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[Role Playing Game] WARCRAFT: Rise of the Lich King!

Do you think this will be a really advance game of a Warcraft?

  • Yes, It sure is!

    Votes: 14 50.0%
  • No, looks the same.

    Votes: 14 50.0%

  • Total voters
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Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Change these condition into

  • ((Triggering unit) has an item of type Farming Equipments) Equal to True
because there's no event correspond with (Item being manipulated)
thus would get the condition to false and the quest update wouldn't get activated.

TwoVenomous! That really works. But another question.... still in the same trigger. I have tested that it works but the item Farming Equipment must be remove. Any way how to remove it? My trigger won't work!

Problem Solved! TwoVenomous solved it but you also deserve a +REP!
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
TwoVenomous! That really works. But another question.... still in the same trigger. I have tested that it works but the item Farming Equipment must be remove. Any way how to remove it? My trigger won't work!

the same as the conditions, you removed no item! there are no (Item Being Manipulated) at the first place, so change it to this.

  • Item - Remove (Item carried by (Triggering unit) of type Farming Equipments)
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
Sorry, If I am being a noob today.... no not today.....ALWAYS! Im very sorry but you deserve another +REP but I need to spread some REP first.

Don't say sorry, it's called learning.
And i hope i could see a better improvement for all of your projects :grin:

Note: hey, you should focus on 1 map and finish another map later. working on all of your maps half by half would make the progress slower.
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Don't say sorry, it's called learning.
And i hope i could see a better improvement for all of your projects :grin:

Note: hey, you should focus on 1 map and finish another map later. working on all of your maps half by half would make the progress slower.

Hmmm.... I think, Im focusing too much on this map. To be honest, Im not even opening my Infinite Blade because Im a little bored to continue it but I want to motivate myself so I can continue the map. And I really need motivation.
Quest idea:

The Mantle of Souls
Description: An warlock named Zerron who asked you to find the Mantle of Souls for him. The Mantle of Souls is said to be located in the Caverns of Death and is said that only the strongest heroes can reach it.
-Travel north to the caverns of death
-Find the Mantle of Souls
-Return to Zerron
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Quest Idea:

Bring Out Yer Dead!
Description: Delran's farm is coming under attack by zombies! Hold off the zombies until Delran can fetch help/or fix his defences.

- Timer of one or two minutes in which to defend against waves of zombies.
- The final wave contains a miniboss/strong zombie.
- At the end of the timer, have the farmer (who I called Delran for some reason) either fix his defences to keep the zombies out, or fetch the help of some knights, etc...
- Reward: Delran's Trusty Farming Hat [+ ___ to strength and agility, increases movement speed by ___]

A bit more complex than an average kill 10 ___, so it requires a bit of triggering, but I'm sure you can handle it :)
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Quest Idea:

Bring Out Yer Dead!
Description: Delran's farm is coming under attack by zombies! Hold off the zombies until Delran can fetch help/or fix his defences.

- Timer of one or two minutes in which to defend against waves of zombies.
- The final wave contains a miniboss/strong zombie.
- At the end of the timer, have the farmer (who I called Delran for some reason) either fix his defences to keep the zombies out, or fetch the help of some knights, etc...
- Reward: Delran's Trusty Farming Hat [+ ___ to strength and agility, increases movement speed by ___]

A bit more complex than an average kill 10 ___, so it requires a bit of triggering, but I'm sure you can handle it :)

That's a good idea of a quest, +REP! But instead of Zombies can it be Trolls because Im doing that quest for the Lordaeron.

