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Unreal Mercenaries - Contruction

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This is probably going to be one of the longest construction posts you will see here. Hopefully it is worth the effort. I'm excusing myself in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes.

This Game is based on the futuristic shooter Unreal Tournament 2004, but it is not about Tournament itself, but the war-torn sector where it takes place.
Every player is a member of a mercenary group, trying to get enough money to retire (some may have other aims, but usually their realization also involves money). Since the conflict is in fact not a real war, but a mix of company intrigues, civil war and conquest, they have jobs from all parties and members from every race.

The game itself has 2 phases, so to say: missions and pauses. The game begins in the head quarter with the GM presenting some missions you then may choose from. A mission begins with tactical planning in the head quarters and continues with executing the plan more or less well. After the mission, you will return to the head quarters to refill your weapons and heal yourself. You get a reward you can then spend in different ways or save it. The GM will present you some missions again. There it not neccessarily a storyline, but probably some missions may have consequences.


  1. There is a Game Master, and he is always right. He invents the missions and controls the NPCs.
  2. The principle of action and reaction works, but there may be some reasons that prevent it from reacting in the way you want. So declare your actions, but wait for the GM answer before starting a new. (For example, if you jump in a car that is standing just somewhere on the street and hit the start button, you could not simply continue with driving away. The car could have no fuel or an alarm or something that hinders you from simply vooming away)
  3. It is forbidden to control other persons than the own character in any way. Exceptions are: a) The Player or GM allows it b) It is an unimportant character no one else cares about (For example 'old friends' from former times) part b) is limited to 2 characters (4 for Hellions).
  4. There may be some super powerful weapons or devices, but overpowering is still forbidden. Anyone who just storms in a room, kills 30 guards with his minigun and has not even a scratch or has an old friend who offers Redeemer Rockets for $1 each will be dispatched without honor.
  5. It is not forbidden to argue or even to start a brawl with your team members, but killing is right out (see rule 2 for further information and rule 3 for the consequences).Its not forbidden to pause for a mission or even to leave the group. You may join later again, but there is only one mercenary group at a time, so no splitting. This is not about fighting each other, but fighting the NPCs.
  6. You will get a reward from every mission. You can invest it into new weapons or connections. The prices are not fixed, but rule 3 applies. To simplify the process, the GM will already subtract the prices for medication and ammunition (meaning if you shoot less and avoid being hit, you will have more money). If you like, there will be exact numbers, but i would like it vague.
  7. Every race has advantages and disadvantages, choose wisely. Some may have an 'active' ability that can only be used once in a game. You do so by telling my simply via PM. This does not neccesarily mean that its really only once, but that it will take a long time until you can use it again. The GM will inform you if the ability has recharged. It is possible to influence this time by spending money or by asking less about wether it has recharged or not. The availability of this ability can also depend on you actions (for example, if you nuke the Izanagi Hospital during a mission, the 7th fleet Merc can not use his special ability).
  8. When creating a character, make sure that he is not only balanced, but fits to his background. A Skaarj scientist who wants to bring peace for example is illogical, since the Skaarj are brutal and simple race.
  9. The rules above are not set and can be interpreted differently. The GM is not someone who wants to annoy you. If you are playing nice, you will probably not even notice the restrictions. If not, i'll railroad you to death, but i wont like it. So please, dont force me to use my GM rights.
  10. The GM Position may change during a game, meaning that of you have an idea for a mission, you contact me via PM and if i approve (which is likely if you have a concept and not just an idea), you are GM for this mission. But then your character will stay at home, because there is no way to prevent the GM from overpowering himself.
And not as a rule, but as a plea: If you do not longer want to take part because it bores you or you chose the wrong character or you have personal problems or ANYTHING that hinders you from playing, please at least have the comity to write a post to remove you from the story. That can be done really quickly, in a pause simply say that you dont want any longer to take part, during a mission simply let yourself being shot. No one will be angry with you if you do so, but i'll be mad if you simply stop posting and leave half of the characters freezed.


The Humans are the most diverse and most developed race in the sector, but the internal conflicts impede their domination. Soon after discovering the ways of interstellar travelling, they built an empire of colonies and grew rich. But as the Skaarj entered the Sector, it took them only a year to annihilate all of it except the earth. With a desperate assault on the Skaarj mothership with little one-man space fighters, humanity could be saved. In the following years, they began to spread again, but never reached their former strength.

