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Warcraft III - Patch 1.27b

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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Funny how many write to stop wasting time but actually continue replying.




Hehe, this thread was the funniest thing I've read in a while. I love kara's snarky comments, and how everyone's trying to reason with Dracolich when he has steam coming out of his ears.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
actually dracoliches have nothing to do with steam, you know, they belong to death classification and normally poisonous
I've only found that liches are immune to poison. So, pretty much it's left for speculation and imagination what they can do and are.
But yeah, steam wouldn't make sense unless... there is still something burning and boiling within the creature.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
I've only found that liches are immune to poison. So, pretty much it's left for speculation and imagination what they can do and are.
But yeah, steam wouldn't make sense unless... there is still something burning and boiling within the creature.
I can ensure you all of those have nothing to do with that dialog but doto teammates
It's, uh... It's a euphemism guys.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
I enjoy that a game approaching 15 years old is receiving updates based almost entirely on community feedback. The fact that's it's not perfect or exactly what any one person expects is irrelevant.

Do you remember what it was like in January of this year when all of this was a whisper in the wind?

I member.
which project you do lead in wc3 today and whats good newest patches did to you personally? for me there's nothing changed at all
which project you do lead in wc3 today and whats good newest patches did to you personally? for me there's nothing changed at all

Effectively removing the file size limit has allowed me to un-compress every imported texture I use. I may also now finally add racial sound sets. For anyone who wants to host their map on official servers this patch was substantial.

If they listened to what the community wanted they wouldn't remove features used by mapmakers.
I honestly would prefer them not touching the game at all.

What feature did they remove exactly?
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
Effectively removing the file size limit has allowed me to un-compress every imported texture I use. I may also now finally add racial sound sets. For anyone who wants to host their map on official servers this patch was substantial.
so the only thing you got it's new textures. no new possibilities, no new variations, nothing, but new textures.
even heard about heroes 3 and heroes 3 HD from Ubisoft?
Level 14
Jan 16, 2009
@Kam They removed the feature to hide any icon. More precisely ui icons such as Move, Attack and Patrol. This is major for people who actively used more than 6 spell slots for their hero.
The size limit removal is nice and all but a bypass has been around for months and waiting so long just for that feature is really anticlimactic. Even worse when this same patch removes a feature actively used in the community. Let's not forget that the 1st thing the community asked is to not break existing maps. Good job Blizzard.

So what we got after 9 months of waiting : a single change that could have been done in one day and less features :)

I would prefer not waiting for anything from Blizzard and just work with what we have.
so the only thing you got it's new textures. no new possibilities, no new variations, nothing, but new textures.
even heard about heroes 3 and heroes 3 HD from Ubisoft?

This is an ongoing process. It takes time to make these patches. The team working on them is also responsible for SC1 and Diablo 2. I suggest you read through the document this site produced for Blizzard and adjust your thinking to be long term.

If you have specific suggestions not included in that document please list them here.
@Kam They removed the feature to hide any icon. More precisely ui icons such as Move, Attack and Patrol. This is major for people who actively used more than 6 spell slots for their hero.
The size limit removal is nice and all but a bypass has been around for months and waiting so long just for that feature is really anticlimactic. Even worse when this same patch removes a feature actively used in the community. Let's not forget that the 1st thing the community asked is to not break existing maps. Good job Blizzard.

So what we got after 9 months of waiting : a single change that could have been done in one day and less features :)

I would prefer not waiting for anything from Blizzard and just work with what we have.

There was no bypass to be able to host on official servers. This will become more important later on.

The icon hiding issue is already being corrected.

Not sure why it double posted.
Level 7
Jan 23, 2011
@Kam They removed the feature to hide any icon. More precisely ui icons such as Move, Attack and Patrol. This is major for people who actively used more than 6 spell slots for their hero.
The size limit removal is nice and all but a bypass has been around for months and waiting so long just for that feature is really anticlimactic. Even worse when this same patch removes a feature actively used in the community. Let's not forget that the 1st thing the community asked is to not break existing maps. Good job Blizzard.

So what we got after 9 months of waiting : a single change that could have been done in one day and less features :)

I would prefer not waiting for anything from Blizzard and just work with what we have.