Quest idea:

The Mantle of Souls
Description: An warlock named Zerron who asked you to find the Mantle of Souls for him. The Mantle of Souls is said to be located in the Caverns of Death and is said that only the strongest heroes can reach it.
-Travel north to the caverns of death
-Find the Mantle of Souls
-Return to Zerron

Perfect but that looks like hard.....from the word death! Maybe that will fit on a quest when you are at the Icecrown Glacier. Here's a +REP!
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Hello, fellow fans. I've released the hero information that can be located at my first post, SCREENSHOTS and then HEROES. I've release the information about Ninja and Warrior but not yet the Archmage because the skills are not yet finish. So please have a look at the hero informations!:grin:

EDIT1: Ok, I've just messed up the HIDDEN tags in the heroes because of me improving it. But not to worry because I have just fixed it right now!
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Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
Hello, fellow fans. I've released the hero information that can be located at my first post, SCREENSHOTS and then HEROES. I've release the information about Ninja and Warrior but not yet the Archmage because the skills are not yet finish. So please have a look at the hero informations!:grin:

use this or at least crop your pictures, it's too large. :grin:

i'd done my best to make these Travian's picture, choose what you think fits your needs. :p

and separate each hero with another hidden tags.
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Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
use this or at least crop your pictures, it's too large. :grin:

i'd done my best to make these Travian's picture, choose what you think fits your needs. :p

and separate each hero with another hidden tags.

Thanks for those pictures and animated one. That will be quite helpful. Here's a +REP!

Why is it my ninja and your rogue are almost the same? Lol

Sorry but its Ninja not Rogue...:xxd:
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Hello, fellow fans and hivers there! Needing help on fixing a trigger. So here, I want to create a trigger that is about a Troll (any kind of Troll in Lordaeron) dropping a "Troll Meat". Here I have created a trigger for the item drop but it doesnt work!

+REP for those who will help. Even If you just tried!:grin:

My trigger in the Item Drop for "Troll Meat":

  • Troll Meat Item Drop
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Shadow Priest
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Trapper
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Berserker
    • Actions
      • Set TrollMeatItemDrop = (Random integer number between 1 and 100)
      • Set ItemDropLoc = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
        • Then - Actions
          • Item - Create Troll Meat at ItemDropLoc
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ItemDropLoc)
Anything wrong with it?
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
Hello, fellow fans and hivers there! Needing help on fixing a trigger. So here, I want to create a trigger that is about a Troll (any kind of Troll in Lordaeron) dropping a "Troll Meat". Here I have created a trigger for the item drop but it doesnt work!

+REP for those who will help. Even If you just tried!:grin:

My trigger in the Item Drop for "Troll Meat":

  • Troll Meat Item Drop
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Shadow Priest
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Trapper
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Berserker
    • Actions
      • Set TrollMeatItemDrop = (Random integer number between 1 and 100)
      • Set ItemDropLoc = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
        • Then - Actions
          • Item - Create Troll Meat at ItemDropLoc
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ItemDropLoc)
Anything wrong with it?

put all the conditions inside the Or - Any conditions are true

  • Conditions
    • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
      • Conditions
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Shadow Priest
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Trapper
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Berserker
then test it, it should work.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Hello, fellow fans and hivers there! Needing help on fixing a trigger. So here, I want to create a trigger that is about a Troll (any kind of Troll in Lordaeron) dropping a "Troll Meat". Here I have created a trigger for the item drop but it doesnt work!

+REP for those who will help. Even If you just tried!:grin:

My trigger in the Item Drop for "Troll Meat":

  • Troll Meat Item Drop
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll
      • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
        • Conditions
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Shadow Priest
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Trapper
          • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Berserker
    • Actions
      • Set TrollMeatItemDrop = (Random integer number between 1 and 100)
      • Set ItemDropLoc = (Position of (Triggering unit))
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
        • Then - Actions
          • Item - Create Troll Meat at ItemDropLoc
        • Else - Actions
          • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ItemDropLoc)
Anything wrong with it?

Following TwoVenomous

There is a tiny problem with that trigger, it's involving leaks. Now I SEE YOU HAVE A REMOVELOCATION. This is correct, but the area it is placed in is not the correct area, since its within an If statement.

Review of Leaks;
A leak occurs when a location or unit group is re-assigned, without removing/destroying the original location/group.

