movement. The camp was left behind as the Legionnaires moved through the cargo in top speed, trying to catch up on the enemy before they could do.. whatever they wanted to do. The vault could be a very important place, and if he did not catch up with them, then it would be too late, unless the soldiers who ran around could've managed to cut them off, but they had to get there fast, nonetheless, as it would be hard for them, obviously, to hold, but these regenades had to be killed.

To be purged.
Level 1
Sep 6, 2010
The blue light dimmed all around Amrasam as he felt his body return to him. He balled his fists to test his feeling and regained his sight. The dark room around him was metallic gray, barely lit by the blue lights amongst the walls. Servitor skulls floatied around the platform where he stood, tending to the teleporter's needs. Grey Knights of the Ordo Malleus and a lone navigator stood in front of the platform with their respective weapons. "Amrasam, welcome aboard the 'Reliant'! I am Grey Knight Captain Telemnos." Telemnos said as Amrasam walked off the platform. " I wish we met upon better terms, however. The ship is going through hell, so we must act fast to save the 'Reliant'." Amrasam unbuckled his signature chainswords and held them firmly within his ceramite hands. "Let us not exchange words, but send these traitors to their bastard gods". The Grey Knights and Amrasam left the room, to combat these heretics and demons.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
The laughter reappeared. "That was but one of my many servants already aboard this ship, and if you wasted that much time, energy, and ammunition, then I have already won..." It was clearly the heretical psyker speaking. Elysia looked toward the mangled body of the horror as it was bursting into daemonic flames and disappearing. "All that for just one..." Elysia quietly said. Elysia again took point as they were proceeding into the ever growing darkness of the Reliant. "Where did everybody go? Was it really only the psyker?" Elysia asked Naesha.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Allain didn't look back at Elysia, but he responded quickly. "Verily, yes. The mad fool always said he was a high servant of the Changeling God." He pointed out the dead Horror, and the slain guardsmen piled up in the next hall. "And we can see here that he must have indeed be such." He peered around, ensuring that nothing waited in the next corner, then looked back at the dead chaos-spawned creature. "Clearly this was one of the Navy patrolmen. And as long as this sorcerer has access to more living men, he can just keep throwing more of these monstrosities at us and wait 'till we break, although I know such a thing will never happen to the most faithful."

The way he said that sounded a little uneasy, uncommon if not unheard of in a full-fledged Space Marine veteran from the Scythes. He peeked around the corner again, and saw something move. He curled his lips under his mask into a mad grin, and then turned into the next hall. "To me! For the Emperor!" The Chaos Spawn looked up from the floor where it stood drooling and giggling to itself, and uncurled two huge arms from it's sticky body, where the shreds of a Guard captain's uniform still showed. "C-chaaange! Tzeentch Y'narl tegna!" It began to shamble forward, then jumped onto Allain, it's altered form so heavy and massive that it knocked over even the huge marine, and it clawed at him, tearing chips and small slices out of of the ceramite armor. "You shall only feast on the thick blade of my axe, chaos-lover.." He shoved hard with the rod of the weapon, pushing the spawn back a few feet, and then swung it down hard, cleaving the twitching monster in two. IT screamed, it's scream sounding eerily like a perfectly normal person, then began to re-form. Allain growled, then smashed it with the back of the blade, then the creature finally died as he smashed what remained of it's brain.

OOC: Razek, just letting you know, this psyker is something of a minor setback, and since he's a Tzeentch worshiper, the Khorne daemon is the main enemy here and everyone knows that Khorne hates Tzeentch...
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
OOC: No computer access yesterday :p

"You wanted me to follow..." The hoarse voice of Grim came up behind the party. "...But you seem to be doing quite good on your own..." The tone in his voice was difficult to judge, floating between admiration and sarcasm. He did not say anything else, and quietly watched the corpse lying on the floor. what a pretty mess... He kept his thoughts to himself.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Allain caught only the last words that the masked mercenary spoke, but he grinned heartily at the little joke. "I am sure we will have need of you soon, my friend." He looked back around the hall, then turned back to the group. "We still can't be sure about how many of the crewmen on this deck have been transformed into Spawn, so keep your guard up." He then turned back to the long dark corridors ahead, swinging his power axe almost carelessly as he steeled himself for a fight, bristling with something like rage as he stepped slowly.