Exactly what i think about this patch, my excitement lasted for less than a day after i discover that they "fixed" button stacking, and broke the proyect i've been working for a year and learning to make each mechanic along the time. Now 2 of my core mechanics are broken and cutting skillsets is just sad.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
This is an ongoing process. It takes time to make these patches. The team working on them is also responsible for SC1 and Diablo 2. I suggest you read through the document this site produced for Blizzard and adjust your thinking to be long term.

If you have specific suggestions not included in that document please list them here.
I suggest you to read about memory hack, see what we did and how many of those are simple setters getters which can be introduces in a day with given sources. None of those been done, as well as any other requets. If company can't hire programmers to work on game, they shouldnt touch it at all. Yet they did, breaking back-compatibility and giving nothing in return.
anyway, keep believing. im tired of that, even if you betrayed wc3, this place is done
Level 14
Jan 16, 2009
There was no bypass to be able to host on official servers. This will become more important later on.

I played tons of 8MB+ maps on battle net before the patch. But maybe you mean games not hosted by bots. I have not tried this before the bypass.
It doesn't seem relevant at all as everything is done via bots nowadays.
Though, "This will become more important later on." implies that you know something we don't.

The icon hiding issue is already being corrected.

Source ? Because I have been actively looking at everything touching this subject and I have never seen even a hint of this.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Kam said:
This will become more important later on.
Ruh-roh, Raggy...

... "This will become more important later on." implies that you know something we don't.
Source ? Because I have been actively looking at everything touching this subject and I have never seen even a hint of this.
He... Does? He kinda went there, and all that. Probably knows things/has sources we don't, but is (contractually?) obligated not to go into details. Or whatever. Maybe he's just a good guesser.
Ruh-roh, Raggy...

He... Does? He kinda went there, and all that. Probably knows things/has sources we don't, but is (contractually?) obligated not to go into details. Or whatever. Maybe he's just a good guesser.

I and several other community members do, and are under a NDA.

I'm not going to entertain comments about how "there's no progress" or "this place is done" because that is objectively false. Point me to another 1.1 billion dollar company that interacts with its fan base on a 15 year old game like Blizzard does with us and numerous other sites and I will bake you a one metric ton cookie. What we have here has never happened before.

If someone has a complaint about the patch, a suggestion, or any other constructive commentary then they can PM me and I will make sure it is acknowledged and addressed.
Level 9
Jun 17, 2010
Just use Warcraft III 1.26a/1.27a for Windows at unofficial servers and stop waiting from Blizzard something good.

PvPGN server can use custom ExtraWork library to inject your self code to Warcraft III without another files in directory.

Into ExtraWork possible inject limitbypass, and any other needed features. (Custom JASS natives, etc, almost without limits)


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I and several other community members do, and are under a NDA.
And I was scorning @Kyrbi0 for implying about it...
I'm not going to entertain comments about how "there's no progress" or "this place is done" because that is objectively false. Point me to another 1.1 billion dollar company that interacts with its fan base on a 15 year old game like Blizzard does with us and numerous other sites and I will bake you a one metric ton cookie. What we have here has never happened before.
Maybe, not a 15 year old game and not a billionaire company but still Gothic 3 (2006) had a lot of improvements made by the fans with the owning company's consent.
If someone has a complaint about the patch, a suggestion, or any other constructive commentary then they can PM me and I will make sure it is acknowledged and addressed.
Well, why not just have it posted in the Warcraft 3 patch wish list thread provided no more spam will be thrown there, and then read there by your agents?
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
You did not answer a single question)
With an Non-Disclosure Agreement, there's not much he can respond to.

karaulov said:
1. How much wait when at least 50% will be made from this list. 10 years?
How could he possibly know that? Blizzard dev's probably don't even know that with any real solidity.

karaulov said:
2. What evidence do you have contact with Blizzard. Any proofs?
Didn't you read the news post a while back?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Then how do you know that he writes the truth?) :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Um, I don't see what that has to do with it. An NDA means "we showed you stuff that you can't tell others about, or we can sue you", basically. So it's not a matter of whether what he says is true or not, but rather if he says anything at all.