After the Skaarj invasion, the government was weakended and nearly completely unable to act. So, there was a putsch and the New Earth Government (NEG) took over the earth. It is not an over-dictatorial goverment, but not the most democratic either. They have a large army on all planets and an special force team called Thunder Crash, said to be the best warriors in the sector.

(Thunder crash male and female)
Not playable

First they were rebels, then pirates, now they try to be mercenaries: The Hellions is a group of humans that are most of all not interested in playing nice. It is a miracle that they managed to defeat several times NEG task forces with cheap and makeshift weapons, stealing or destroying important devices, weapons or facilites. Their most popular action was the near-stealing of the Nexus Rocket Prototypes, a mass-destruction weapon developed by the NEG, which managed only with a lot of luck and Thunder Crash to get them back.

(Hellion male and female)
Playable: Hellions are allowed to have more connections to the underground. Once in a game, they are able to call for aid, giving them 5 warriors or one sabotage as support.

One of the biggest paramilitary forces in the sector are the Corporations, huge Companies who want mostly one thing: monopoly. They fight with mercenaries against each other, stealing technologies and destroying facilities. The zenith of this conflict were the Corporation wars, when even the NEG had to take part in some encounters.

The biggest of the three Corporations, being the host of the Unreal Tournament and market leader in advanced artificial intelligence and robotics. Once, there has been an robot uprising on an Liandry production asteroid where the robots got too intelligent and since then they are concentrating on Bio-Mechs, mechanical robots with an organic brain.

(Liandri Bio Mech "female" and "male")
Playable: Liandry Bio Mechs are tougher and larger than a normal human and have an excellent armor, but repairing costs a lot. They are able to, once in a game, repair all mechanical members of the team for free after a fight.

(Liandri Robot)
Playable: They can think, react and aim much faster than a human and are armored well, but repairing is also more expensive. They can more easily hack into computer networks and are able to, once in a game, repair all mechanical members of the team for free after a fight.

The Axon Research Corporation developes the best and newest weapons and armors. Their true pride is the Juggernaut Body Enhancement Armor, which supports the bearers body functions. Once, one Juggernaut managed to win the Unreal Tournament, giving the company a large reputation boost and of course, lots of income.

(Juggernat male and female)
Playable: The Axon Juggernaut is not only armored well, he can also switch his armor to different options: Regenerate (healing him during a fight), Adrenaline (making him react faster) and Additional Muscle (allowing him to heave more). But the switching takes him a moment and due to his armor, he is slow and huge, making him not the best choice for secret operations.
Counts as human.

The best proof for the still active corporation war is the fact that Izanagi is the market leader for weapons and arms and not Axon, which one would expect. Unlike the other Corporations, they have no own 'army', but rely heavily on mercenaries and NEG support.

(7th Fleet Mercenaries male and female)
Playable: former 7th Fleet Mercenaries have access to Izanagi Facilities, allowing them once in a game to get a weapon for free or to heal all organic members for free after missions in an Izanagi hospital.
Counts as human.

Alien Races
Humanity encountered several alien races during the exploration of the sector. Most of them are superior to a human, but have a lower population and a more stable government.

The biggest threat of the sector are the Skaarj, large humanoid reptiloids that combine medieval morale and goverment with modern and deadly weapons, enslaving or extincting every intelligent race they encounter. Their race consists of several clans, each of them being mostly independent. Sometimes, there are clan wars, but ususally they stand as one to conquer even more planets.

(Skaarj male)
Playable: A Skaarj warrior is a bit bigger, stronger and tougher than a human, but more agressive and less intelligent. They have a stronger standard melee weapon (see below).
Attention: They have a tail.

A shamanistic and wise race of reptiloids, usually not searching for quarrels, but when there is the need, they turn into powerful and unmatched fighters. They mostly work toghether with humans to defeat Skaarj attacks on colonies. In return, the NEG helps them protecting their sanctuaries.

(Gen'Mokai female and male)
Playable: Gen'Mokai can run much faster than a human and can jump twice as high. Once in a game, they are able to use holy crystals to enhance energy weapons.
Attention: They have a tail.

Even if they look like Vampires and Undead for humans, Necris are an own race. Unlike the other species, they are not highly evolved animals, but highly evolved plants. They are able to eat most energy forms, especially electromagnetic waves (Light, thermal radiation, X-Rays, gamma rays etc), making them mostly independent from solid food, which they only need to regenerate tissues, which they can do at an surprisingly high speed.