Finally they came to a bright white room after what seemed an eternity of shadows and echoes of the mad cackles of Chaos Spawn, roaming the deck all around them. Allain could see that two of the weapons they had sought after, the Nemesis Force Weapons, were gone, taken most likely by the Grey Knights once they had realized the ship was under attack. He could also see that there was a mound of corpses in the center of the room, blood permeating the clean white-washed room here and there. Behind the mound sat a being that the Techmarine could see had once been a man. The ex-guardsman had once been big and muscular, yes, and had been on the rise until he was found consorting with the Dark God, Tzeentch, on the battlefields of the Stratix system during the rise of the near-godly Warlord Teturact, one of the Adeptus Mechanicus' darker secrets, thought Allain as he thought back to the many reports from Stratix Luminae's surface the day the Eldar had attacked.

Now, that guardsman sat there, but he was near-unrecognizable. His head was something triangular, with an eye on each far side, and the mouth at the last corner, at the bottom, wide and full of tiny teeth that resembled crystal. His arms were long, and his fingers were almost longer, almost resembling tentacles in their form. One of those long arms ended in a thick barbed tentacle, around which there seemed to be some kind of aura of fear, as Allain could barely seem to look at it for moments before he found his eyes tear themselves away. His legs too were clawed and long, and he had a thin but dense torso, of a green, fleshy hue.

"You have come to die, servants of a False Emperor? The Old Ones have decreed it so, and you will not be Changed easily, I suppose." He spoke these words calmly, and they sounded very out of place coming from the hideous creatures mouth, although there was bit of a resounding tone in his low and rich voice. Allain felt himself growing more and more uncomfortable, and he gestured to Naesha and the other two humans behind him. "Destroy this monster! I will take one of these holy Weapons, and slay the daemon that slew my brother! Send him to his Dark Lord." Even as he spoke, without warning, he made a run for the Nemesis blades, even as the creature leapt to it's feet and ran at the Sister and the others. As it ran, foul magics ran across it's tentacle-hand, surely ruinous and fatal for a non-armored human.

OOC: Just got back from Orientation Week, and everyone say welcome to my buddy, E Lemonader!
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Elysia was quick to react and rolled over to her right. Instantly she raised her Hellgun and began firing a hail of high powered las shots. After about a burst of thirty shots Elysia armed a melta bomb and threw it at the exposed back of the abomination. The daemon infused mutant turned to swing at Elysia but its bulky form didn't assist it in speed. Elysia evaded the maneuver and drew her sniper rifle. She quickly looked through her scope and fired a quick shot landing a hard hit on his finger. "RAAH!" The mutant roared and he swung his other more bulky arm toward Elysia. She wasn't so prepared for that attack however and was sent flying back a few meters. Elysia was dazed for a moment, but her internal cybernetics quickly recovered her and she responded with a snappy retaliation. Elysia quickly grabbed her Power Knife and threw it toward the mutant, the force of the knife penetrated his armor and went into his stomach. Elysia grabbed her Hellgun off the floor and fired another volley of las shots at his now weakened stomach. "Dammit Naesha, Grim I could use some assistance!"
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Grim fired of three shots from his lasgun, the extra firepower from the no98 Lucius Pattern was definately paying of. He aimed at the stomach of the mutant, hoping that it combined with the hellgun fire would be enough to stop it. The mutant was slowed slightly, but continued to make its way towards the kasrkin. He charged towards the creature, wielding his lasgun with the bayonet like a spear and thrust deeply into the mutant's shoulder, which spun around and knocked him prone with a backhand blow. Grim swiftly got back on his feet and charged again, stabbing rapidly at the mutant's side. He got knocked over again, this time with much more force. Lying on the ground, grim aimed his lasgun at the stabwounds on its side and fired.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
As Allain ran with all the strength he could muster through the corridors of the lower deck, he could hear the groans and shouts of pain as the rest of the party held their own against the Chaos-lover back there. He could sense also that some of the Spawn were moving to aid their master, as none of the monstrosities had thus far come upon him, but he could hear their gurgling cries and their ponderous footsteps made harsh, metallic sounds as they ran across the deck. Ahead, he could see the stairs and the lift to the center deck. He put all his remaining enrgy in reching that lift, as now, he could see that quite a crowd of the Chaos Spawn had entered from another corridor and was moving after him. He just didn't have the time to deal with the damned crewmen!