But also, um, common courtesy? Benefit of the doubt? Old friend? We have to start trusting somewhere.
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
thing is, being transparent and providing info "what we gonna do" is different things. remember trailers and shit? thats what called roadmap.
ignoring that means you won't get any respect unless things are done. doing that means you won't get any respect unless most of shown things are done. there's also option to not show what you're working at and some fools will still believe you're greatest dev in the world.

just another remark why im so hateful about that - memhack allows everything. we dont need blizzard to build the things we actually need. and new patches only prevents that by disrupting people just like that.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
I'll just leave this here. More classic game job openings:
Job Openings - Blizzard Careers

Also, about the arguments on this thread, guys:
thing is, being transparent and providing info "what we gonna do" is different things. remember trailers and shit? thats what called roadmap.
ignoring that means you won't get any respect unless things are done. doing that means you won't get any respect unless most of shown things are done. there's also option to not show what you're working at and some fools will still believe you're greatest dev in the world.

just another remark why im so hateful about that - memhack allows everything. we dont need blizzard to build the things we actually need. and new patches only prevents that by disrupting people just like that.
memhack is a gift to the skilled modders who reject Blizzard. And you know what? There's nothing morally wrong with that.
While less than 1% will never take notice of it, I think it's a great tool and alternative for those who obviously would prefer it. You guys don't need Blizzard, and often don't use Battle.net in preference to more localized PVPgn servers which are better for tools like memhack anyway. Totally fine and great stuff.

The Blizzard team may seem to be slow on World Editor improvements compared to memhack's progress, and may not be what a skilled modder wants at the time being. Many patches, in every video game, every year, will come with unintended issues, big or small. An official patch however, gives to 100% of active Battle.net players and arguably most of other WC3 players. I think we can all agree on that.

So if we all agree on that, I think it'd be good to just agree to disagree on these bitter divides regarding Blizzard. To those in favor of these patches, which is obviously the majority on the site, I don't think you should spend your time convincing the opposite side. You're just adding posts that are walls of arguments, and often not constructive ones in your retaliation. It's been enough pages of that. To those like DracoL1ch, karaulov, and WarEditor, who are negative towards these patches and Blizzard, I think most would prefer not bring negative loads of complaints and rants to a thread most people have enjoyed. Blizzard has seen the command card issue, and creating a bug thread here, or reporting it to Blizzard directly works and is enough without the "hatefulness". I'm not saying negative criticism should be suppressed, hell no, I was a map moderator, I'm saying that it'd be good to vent elsewhere or just keep things to yourself.

Could we do that as a community? Compromise and agree to disagree?

Yes? Good. Have a drink and continue your modding, artistic, and gaming passions.
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Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Just look at their requirements... Even the non-senior positions...
Well they're obviously looking for experienced people in the technical job openings, not the art one though. The requirements do seem a little high, but I'd feel better if a highly experienced team is at the helm of those technical jobs for the classic games (Senior Software Engineer - Tools, Senior Software Engineer - Anti-Cheat, Software Engineer)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
not the art one though
I would not bother looking at those seeing how I am a qualified software engineer and not an artists... Fixing the local declared local handle variable reference counter leak on return is up my street, not making or remastering the Grunt assets. Also most people were complaining how bad their technical people are, which I was arguing in their defence seeing how they must be very qualified judging by those requirements.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
I would not bother looking at those seeing how I am a qualified software engineer and not an artists... Fixing the local declared local handle variable reference counter leak on return is up my street, not making or remastering the Grunt assets. Also most people were complaining how bad their technical people are, which I was arguing in their defence seeing how they must be very qualified judging by those requirements.
Mmm, fair enough.

You did not answer a single question)

2. What evidence do you have contact with Blizzard. Any proofs?
Multiple Hive staff members have contact with Blizzard regarding the patches.
The Future of Warcraft
Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
An official patch however, gives to 100% of active Battle.net players and arguably most of other WC3 players.
tell me how. people play maps they do want to play. if patch supports it they wont update. thats the difference between me and another irrogant prick - I actually HAVE the land to defend. biggest part of WC3 community, none of which actually plays doto in battlenet due to many reasons.