Playable: Necris are, when they know that they will be shot and are concentrating, immune to energy weapons. They are much weaker than a human, but medication after a mission is always for free for them.


To fight your way through the sector, you will need some weapons. Here is a collection of the standard weapons you will see frequently during the missions. There are 2 main kinds of weapons: Physical and Energy Weapons. The first are especially effective against less armored targets like Hellions or Necris, the latter against highly armored targets like Juggernauts or Bio Mechs. Most weapons have 2 fire modes between which you can switch very fast and without a pause during shooting.


Assault Rifle
The standard Gun for every soldier. It has no a high penetrating power, but you can get it for peanuts, so its still used by many forces. As secondary fire it is able to shoot grenades which deal considerable more damage, but are difficult to aim and easy to dodge. (Start equip for everyone)

The standard Melee Weapon for everyone. In close combat, you are able to hurt your enemy badly, but only trained soldiers manage to actually kill someone with just a knife. (Start equip for humans, Gen'Mokai and Necris)

Skaarj Blades
The Skaarj version of a knife. Two blades fixed on the upper arm, protuding over the fist. Ram it into an foe and he will likely be at least incapacitated. Only problem: you have to get them out of him for the next attack. (Start Equip for Skaarj)

Not more than an open electric circuit, the close combat weapon for robots is the most simple and weakest of the melee weapons, but is effective on other robots in contrast to the blades which can not penetrate the thick armor. (Start Equip for Robots and Bio Mechs)

Shield Gun
Designed as defensive weapon for the police, the shield gun is not meant to hurt anyone, but Axon developed (and Izanagi sold) also an improved version for marines. It primarily offers temporarily (10 seconds under fire) a shield of about 4 feet diameter which reflects all missiles and rays. Additionally, there is the plasma shock mode, a short-ranged energy weapon which needs to charge for 3 seconds, but then it kills everyone who is unfortunate enough to touch the wrong end.

Shock Rifle
Another weapon designed to be non-lethal, combined with a plasma thrower which development was first scrapped for being too weak. The first fire mode shoots an high intensive light ray at the target, blinding the victim for several hours if aimed correctly. But even if the ray missed the eye, the light spot it produces is bright enough to be an approprite replacement for flash grenades. Unfortunenately, this is useless againt Robots and Necris (if they expect it). The secondary fire mode shoot a large and slow plasma ball which can cause second-degree burns if it hits someone, which is rather rare due to his speed. But as scientists discovered the plasma is filled with antiphotons, so any larger amount of light can cause a chain reaction, releasing all energy inside the ball in one giant blast. To trigger the explosion, you simply have to shoot with the light ray at the plasma ball. But even with this deadly combo, the shock rifle is not the best weapon, because if both sides have one, they are able to shoot the enemies plasma balls as soon as they appear, turning them against the shooter.

Bio Rifle
This weapon shoots a slimy acid that sticks to anything, making it a good weapon to defend a position (simply cover the path in front of you), but the short range and the great danger of friendly fire has limited the usage of this gun. As sencondary fire, it loads a bigger blob of acid that splits into smaller ones when hitting.


This handy Gatling Cannon is basically a beefed up version of the Assault rifle. It can fire its bullets (with or without hull) at high speeds and with decent accuracy.

Link Gun
The link gun is the latest development of the Plasma Guns. Like all Versions, it offers plasma missiles with a high fire rate as first fire mode. The secondary mode has been redeveloped and is now a energy matrix that is not only able to produce a ray that can melt metal, but can also transfer energy to another link gun, highly increasing its damage. If used correctly, it can also power devices and repair vehicles.

Sniper Rifle
The classic Sniper rifle has not changed much during the milleniums, apart from the Gauß Rifle technology several centuries ago. With a steady hand and proper training, you are able to kill the target from distances up to 1 km without the need to encounter any guards.

Lightning Gun
This energy weapon is largely the same as the sniper rifle, except the fact that it uses digital zoom and aiming ai. But since it has to create a electric arc between the target and the gun, the range is limited to 300 meters.


Flak Cannon
Some call it the deadliest weapon on the armories of Izanagi. It is armed with ionised shrapnels that are able to cause third-degree burns and easily penetrate even hardened armor. It has two ways to deliver them to the enemy: Directly as an widespread volley, deadly at close range and in narrow places. The second is a shrapnel grenade that explodes on contact and fires its load in all directions.