He looked back once. A long and thick arm, ending with tiny fingers and one long and bony spike where the center finger should have been, was reaching for him and trying to bring him down. Allain fought down the urge to turn back and sweep a path of terrible destruction through these lesser beings. He shook his head as he looked back to the waiting lift. Where were these ruinous thoughts coming from? He had never felt so keen to fight and kill his enemies before, to maim and leave them crippled upon the floor, to utterly ruin them before he even gave them the liberty of dying. He wanted to feel their blood stain his armor and his skin. His eyes narrowed, and he forced himself to hold back that rage as he saw the lift again, just ahead. He leaped.. and landed directly on the edge of it, ten feet ahead of the swarm of Spawn. He slammed his hand onto the activation rune, and the lift shuddered once, then began to quickly move up.

A thick blue tentacle curled up around the platform, and then the Spawn slowly, but surely, began to ascend onto the lift, each eager to appease their new god and master with the blood of a Space Marine. Techmarine Allain only gave them one thing. Their own blood. He carved his way expertly through the choking mass of mutated ex-humans that had found their way onto the lift, some even landing from above, jumping down from other higher decks. He snarled with anger as a thin and spindly claw ripped his facemask away, and another of the abominations nearly took his Power Axe, but he quickly cut down each of the fools, and stomping the head of another into jelly and pulp. He laughed with pleasure as he fought his way through the mass, laughing and slaying with every moment. Eventually, the lift was finally clear of any life but his own, the bodies piled so high that several of the dead were rolling clear with every minute or so of ascension. He finally got off the hellish lift, streaked with both their tainted blood and his own, his armor scored and dented on all surfaces by the Spawn as they and he both desperately fought to survive each others desperate assaults. Looking around, he could see the panic had worsened. The Black Ship they had seen in the Warp had just entered real-space moments ago, this he could see through a porthole, and the rumors of a daemon of the warrior Blood God lurking around the ship had been almost confirmed by the finding of remains of unarmed servitors and crewmen, terrifically butchered where they stood. Even now, word must have spread to the passengers of the loose Chaos infestation in the lowest reaches of the truly massive ship, and if the vox-network was to be believed, Grey Knight Terminators and some Deathwatch marines were making to secure the bridge, where no one was replying to their reports and power had gone dark.

This was what worried Allain most. If the bridge of the ship, where the Captain and the Lord Inquisitor were supposed to be, had been taken by some unseen enemy, perhaps the Daemon who had slain his friend, then they no longer had control of the ship's heading, and would no doubt find themselves somewhere in the Eye of Terror soon. He pressed himself harder to reach the bridge, where Telemnos and Amrasam were heading. Around the next bend, a unit of Guard from the Luther McIntyre 87th set up their defensive positions, so Allain moved up to the hardy Deathworlders to find out was going on. One of the officers, only identified by his cap and the huge pistol he was loading, nodded slowly at the newcomer. "Trooper Connely, bring that vox-caster over here. Mitsuragi, set up that Multi-Melta on that platform over on the right! Jameson, help him out! Move it, move it! Before the demon-fondlers can get onboard an help you die!" Allain decided that they were busy enough and moved on to reach the bridge. He could see that the Black Ship, now plainly marked as a vessel of some Chaos renegade's warband, was moving in to board, not even bothering to fire it's broadside cannons or the massive-barreled cannon that extruded over the front of their ship, it's maw shaped like a laughing daemon as it approached it's prey.