So in your code, this condition;
  • If - Conditions
    • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
so this gives a 60% chance of dropping an item, and the remove location is in the else area, so you have a 40/100 or 2/5 chance to remove the location, and if this does not occur and you get your item, the next time you kill a Troll, it will leak, since it's assigning another location.

So I suggest you do this, since it will remove the location everytime, instead of 2/5 chance to. Trigger;
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
    • Then - Actions
      • Item - Create Troll Meat at ItemDropLoc
    • Else - Actions
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ItemDropLoc)
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
hmmm i like the idea, of seeing the lich king again but the lich king anit dead, only 'locked' away as you could say. The light bless Bolvar.

Yes, locked in the Frozen Throne.

Following TwoVenomous

There is a tiny problem with that trigger, it's involving leaks. Now I SEE YOU HAVE A REMOVELOCATION. This is correct, but the area it is placed in is not the correct area, since its within an If statement.

Review of Leaks;
A leak occurs when a location or unit group is re-assigned, without removing/destroying the original location/group.

So in your code, this condition;
  • If - Conditions
    • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
so this gives a 60% chance of dropping an item, and the remove location is in the else area, so you have a 40/100 or 2/5 chance to remove the location, and if this does not occur and you get your item, the next time you kill a Troll, it will leak, since it's assigning another location.

So I suggest you do this, since it will remove the location everytime, instead of 2/5 chance to. Trigger;
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • TrollMeatItemDrop Less than or equal to 60
    • Then - Actions
      • Item - Create Troll Meat at ItemDropLoc
    • Else - Actions
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_ItemDropLoc)
That was a really nice long explanation! Here's a +REP as I say.

put all the conditions inside the Or - Any conditions are true

  • Conditions
    • Or - Any (Conditions) are true
      • Conditions
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Shadow Priest
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Trapper
        • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Forest Troll Berserker
then test it, it should work.

You've helped me again! Thanks a lot. Here's a +REP!
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Hello, fellow hivers and fans! Later, I will upload some gameplay screenshots of the game. When the screenshots were uploaded, please have a look!:grin:

EDIT1: Uploaded the Gameplay screenshots! Have a look at my first post. It is not yet finish for I am still gonna upload more in each update in the game. Oh yeah, in the first screenshot, as you can see the Ninja is in a Demon Form. It is a bug that I dont know how to fix. As the Ninja casts the Shuriken Storm, he changes to that form.
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Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
Hello, fellow hivers and fans there! After making the terrain for the Encampment, I started making the items(equipments) sold by the Blacksmith Villager and after some effort I am able to create 7 items(equipments) in just some minutes.:wink:

Screenshots for the Blacksmith Villager and the items he is selling will be shown in the Gameplay Screenshots. Well not that I willl show the description of each items but what I mean is I will show the screenshots, me buying some items and showing it. Later, I'll upload it.:grin:
Level 4
Jun 2, 2012
is there a test map O: i wanna try playing

Yes, I will release some maps for you to play, well for all to play. But not now! I will release the v1.0 when I finished the 1st Dungeon and some quests or should I say "When I finish making the Lordaeron land".

OFF-TOPIC: I am playing Diablo 3 right now. I just bought it today and I have fun playing it so Im busy for now.
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
I wonder why Allain would not announce that the developmet of this and Infinite Blade have been cancelled without a proper reason. I shouldn't be telling this though, it was Allain's duty, but I just want to let people know that it is dead.

maybe he's just taking rest for awhile and continue this afterwards ? did he tell something about cancelling this and Infinite Blade to you privately ?
Level 12
Sep 11, 2011
Allain is no more, he remade his account to FinalMix. He is not only irresponsible for his projects, but for hivers as well, he should have announced instead of running away. Check my visitor messages and this thread for proof.

i feel kinda betrayed after i read the thread you're linking :ogre_frown: , i was hoping that he will finish his project. but i think i did something wrong :vw_death: . Thank you very much for the information APproject, am really appreciate it even though that's a bad news :/ . i might as well remove this signature right away. and nope i won't support any of his project anymore, that will just waste my time if it might also ended like this.
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