Rocket Launcher
The Trident rocket launcher is the latest development in the fields of huge badaboom. The self propelled missiles are obligerating the target and its near vincity, but the slow speed allows the enemy to evade direct shots. For this, Inzanagi developed the triple barrel, which does not only increase the firing speed but also allows to shoot up to three rockets at a time. There are even 2 different types of shooting several rocket - either widespread or flying in a close spiral.

The Anti Vehicle Rocket Launcher fires heat-seeking missiles with a low rate, but high effect. Not really useful against humans, it can easily destroy smaller vehicles with one blast.

Developed as aid for miners to escape tunnel collapses by telerporting to the targeting disk, soon the military was interested in the project and bought large amounts for themselves. The Translocator basically is a device that can fire a large disk at medium distances to which the owner is able to teleport lateron. But it offers only about 3 shots, so it has to be used wisely. The most common use is as escape possibilty. With the integrated camera, the disk can also be used for observing or scouting.

You are not able to buy these regularly, but will maybe aquire some during a mission. Use them wisely.

There is not much to say about the Redeemer. An 10 kilo warhead of pure urane, with a collision detonator, a remote controlled drive and a camera to allow better control. Once fired, the shooter has to take care of getting out of the huge explosion radius before the missile hits.

Ion Painter
This weapon is a remote control for a large ion cannon mounted on a sattelite orbiting around the planet. After you aimed with the laser pointer for some seconds at the target location (which has to be visible from space), the sattelite aims and soon does largely the same as a redeemer - killing everything within the blast radius. For better aiming, it has a 10x telescopic sight.

Target Painter
This weapon is almost the same as the Ion painter. The only difference is the support it calls: a class 300 B cluster Bomber who will soon reduce the target area to rubble. So be sure to have a good connection to the local NEG air force general when aquiring one.


There are also some vehicles available during missions. You may be able to buy a garage with enough money and to get some of them for yourself. Most of them are pretty standard and will not play a greater role in your missions, so i decided to make no pictures.

Car, Van - These still exist and you will see lot of them, both civil and military.

Scorpion - the scorpion is a small car for one person with a small plasma turret at the roof and extendible blades at the sides. It is good for hit and run actions, but the minimalistic bodywork presents not much protection against bullets.

Hellbender - The Hellbender is a pickup truck redesinged for military use. The co-driver controls a highly developed shock turret that has a auto-aiming computer for triggering shock combos. On the rear is a laser turret that can either fire fast but weak or charge for about 3 seconds to fire a laser that can kill a human with one shot. Its speed and good armor (at least for the drivers) make it useful also for infiltration and exfiltration.

Helicopter - Sometimes, you will start a mission being dropped by a helicopter somewhere inside a guarded area. Mostly the Helicopter will be unarmed and just disappear after deploying you. But sometimes you might have the chance to get an armed version with gatling or link turrets. These are mainly beefed up versions of Minigun and Link Gun with which you can try to shoot down some things while flying.

Cicada - Named after its unique shape, the Cicada is an bi-rotor helicopter designed for ground combat. It has two seats, one for the pilot who also controls the air-to-suface rockets. As secondary fire, he can lock the targeting computer on a point who then loads up to 16 missiles which are then released in a volley. The second pilot controls a laser turret at the lower side of the Cicada and can fire flares to distract heat-seeking rockets.

Raptor - the raptor is a aerial fighter useful for both air-to-air and air-to-ground attacks that has been in service for several decades now, but still offers enough firepower to stay. It is armed with a laser turret and heat-seeking missiles that can both shoot down vehicles and flyers with relative ease, but its old aiming computers can not support the laser nor another rocket while one rocket is flying. During the last years, there have been also sightings of newer Raptor models, but so far none found the way into any other hands than the NEG.


You will probably fail if you just try to shoot yourself through everything, so be a bit more creative. The following hints should give you an impression of some dos and don'ts that cannot be told as a rule:
  • Being accurate can help, especially when the GM thinks you had it too easy. For example, if you just say "I'm shooting into the room with a Shock Rifle before entering", the GM may answer "You blinded yourself and half of your team, but none of the enemies, because you hit the opposite wall, but all of them stared at the door." If spend some more pixel ink, you could have written "I'm taking the shock rifle and aim at the doorframe. I shout to my companions "look away!", close my eyes and fire. After a second, i take my assault rifle and storm in the room, aiming at the first enemy." Then the GM will answer: "You have little problems with the first enemy because he stared directly at the doorframe."
  • You can not only shoot, you can also talk and sneak. This will not work with every character: Humans (in normal clothing), Gen'Mokai and Necris have no problems, Robots, BioMechs and Skaarj may arise some suspicions and Juggernauts cause a lot of mistrust, simply because the body armor is invented for warfare, not for going shopping. A Juggernaut may choose to do the mission without armor, which makes him count as normal human.
  • The GM will give you much information, most of the time more than needed. This is not only because he wants to create a certain athmosphere and to prevent misunderstandings, but also because he hopes that you come up with creative solutions using the given details.