Allain moved faster. Soon the ship might be engaged, if they didn't hurry up and reach the world they had come searching for, this 'Prospective.'
Level 8
May 8, 2009
Apologies, I had guests to attend to and couldn't sneak off.
Naesha rushed forward, slamming her Powerfist into the creature's side with all of her strength, then jammed the Storm Bolter up under his chin, firing several times before backing off and kicking it to the ground.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
As the regenades ran for their lives, slowly they would enfold in a trap. The other marines ran on their fastest to cut off their ways as Aman and his legionnaires charged forward, attempting to cut them down. There were a lot of stragglers that weren't as fast and they were killed and torn open by Aman and his men. Many of these begged for their lives but the Alpha Legion showed no mercy. Like they never had. And never would. This reminded Aman of his old days were he had fought in countless of battles and countless of wars, experiencing the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy..

Fools. Cowards. Idiots.

Resistance had no use.

Resistance would be eradicated.

OOC: Cthulhus, I'm not sure if you did anything with the regenades, so if you did, I'm sorry.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Elysia watched as the mutants face was obliterated by the power fist. This was her moment to finish it off. Elysia got up and ran toward it firing her Hellgun. The heretical monster swung its damaged hand toward Elysia. Elysia jumped and grabbed hold of the creatures hand. She reached down and pulled the knife from its stomach and cut the hand off. Elysia turned back toward the mutants face and began firing at it with a nonstop spray from her hellgun. The monster toppled to the ground. Elysia was taking deep breaths as she landed hard on the ground.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
{Troll Mode} [On] Off
Watching people RP is funny..

Lutien pulled a glove from his back pocket engulfed in purple flames and encrusted with markings of Chaos. His hand lifted and the glove slithered on, sending shockwaves into this thread, killing all who participated, including the stupid ass Tau. The banner of Chaos rose over the dead and covered their dismembered and disfigured corpses with shadows that would never raise. A warp storm followed where Lutien's mark was left and eradicated what little signs of life were left.

You just got pwnt.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Sadly, Khorne did not approve of the cheap kills inflicted by the Chaos Worshiper of the God of Feebleness.. his bloodhounds descended upon the wretched being and he was torn asunder by the terrifying creatures as they bayed for more blood.

I too love Warhammer. Yes, it is one of the greatest games ever devised. And I prefer to think that I show my respect for that same game when I set a roleplay in that very same universe. What do you take me for, some sort of knuckle-headed oaf?Just because I deviate from the sort of story that Games Workshop has? Read a few of the ahem.. official books and you'll see it isn't quite like the game, that it goes a lot deeper then a game. You really need to think your words through, foolish would-be troll.

And that is what how we deal with trolls. I think you should leave. Now.
Allain stepped through the short corridor carefully, the force weapon in one hand and his power-axe in the other. He looked back, then activated a door-rune and entered the bridge. Everywhere, the crew were still attached to the wires that fed into the ship, and connected them to her Machine Spirit. But from what he could see, about a third of those crewmen were dead, their bodies in varying states of post-carnage and gore. The captain was settled back in his own seat, his head slumped back over and his eye-sockets bleeding where only ruined gaps remained.

The Inquisitor too lay nearby, his boltgun laying just out of reach and his power sword was clutched in one stiff hand. His face was angry, his brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed in rage. His coat was stained with something that looked like some kind of blood, but Allain could see it was not human blood. Similar, but altered... His eyes widened in pain as he felt a great pain in his side. Twisting around, he saw that Corien stood behind him, but he was not the same silent and collected marine that he remembered. No, this one looked so angry, his eyes wide, his mouth contorted into something like a wicked grin. His face was ruined, marred by a great gash and tear in it, and his armor was nicked and dented, probably the work of the Lord Inquisitor who lay slain.

