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[Strategy / Risk] War of the Clans

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Level 12
May 11, 2014
Prefix was changed on Strategy/Risk though I don't think it matters.

In the meantime, we are progressing forward with new systems, which will feature in coming soon pre-beta version.
It is great to hear that, after all your hard work this project is coming to an end , i mean a great end with a celebration
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Lol anniversary? Totally forgot about that :DD

Yeah that's actually exactly what we're doing right now.

We made some progress with the codes, some new models here and there, lots of copy and pasting from the old map. Just progressing forward :p
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
"War drums ring out across Gorgor... banners raised, shining in the wind.... Soon huge armies gather, green-skins armed to the teeth, clashing over a field of blood... Infernals rain down from the sky near Direfury, Portals are opened in Dreadfire, Ships full of mercanaries arrived at the port of Gorimmar and Beasts of all kinds rampaning out of
The jungle...."

War of Clans, The beginning

all rights reserved

:) :)
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Lol, that is cool man :D

Humens deserved to die, maybe I'll add some old ruins of human outpost at the borders of Gorgar to serve as a reminder that they were there in the past.

Changes not much yet, I am still considering either altering Mountain clan into half-orc, half-ogre origins due to lack of ideas for them, or making a completely new clan which would feature these mongrels.

Also I have an upcoming short story series called "DRUMS OF WAR" by our talented storywriter iamxaxas coming soon. Starting with first chapter "Homeland in Flames" about noble clan of Kor'gal living in the heart of the overgrown jungle. Keep your eye on updates :)
Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Here is some update on buildings:

Level 10
Oct 16, 2012
Ye sry guys been busy with my life. There are still a few things we have to solve before release, especially the motherf*cking bugs. Recently I also invested my time into digital art so I might even finish doing the icons by myself.
Level 6
Feb 6, 2015
Edit : The game progression is a little slow for my taste. But the map is nice.
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Level 3
Nov 10, 2015
Hey Argos!, It's me That_Guy. Have you read my last pm?.
Well btw i tried the alpha map.
The map are using dirt tiles, So the whole map is bland....
Only the models (Which was ***king good). Are working
I messaged him recently, yes it is but he is busy in school and it's taking most of his time and attention, and this project have'nt recruited any coders yet (or probably the recruited coders are still not available this time) that's why this is not making progress.

Conversation with Argos:
It is sad indeed, Im very busy these days with school and have no time at all. I would be able to make progress, but without the coders and people able to give me a hand with building system coding I'm stuck at one place.

I'll try to ask around for help once again and would appreciate if you did the same. I did not threw the WotC into thrash bin, but there is just too few time to actually make it work. Please don't recycle it yet as I believe we are very close to finishing it.

Thanks mate for not giving up.
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