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[Role Playing Game] War of Lost ORPG

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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
War of Lost ORPG
Created by Crystalknoct
Map Info:
Ok well where do I start I have completely scrapped the old project and am now working on it with terrain from scratch the main reason in my choice to do so is I wanted to have water as a base so that its easier for me to create lakes, rivers, ponds etc. I like water and its illusions that can be portrayed however with the way I was doing it I needed to use the cliff version to create that said water and it wasnt very pretty sometimes leaving pits in the terrain or other anomalies. I also however enjoy lava and the way it can be used after viewing many tutorials I can actually build it into my map more fluently knowing about it now then when I originally made that area you see Mephisto at. I want to make the map look cleaner and not have any cliffs at ALL. I agree they can be a problem but theres also a few bugs that I kept encountering in my old map aswell including a map crash so I am looking to fix that here and maybe fix desyncs aswell if everyone can wait on me to get act 1 finished I will have a working test version for you I will continue to update with pictures feedback is very much appreciated. Good and Bad are both awesome I want to have a fun experience for who ever plays but at the same time I want to keep it close to my style of creation.

Item Creation : You get x + y = z
Item Classes : Intelligence, Strength, Agility
Item Removal : Cleans old junk
Dead Item removal : Tome stuff
Pvp: (This feature is non-existent until a later release)
Multiplayer: up to 9 players
Some Custom Models
Huge world: playable size is 480/480
Respawning creeps
Distributed item drops, bounty and XP
Npcs wander (only allied)
Shrines with revival points
Skill Scaling(Power Up)
4 Extra quests
3 Main Story Quests so far
7 Interact-able Npcs
no videos as of yet. (later releases more than likely)
Maximum level is 999
Custom spells some are made in editor
9 different Classes
6 Different Spells/Passive Abilities per Hero aswell as 1 aura each.
Dungeons with bosses

Some other stuff about the map:
I havnt had much thought into this other than I wanted it to include a diablo style dungeon crawler but I lacked alot of its aspects and it didnt feel right to me. I have been playing alot of diablo 3 and 2 lately and have been comparing. I also have a idea for a Oasis quest where in one point you basically test yourself it creates a clone of you in which case you succeed you get a item that will be used later in a creation. You start out in a small town called Thyran which has been having alot of problems getting any food from thier local farm aswell as many other strange things. Your first quest is to talk to the king who will tell you about Baal the first main boss in the rpg he will be the hardest foe for you until you get to the 2nd main boss probably but I will tell you now that the bosses in here arent easy and you will more than likely not be able to solo this game unless you have a character you can load which is higher level than most. I will add more to this later just wanted to remove some of those pictures.

Screenshots and Videos:

Terrain Screenshots Show




Gameplay Screenshots Show(Later)
Videos Show(Later)

Change Log:
Scrapped the old War of lost v4.90 and started on War of Lost ORPG v0.2
Making the terrain cleaner as well as adding more of a water effect into the environment. I can upload both versions eventually and we can compare to see how much better everyone likes the new one or if they prefer the old. I will take a while until I can release the new one as a beta test but as soon as its possible I will bump this page and eveyone can enjoy.

Special Thanks:
Hiveworkshop community

Author's notes:
I hope you all get to test this beauty and can give me feedback until that time chao
Alpha v0.71 https://www.epicwar.com/maps/257124/
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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
COME ON 172 views not one person can even say cool.... I understand that I may not be an amazing map maker but im trying so if someone can at least try and help with feedback, information, etc. Not uploading map until that point.

Can someone please help me for an hour or maybe even 30 mins just something so I can find out wtf is going on and just explain in short term or long(perfered) why my stuff bugs like it does I have all my quests but I have yet to have them all work in a single session successfully..
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Level 11
Mar 6, 2008

I don't know what you do expect from the community.
But you barely provided us with information about the map you are working on.
There are many screenshot thought, however, most of them show a very low-quality terrain, especially the last one.
If you want people to be interested in your game you shoulnd't post those and instead focus on what is important in your game.

Maybe tell us something about your great background story, or things you are planning to create and the heroes that will be playable or that are already available to us.
Nearly nobody wants to play just another low-quality map after seeing those screenshots above.

So expand this thread and tell the community more about your ideas, plans, dreams, actual systems you already implemented, heroes etc.
And maybe you will then convince some people for your project and may find a person who is willing to help you with your terrain. ;)

I hope that wasn't too harsh - just my thought and I hope they help you in the future for this project.

For your current bug there are many subforums at the hive with nice people who are willing to help you if you provide them with useful and enough information about your problem and your research about your problem.

And about the 172 VIEW OMG thing:
Think about it this way: 172 people (or more now) saw your thread title which says something about "RPG" and thought: "wow, awesome I have o look into it" just to see that you really provided absolutely no information and just a small text describing your efforts as beginner-mapper and some screenshots of a low-quality terrain. You can guess that these people may be frustrated by now ...