Another example of how its going on:
There's been wide sand beach and clear sky, created by blizzard. Anyone could take his umbrella and small shovel for the child. Eventually child created a big sand castle, with a few floors and even drop-down gate. He got attention of almost every beach user, improved his work, found tons of supporters. Eventually he decided to build something bigger than just a sand castle, but there was nothing to help him. Only small shovels and nothing more.
So he managed to compose fcking Caterpillar excavator, which allowed to create 10m walls and increase castle's height literally to the sky. Guess what, you have to get a cask to walk through this area to avoid danger, yet does it mean people should stop building?

Meanwhile owners of beach decided to shake things up because there's been like 0 new visitors for a while. They took subcontractors, who worked on beach on the other shoreside, and told them to do basicaly the same. Sure, there's been some people who get "enlighted" in their plan, but none of those able to speak. Because there's so many beachmakers? Or because users dont care what gonna happen with their laguna? Who knows. Fact is, they broke some of big castles around, but drop more sand with "build it how large you want". Nice, but with this fucking shovels you can't build a shit anymore, it's been clear yet 5 years ago.

To avoid this destructive actions biggest castle had to be surrounded with red lines. Owner wouldn't give a shit about that, since people wants his product, not vice versa, but something bugged him - why the fuck someone been able to create excavator of nothing, while "professionals" wasted another year just to buy more sand? Moreover, somehow people, who had no idea about what is it, to reach limits, keep saying it's just fine to wait. They have literally zero rights to act like that, like retarded feministic cows, who forgot that it's about equality, not dominant.

Owners of the beach should be interested in keeping top-tier castles inside. They already missed opportunity like 4 times, that why their last beach have rule "all your castles are belong to us", and thats why nobody ever build there. And yet they keep doing the same thing over again. I dont mind them doing their business, it's just Okayish. But for gods sake, why creative people may support selfish companies?
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
That's a beautiful poetic analogy, DracoL1ch.

So hey, that's all fine and dandy. How about reading the lines that I felt matter from my post.

[memhack] So if we all agree on that, I think it'd be good to just agree to disagree on these bitter divides regarding Blizzard.
To those in favor of these patches, which is obviously the majority on the site, I don't think you should spend your time convincing the opposite side. You're just adding posts that are walls of arguments, and often not constructive ones in your retaliation.
to those who are negative towards these patches and Blizzard, I think most would prefer not bring negative loads of complaints and rants to a thread most people have enjoyed.
Could we do that as a community? Compromise and agree to disagree?

I know it's probably incredibly frustrating to deal with the disagreements with you on this topic you care so dearly about. And you know what, maybe I'd be pissed if I was in your position too, I don't know. I'm not in your shoes.

But your quote of that one sentence of mine is not what I was trying to express. Is it not the mature thing to respectfully disagree and let be, especially on a something that isn't a terrible thing, but a video game?
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Level 19
Dec 12, 2010
I saw those. I didn't send mails to blizzard about how bad they are. Im only trying to fight people who think they're greatest devs history ever had, because its obviously false. community may disagree about how good is patch, but it should be common sense to say "its not nearly enough". Elsewell blizz would think they're on the right way of doing one thing per light year
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Just look at their requirements... Even the non-senior positions...
I imagine they totally have the cred to make such requirements, having released so many well-selling titles for like, what, twenty years? I imagine there's plenty of people who would love to work for them.

I saw those. I didn't send mails to blizzard about how bad they are. Im only trying to fight people who think they're greatest devs history ever had, because its obviously false. community may disagree about how good is patch, but it should be common sense to say "its not nearly enough". Elsewell blizz would think they're on the right way of doing one thing per light year
I don't see how is trying to fight wide-eyed fanboys any better than sending hate mail. You don't exactly achieve anything beyond inflating your ego by enlightening the poor foolish sheeple who likely just happen to have different preferences and standards.
What's your definition of great gamedev company anyways? Valve that broke it's older titles like Half-Life 2 by porting them to newer engine version and never bothered to fix anything for years? Nintendo that DMCAs all fan projects?
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