Allain saw the long and dark saber in his opponent's hands, the weapon that the Raven Guard had never drawn to his knowledge. He still wasn't completely sure why Corien would have attacked him, but the realization began to strike at him, as did Brother Corien. Anixamander, the daemon, Cretos' report of the loss of another brother, which he had paid no heed to at that moment.. Here was the daemon he had sworn to fell. But even as he began to strike back at the possessed Corien, the other grabbed at his vox-bead and spoke hoarsely into it, his voice pained in labor in perfect mockery of an injured man. "Brothers! Allain is the traitor, a cursed servant of Chaos! He's killed the Inquisitor and the bridge crew, and I caught him tampering with the controls at the Navigator's chair. No doubt his Mars training is being put to use for the enemy of man! Hurry, he is just come upon me!" Even as he spoke, Corien swatted calmly at Allain with the back of his blade, knocking down the distracted techmarine, who caught a brief glimpse of the altered controls that the other had spoken of. Their course had been unchanged, but now their engines were at the capacity, and the had been sped on their way. Allain couldn't be sure why the traitor had wanted to get to Prospective faster, but he told himself he wouldn't let Corien see the planet..
Level 10
May 3, 2009
I have been told of this RP. And I will watch it. Anyway. Good to see 40k players here and RPers that actually know what they are doing!
Also If you guys need any help with this RP. I can help moderate all of the lore. As I know everything about a Space Marine phyisology. Also I know about the Adeptus Atributes and a ton of others. My only rule is No Trolman.
But I was also wondering could i use my chapter? Because as you guys know its an official chapter now. :)
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Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
OOC: SW2, sure, go right ahead. As you said, all I ask is that there be no Trolmans in this sacred place. And you have to be with the Deathwatch, probably.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
I can deal with that
Anyway. I will work on the RP on sunday. when I get back from canoe trip. Anyway good luck with the RP. I will join soon. Just I have to work on this BSA stuff. So i will be back.
Level 1
Sep 6, 2010
OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Im just going through some hard times right now.

Amrasam ran along the dark corridor toward the bridge with the Grey Knights. The bodies of the ship crew and guardsmen were lain across the floor. However it didn't slow the marines' cause. Holes were punched through the walls and red footsteps, that were the size of Amrasam's own feet, trailed off to the bend of the corridor. "Should we pursue these derelicts?" Amrasam asked Telemnos. "No. We must rendezvous with whatever survivors are on the ship at the bridge." Telemnos replied, looking at him with unease. "I will not let these deaths be in vain!" Amrasam yelled and chased the footsteps with fire in his belly. "Amrasam! Damn. Let us aide Amrasam brothers!" Telemnos said as he and his squad followed Amrasam to foolishly redeem the fallen.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
Should I put in my lore of the chapter or no?
Name: First Knight Amand
Age: 250
Race: Human. (Space Marine)
Faction: Imperium. Storm Crusaders Adeptus Astrates.
Wargear: Artificer Armor. Mark 3 Iron Armor. Force Halberd, with attached Bolter.
Loadout: Is a Pysker. Equalvent to a Grey Knight. Can use Avenger, and Stop Time. Is known for his various tactical Skills and for predicting the Future.