Level 7
Aug 15, 2012

I don't know what you do expect from the community.
But you barely provided us with information about the map you are working on.
There are many screenshot thought, however, most of them show a very low-quality terrain, especially the last one.
If you want people to be interested in your game you shoulnd't post those and instead focus on what is important in your game.

Maybe tell us something about your great background story, or things you are planning to create and the heroes that will be playable or that are already available to us.
Nearly nobody wants to play just another low-quality map after seeing those screenshots above.

So expand this thread and tell the community more about your ideas, plans, dreams, actual systems you already implemented, heroes etc.
And maybe you will then convince some people for your project and may find a person who is willing to help you with your terrain. ;)

I hope that wasn't too harsh - just my thought and I hope they help you in the future for this project.

For your current bug there are many subforums at the hive with nice people who are willing to help you if you provide them with useful and enough information about your problem and your research about your problem.

And about the 172 VIEW OMG thing:
Think about it this way: 172 people (or more now) saw your thread title which says something about "RPG" and thought: "wow, awesome I have o look into it" just to see that you really provided absolutely no information and just a small text describing your efforts as beginner-mapper and some screenshots of a low-quality terrain. You can guess that these people may be frustrated by now ...


THANKS for he feedback wasnt too harsh imo ive been trying to get better at this terraining thing but I always find not having enough tilesets to be my only issue.




Tilesets are not the only thing about terrain. It is about decorations, different, unique areas and so on. Maybe check out some tutorials here on Hive for terraining, they are great and help you a lot.

By the way, don't upload so many images of such a big size. It takes forever for them to load.

Another hint, don't rush its creation. It can taker literally years until a map is finished.
Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
Tilesets are not the only thing about terrain. It is about decorations, different, unique areas and so on. Maybe check out some tutorials here on Hive for terraining, they are great and help you a lot.

By the way, don't upload so many images of such a big size. It takes forever for them to load.

Another hint, don't rush its creation. It can taker literally years until a map is finished.

Thanks for the input I just started redoing the terrain tbh I agree it was sloppy heres a sample of what I started
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Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
There is not a lot to comment on to be honest.

If you want attention you need to write out something we can judge. As of now it's really more of an long ramble of semi-related things.

If I were to create a thread about a map with barely any progress I would focus on these three things.

1. Story
2. Thread Layout
3. Concept

These are things we can judge without actual map progress.

edit: Here is my old WIP layout for an RPG of mine. The layout is unfinished, keep that in mind.
Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
There is not a lot to comment on to be honest.

If you want attention you need to write out something we can judge. As of now it's really more of an long ramble of semi-related things.

If I were to create a thread about a map with barely any progress I would focus on these three things.

1. Story
2. Thread Layout
3. Concept

These are things we can judge without actual map progress.

edit: Here is my old WIP layout for an RPG of mine. The layout is unfinished, keep that in mind.

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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Rectangular towns do not look very natural. You might also want what would appear to be major roads or a dock (even if it does nothing or leads nowhere) as settlements of that scale need transport and trade. The main road would have a market with stalls going into the street. Houses would be built out from the main road up until any central point (eg a keep or castle). The main road would be the biggest road, with all others being small or simple alleyways (medevil people sucked at city planning).

It might also be a good idea to consider mechanics now. What people like about Diablo II/III was the ability to cast powerful stuff to destroy lots of monsters (*cough* Action RPG *cough*) rather than throwing a dice or relying on your hero to auto attack stuff to death.

As such I would recommend staying away from auto attack based builds. Maybe leave auto attack in just so the map feels WC3 like but heavily weight play towards casting abilities of sorts. Abilities should also be reasonably spammable since no one wants to wait 120 seconds to cast something again. Since WC3 requires 2 inputs per cast (hotkey + mouse press) and lacks hold you will want ability spam levels lower than Diablo III and Diablo II and closer to Heroes of the Storm as far as they implemented normal abilities.

Monster wise maybe start out with auto attack and then throw in more complex mechanics. Auto attack can be used to deal unavoidable damage which forces some form of toughness progression. Have avoidable skills deal a lot of the damage as players can then master dodging them to lower the damage they take. I would advise staying away from hit chance mechanics like Diablo II used and instead using a health style system similar to Diablo III. Throwing in elemental resistances and weaknesses could be cool and improve team play but I would recommend staying away from immunities since that usually annoys people. Crowd control effects should probably have a crowd control system in place so that they can affect bosses but only in a limited way (like in Diablo III although that changed a lot for S4).
Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
Rectangular towns do not look very natural. You might also want what would appear to be major roads or a dock (even if it does nothing or leads nowhere) as settlements of that scale need transport and trade. The main road would have a market with stalls going into the street. Houses would be built out from the main road up until any central point (eg a keep or castle). The main road would be the biggest road, with all others being small or simple alleyways (medevil people sucked at city planning).