To join the RPG you have to create a character sheet which should consist of the following:

Race/Faction and Gender
Favourite Weapon - at the beginning you are trained with the use of one cheap or medium priced weapon
Role - what are you probably doing during a mission
Short Biography - one or two sentences about your past or your aims. It has to be nothing special because it is not likely to play much of a role.

Annotation to the roles: The roles are mainly for telling your companions what they should plan for you. They replace the classes of ordinary roleplays, but have less impact on your stats. There is only one role that actually affects the game: Technician/Medic - a player with this role is less trained with weapons and is weaker, but can repair and heal other team members and can easier modify electric devices (e.g. hacking in Computer Networks, stealing cars, understanding an alien weapon etc.)


Name: Mokara
Race: Gen'Mokai male
Favourite Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Role: Supporting the warriors from behingd with the Sniper Rifle, harassing with well-aimed shots and fast position changes.
Bios: Mokara was for several years member of the Gen'Mokai Tournament Team. After he got too old and left the team, he signed up for several NEG missions and finally decided to stay in the merc business.


Name: Martin
Race: Axon Juggernaut male
Favourite Weapon: Minigun
Role: Rambo tactic tank.
Bios: Another Axon Juggernaut who lost his guard job after the Corporation Wars and was not good enough to be a Tournament Player.


Name: SR - X472
Race: Liandri Robot
Favourite Weapon: Shield Gun
Role: Technician and Medic.
Bios: SR - X472 is one of the few robots of the uprising that survived the NEG counter attack by pretending to be stupid. After several years of service for Liandri, he grew bored and left by pretending a malfunction. Now he tries to find a "life" of his own as a mercenary.

You join the mercenary group then as soon as they return from their mission.

The RPG will start with the following:

Me as GM with James Telcontar (see in the lineup) as character

The Armory currently houses the following:
  • Seemingly infinite amounts of Assault rifles
  • 1 Shield Gun
  • 1 Shock Rifle
  • 1 Link Gun
  • 1 Minigun
  • 1 Sniper Rifle


Name: James Telcontar
Race: Necri male
Favourite Weapon: none
Role: James founded the merc group and is the representative. He contacts or finds possible money sources and plans for future missions, but due to his silent nature, the group often does not excatly know for whom they are working actually. He is also responsible for buying new stuff. He does not fight in missions.
Bios: There is not much known about his history, but there are rumors that he is an outcast of a school of assasins.
Name: Peper Schmitz
Race: Liandri Bio Mech "male"
Favourite Weapon: Mini-Gun
Role: Front-lining Tank.
Bios: Peper was Bio-Mech made after the Robots uprising. The Liandri Corps treat him properly, but he got bored of his life. One day he escaped and got lost. Now he's trying to life as a mercenary.
Name: Mark
Race: Hellion
Favourite Weapon: Assault Rifle
Role: Elite merc that can perform a variety of missions.
Bios: Not much was known about him, Mark might not even be his real name.
Name: K'rak Luthar
Species: Gen'Mokai Male
Favourite Weapon - Strongly prefers using speed combined with a knife.
Role - Close quarters combatant.
Short Biography - K'rak Luthar decided to ally himself with the humans, as it seemed the most logical and safest thing to do. He does not throw himself into combat,but he is slightly more bloodthirsty and aggressive than that of the other Gen'mokai.
Name: Zac
Race: Axon Corp. Light Armor Juggernaut Male
Favourite Weapons: Sniper Rifle, Knife
Role: Assassin trained in melee fighting and long range silent kills.
Bio: Favoring stealthy ops instead of the usual barge-in tactics of the Juggernauts, Zac was chosen to be a test subject of the new Axon Light Juggernaut armor that would be designed for assassins and snipers. The lightly armored variant does not weigh much more than regular armor, but it still manages to take some hits without busting and does not restrict movement all that much. Instead of the usual abilities of the Juggernaut armor, the light variant has only one ability, Administer Drugs. The drugs stored in the armor improve accuracy when using sniper weapons when injected using the suit. However, Zac fled from the Axon Corp. test center in the middle of outdoor condition testing. Fearing that Axon would find and kill him if he entered the Tournament, Zac became a mercenary instead.
Name: Kenneth Gray
Race 7th Fleet Mercenaries male
Favorite weapon: Assault Rifle
Role: Support Gunner/ Weapons specialist
Bio: Although Kenneth seems to destroy anything in its path, its rather a calm guy, just dont piss him off and you should be okay. As the war lover he is he couldnt be out of this so he became a mercenary, working for the fun of shooting a weapon
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Name: Peper Schmitz