Biography: Amand is one of the First Knights of the Storm Crusaders Chapter. He was once attached with the Grand Guardians psyker forces for battleing Agianst Mutants and Daemons. Amand was just recently returning from the War in the Grimnar Systems. As a First Knight he has access to all sorts of weaponry. He is allowed to wear Knight Armor which is dating back to the great crusades. Though only 50 of these holy Relics survive to this day. Amand is honored with carrying the Staff of Barres; a Great Crusader in the Imperiums Golden Age. As a pysker, he stands out from his battle brothers, but he shows the enemies of the Imperium that even a pysker can tell the difference between a heretic and loyalist. Amand is a scar splinted Storm Crusader, who has been in over 150 wars in his long career. As a Storm Crusader he is also psychically attuned to the shimmering zone coming from Demons. Hence how he became a first knight. As all First Knights have this ability. But with this many battles, he has become wise, yet somewhat of a joker, a cunning, clever, manipulative soldier. According to Captain Loken of the Iron Wolves 10th Company, is labels Amand "He would be a perfect Soldier, If he knew when to stop talking, and when not to joke."
According to one of the Grand Guardians that served with Amand, he sees Amand as a brother and as a friend, but he knew that sometimes Amand's humor gets in the way of his duties.
Amand was just recently sent to help out a deathwatch team on the Grand Cruiser. A Relic to the Imperium. As a Storm Crusader, he was also sent to recover a few relics. He and two SternGuards joined him to ensure that the relic was secured. (They aren't really needed D: to be named.)
Ok done what you think?
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
OOC: This, I shall allow. It interests me that you used that strange Chaplain artwork, too.

Allain bridled up with rage as the former Raven Guard calmly stepped back, as if just remembering he had left his favorite dog somewhere familiar. Corien looked down at the blood that coated his thin, black saber, but didn't bother to wipe the blade clean. Allain felt a little uneasy then, realizing with a wave of increasing pain that the blood on the possessed marine's sword was his own, mixed with oil and other mechanical unguents. He fought back the urge to rush at Corien, knowing that his former brother was faster, lighter, and more well-prepared right now. Instead, he shifted himself back to his feet, feeling the deck shudder a little from some impact out in the hall.

As he rose, he began to feel his awareness returning to him. All around the bridge chamber, he could hear the shouting and screaming of men, injured or about to face death itself, a multitude of different weapons firing, and the rhythmic pounding of marines walking the deck. He could make the signature crunch of a chainsword ripping through flesh, and the whine of plasma fire. However distracted by the sounds of the crazed boarding action, he kept his gaze directed at Corien, who was starting to twitch a little. As Allain watched, the other frowned suddenly, stopped twitching.. and a moment later, was almost directly in front of him, sword poised to slide into a weak point on his armor's neckpiece. Allain twisted around, the blade neatly cutting into his left shoulderpad, and drawing blood. He swung his power axe, catching Corien off-balanced by the stab, and cutting deep and unflinchingly into his chestplate. The other winced, then cursed loudly before tearing himself off of the axe's bloodied head. Allain was slashed at again, but was able to block and return with another swing, this one narrowly missing Corien's face, but ending it's wide arc embedded in his foot. Yet again, he pulled himself away, although a section of his boot stayed behind where it had been smashed. From what Allain could see, the flesh left behind was rotten, as if Corien had been a long-dead body falling apart.