It might also be a good idea to consider mechanics now. What people like about Diablo II/III was the ability to cast powerful stuff to destroy lots of monsters (*cough* Action RPG *cough*) rather than throwing a dice or relying on your hero to auto attack stuff to death.

As such I would recommend staying away from auto attack based builds. Maybe leave auto attack in just so the map feels WC3 like but heavily weight play towards casting abilities of sorts. Abilities should also be reasonably spammable since no one wants to wait 120 seconds to cast something again. Since WC3 requires 2 inputs per cast (hotkey + mouse press) and lacks hold you will want ability spam levels lower than Diablo III and Diablo II and closer to Heroes of the Storm as far as they implemented normal abilities.

Monster wise maybe start out with auto attack and then throw in more complex mechanics. Auto attack can be used to deal unavoidable damage which forces some form of toughness progression. Have avoidable skills deal a lot of the damage as players can then master dodging them to lower the damage they take. I would advise staying away from hit chance mechanics like Diablo II used and instead using a health style system similar to Diablo III. Throwing in elemental resistances and weaknesses could be cool and improve team play but I would recommend staying away from immunities since that usually annoys people. Crowd control effects should probably have a crowd control system in place so that they can affect bosses but only in a limited way (like in Diablo III although that changed a lot for S4).

Thanks for the support + suggestions I will work on implementing all this stuff eventually my first concern is terrain ofc I have almost all of the creeps atm I may tweak them a bit tho some arent as strong as I would like. I will upload a picture of the new town for feedback later today.

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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
I think there is too much space between buildings. It makes it look empty rather than a busy town. I also am not sure about the ground tiles being used if they really fit for a town/city.

Ok I will look into changing it I dont want to have it look to similar at the same time.
I think it looks alot cleaner and suits its self better.
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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
sorry works been taking up most of my time heres an update I will get act 1 finished tomorrow. Also still accepting feedback on my terrain im still working on my skills as a artist or what ever you would call it :p but yea please help. On another note I recently fixed a quest bug on the older version I found that I had a repeated integer so yea it destroyed the map.



Alpha v0.71 https://www.epicwar.com/maps/257124/
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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
Version v0.73

Fixed all the Heroes Tooltips
Fixed all the heroes spell levels they are all now 1,12,15,50 and skip requirement is all the same aswell
Fixed a bug with primary quest (still working on the item part but I havnt implemented a way to do it yet so its ok for now.)
Added the desert area aswell as mephisto for trigger reasons.
Adding units via jass just about finished act 1 should be good for tomorrow
Terrain has been tweaked a bit will upload pictures soon just dont think its very noticeable atm
Doodads decreased ALOT
Units decreased ALOT
Less jagged edges in terrain
Smaller Bosses
Compressed some models to save a bit of space
Added Holy Bless for Tyrael that heals based on his intelligence
Fixed Bone Spirit and Metamorphasis
Fixed Assassins Overpowered Crippling Strike
Fixed some small spelling mistakes
Tooltips updated for some spells
Drops added to first quest!!
Uploading new version tomorrow.
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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
Version v0.74

Tweaked Master Assassin a bit more
Grim Reaper Tooltips updated
More terrain changes
Act 1 creeps complete
Rearranging some quest start locations
Added boss to desert area no way to get there yet
Pretty sure quests are fixed
Removed alot of unnecessary things in triggers
Removed possible leaks
Added new spell to Baal may not work yet
Item drop system added by -deathismyfriend
Added more items to drops than seen in previous map
Item drops handled way better
Working on adding quest drops may take a bit.
Act 2 teleport wrote but not needed yet.
Doodads reduced yet again due to me overdoing it way to much in first area.
Master Assassin Tweaked again
Hoarfrost removed from ice elemental looking into new spell idea (thinking blizzard)
Tyrael Balanced no longer tankier than lightning lord.
Removed some unused variables
Removed some old triggers that were inefficient
Fixed the quest bugs I hope...


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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
Version v0.74.1

Master Assassin Tweaked again
Hoarfrost removed from ice elemental looking into new spell idea (thinking blizzard)
Tyrael Balanced no longer tankier than lightning lord.
Removed some unused variables
Removed some old triggers that were inefficient
Fixed the quest bugs I hope...
FIxed a green tooltip
Found and removed 10 extra dummy units
Optimized some spells I wrote
Fixed some lag issues?
Desyncs found to be (ent) issue not my map.
Added new aura for ice elementalist working on abaddons
Updated all auras should display proper buffs let me know guys :)

Leave feedback below!
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Level 7
Aug 15, 2012
im sorry I have a partner now and we are working as much as we can to get this map to a playable point I am no longer in charge of terrain so I hope y'all love the new stuff heres a little sneak peek. (This will be the only picture until I release an alpha I want it to be a surprise i\m so impressed with it :)

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