Meanwhile, Lin Tashj and his escort, two of the Grey Knight's mighty Terminators, waited back behind as Amrasam and Telemnos began their mad charge into the squad of Chaos marines who had only moments before been inflicting a terrible dent in the Guard, killing an enormous amount before being horribly maimed and butchered by the newcomer and the other Terminators. Now, only a few of them, identified by their colors as Alpha Legionnaires, still stood, accompanied by some large amount of the hideous Chaos Spawn. The nervous young man looked cautiously around, before he realized that the voxcaster on his belt was buzzing furiously. He holstered his meltagun on his back, then drew it out. Only nodding his head, he listened to Corien's report: The techmarine had been possessed by a daemon, and was even now battling with him on the bridge, where he had killed all the other staff. Cursing softly, he turned to the captain, who had heard the report. Telemnos yelled out to the others. "To the bridge, once these traitors are dead! Techmarine Allain has betrayed the Emperor!" Walking slowly behind the terminators, he withdrew his weapon again and continued after the unit.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
Amand slowly walked off the Cessius Assualt Ship. Four Storm troopers waitied outside of the ships ramp. His threatening armor. Made one of the Storm Troopers start panic slightly. Amand smilied. Amand thought Too long has it been since I saw a trooper react to me that horriblely. But it seems sense something, a second source.
The Two Sternguard bodyguards walked out their darkgreen armor shimmered in the ships docking bay lights. Both the bodyguards guns were polished to a shine, their black shoulder pads had a slit of gold among it. Their helmets spoke of experience and of their long history with the chapter. Their Mirthril-colored helmets were very well fashioned to look as honor guards of the chapter.
Amand nodded to the two SternGuard. Amand's halbried hit the ground with a clang. Amand spoke, "Where is the bridge, guardsmen?"
One of the guardsmen shoke as it was directed at him.
The Guardsmen scared his eyes poped out of his skull. He was fearful. He knew what the Storm Crusaders First Knights were capable of.
"Its.. In theee, 32nd floor sir." spoke the guardsmen in fear.
Amand returned with an answer, "Thank you guardsmen, you and your soldiers are now relieved."
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Grim did not waste his time, he could hear the sounds of combat, and swiftly headed in that direction. He heard the screams of guardsmen dying, the shots of bolters and lasguns, the rythmic pounding of marines marching and the sounds of close combat. He ran with his lasgun, ready to stab whatever came against him with his bayonet. He ran through the armory and towards the stairs upwards. The sounds of fighting grew louder, and the mangled corpse of a guardsman fell down the stairs, his guts flowing everywhere. Grim was not surprised, he'd seen a lot. A lost memory flashed before his eyes for a second. Four Krieg soldiers being blasted to pieces by a shell, another one ripped apart by renegade heavy stubbers and a large ragnarok heavy tank mowing through a squadron of renegades, crushing them and burying them in the mud and blood. He shooked his head, regaining control of his mind, then charging up the stairs.

When he reached the top, he saw the enemy. Several Chaos Marines and Chaos Spawns was mowing through the guardsmen, while it seemed someone were attacking them from behind. A bullet whined past his helmet, hitting the wall behind him. He crouched, then carefully aimed at a Chaos Marine's helmet, then fired his lasgun, hitting the eye of the marine dead center. The marine fell, firing his bolter wildly as he died, injuring and killing several guards in the process. Grim realized he was not exactly safe were he sat, as several bolter rounds whined around his head and body. One round hit him, digging deep into his shoulder. The pain was virtually burning, and he fell backwards down the stairs, hitting the floor with a loud 'thump'. Hopefully they chaos warriors would think he died, and they were most likely busy fighting the guardsmen and space marines anyway. He crawled to a spot beneath the stairs were he was least likely to be seen, and started the painful process of binding the wound. He had to stop the bleeding, or he would probably die. His vision slowly failed, and in lack of any bandages, he pushed his glowed fingers into the wound. It hurt.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
ooc: Uhhh where are we exactly XD. Are we on the Alpha Legions or the Crusaders Ship? Well if we are on the Crusaders Ship.. I'll just slaughtering the chaos bastards.
Amand looked at the destruction writhed on the ship as it steemed in chaos. As Guardsmen and crew members rushed to arm baracides. Amand pulled up his halbried. "Brothers we must bring our allies aid."
Amand's Halbried burst with power.
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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
The blood was virtually flowing from Grim's shoulder, he could barely make out the details around him, but he remembered seeing a medical depot somewhere in the armory, not too far away. Painfully he pulled himself towards the armory. Dying is not an option! Dying is not an option! Dying is not an option! DYING IS NOT AN OPTION! Memories came back at him, some officer shouting at his fellow soldiers, ordering them out of the trenches. His vision came back, weak, but he could make out the details. He could see the depot he remembered and resiliently pulled himself towards it. Hopefully noone would shoot at him. He heard a loud scream, and the severed head of a guardsman rolled by. Ignoring it, Grim crawled the last few meters, and finally a package of bandage was within reach. He quickly tore the package open, and started bandaging his shoulder. It was painful, difficult and not particulary successful, but it had to do. He passed out again.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
Allain jumped back as Corien's black saber cut through the air in front of him, narrowly missing him, but cutting a distinct notch out of his armor. He reached for the Inquisitor's pistol as he stepped back, pulling his axe into an en-garde position. He gazed briefly at the Nemesis sword, lying slack on a dais nearby. No, he wouldn't be using that.. this daemon he knew he would have to defeat through his own strength, as if to remind himself of his calling.

Corien saw the movement, and swiftly leaped forward, landing just beyond the techmarine's reach. Lifting his arms, he held his weapon in two hands as he plunged it down, transfixing Allain's arm to the deck. Allain ground his teeth, but still his fingers twitched slightly as he itched them around the smooth handle of the weapon. He glared up at the impassive traitor as he reacted too slowly, and the sudden attack from below was not expected. Two bolts slammed into his neck joint-armor, before the sword was thrust harder, and Allain lost the weapon. As it was, the two shots hit home, one's mass-reactive round piercing the armor, but shattering even as it smacked hard. The other penetrated thanks to the pierce, and exited through the back of his neck's left side even as it exploded. He clutched at it, releasing the sword. Allain took that opportunity.. and pulled it out with his servo-arm, shattering the ancient weapon in the process. Even as it came free, his augmentations kicked in and he regained some sense of feeling it.

His power axe rang out, hitting Corien in his chest and burying itself within, making a filthy mess of the once-proud black ceramite armor. He then pushed on the handle, pushing in the gear headed weapon farther, until a bump appeared on Corien's back, and the armor began to come undone. All along, Corien pushed back, even as his eyes had begun to glaze over and he started to falter. But even then, the rage didn't go out, and with that the traitor continued to push back, the Khornate daemon willing the body to fight back, to shed blood, to survive the journey.

Allain Torgamund knew they were almost at Prospective, he couldn't allow the daemon to make it to that world, to whatever awaited there...
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Grim's vision slowly came back. He realized, from the sounds of fighting, that he had only passed out for a few minutes. The shoulder was numb, and he could barely move his arm, but he could. He looked at the hastily done bandage, and decided that it had to do for now. He saw a Heavy Stubber standing in the corner. Hmm... Some firepower would be nice. He laughed a little, then he got up, slowly, then walked towards it. He grabbed the stubber, and a long ammo belt, then walked slowly towards the stairs. He was barely able to drag the massive gun, and when he reached the stairs, he simply mounted it at the bottom of the stairs, loaded the ammo belt and waited for some ugly chaos spawn to look down the stairs.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Foolish idiots.. resisting.. sure, they had given them some resistance, but nobody could resist the Alpha Legion, nobody could. They would die and the death of his men would be avenged. He charged after them and one for one the stragglers would be killed, systematically. Finally, a great and awesome building doomed up. He guessed it was the fault but he didn't know sure, how should he know sure anyway?

Just as the enemies were about to enter the building, five Legionairres appeared and blocked the way. What followed was a brute melee fight, holding them off until Aman had appeared.. he and his men finished them off from behind and slaughtered them. They had deserved no less and no mercy would be shown. Not now, not ever. After the fight was over he kicked against a body, kicking it aside and looked at the open door they had tried to enter.. he entered. It was dark and even though it was huge, there was nothing except a table.. a table filled with papers. He put off his helmet and walked towards it, as his steps echood through the building. Finally there, he grabbed them and skimmed through it. It had been research..

He dropped it.

''Take these papers to the ship! If anything is missing, I'll have your head!''

He would find himself a couple hours later in his ship.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
Amand walked through the corridors as heavy gun fire spat through and one of his legs was hit by two bolt shells. "What the Gak is going on here?"
Blood splatters were all over. As guardsmen bodies were scattered and twisted. As some of their bodies were actually one and with the wall
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