Race: Liandri Bio Mech "male"
Favourite Weapon: Mini-gun
Role: Front-lining Tank.
Bios: Peper was Bio-Mech made after the Robots uprising. The Liandri Corps treat him properly, but he got bored of his life. One day he escaped and got lost. Now he's trying to life as a mercenary.

I have read the rules, and tell me if something went wrong.
EDIT: Changed.
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It is a good start. You just got the story wrong. The BioMechs did not take part in the Robot uprising simply because they were still under development. Maybe i have explained that not good enough. What happened on the production asteriod was what some scientist predict: The Robots reached near-human intelligence, but were still treated like machines. So they got angry and killed their masters. The NEG managed to reconquer the Asteroid, putting an end to the uprising, but also destroying the AI generator, setting Liandri back several years concerning the research of advanced artificial intelligence.
From this time on, Liandri treated Robots and the BioMechs properly.

Edit: Fixed wrong classification of the Liandri Pictures. The "female" is of course a bio mech, not a robot.
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Repair and healing: During a mission, it is not possible to really heal or repair a character. A Technician/Medic player can do some basic things - stop bleedings, repair broken cables, with a bit more time also splinting broken bones etc.
After a mission, the team is healed and repaired completely for money, if you have enough (which you probably will, except of course you do something really wrong). If the funds are not sufficient, Juggernauts, BioMechs and Robots may be repaired only partially.

The money system is not really defined yet, it depends on how you would like it. Either i simply make it vaque, meaning that i tell you just a phrase like "not even enough for a pint of beer" (meaning nothing) or "several k of credits" (meaning more) or such things. That makes it easier for me (i dont have to think of prices for everything) but then your savings might be not completely save (because its difficult to say what you get when you add "pint of beer" to "a bit" and subtract a "very cheap sniper rifle").
The other way would be that I do it with numbers, but that would take a lot of preparing time.

As thanks for being the first you will get a nice picture for your char:

Later today i'll add a team member list.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
Hehe i'm in!!!

Name: Jay
Race: Axon Juggernaut male
Favourite Weapon: Minigun
Role: Front-line Attacker and Tanking
Bios: Jay was simply trying to make some ends-meet. He was a pro Counter Strike player. So when Axon was hiring mercenaries, he decided to sign up for not the only the money, but for the "fun" as well. After all, it is a real life Counter Strike.

Is it ok?

EDIT: Favourite Weapon and Roles
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No, every character has only one weapon preference. You may carry more, but you still have to decide which you wield as standard. And since all weapons except Assault Rifle are too big to wield them with only one hand, you can also use one of your two preferences at a time.

Accepted with Shock Rifle as preference.
Hopefulle the next character will be less tank-like.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
oooo i get it now

BTW the "tank" means i would use my shield gun to protect team mates (like tanks) and use my Shock Rifle to "disturb" the enemy so that my team can either attack them or pull out(support)....

If u understand, thanks.... BTW when do we start??
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Not my type of RP but very nice presentation made me want to read it even though I won't RP in it probably.
That depends on my mood and yours and the general situation. Of course i will try to avoid killing the players, but if you behave so stupid that its unavoidable, you will simply die. Otherwise, you may be incapacited but if found and bandaged in time, you will survive (but with a lot of medication cost). As a Robot/BioMech, you of course cannot be bandaged when your armor is pierced. Instead, someone can simply take the Central Personality Unit /the Brain Capsule out of what os left of you and after the mission get a new body for you. That means that as Robo/BioMech, you of course are easier to rescue, because a head-sized block of metal can be carried easier than a body, but will cost a lot more when dying, because its more expensive to get a new robot/BioMech body frame than to patch a human together again.
You may want to die, for example for monetary or strategic reasons. In this case just make that clear and you are allowed to choose a new character after the mission. But to prevent planned kamikaze to save medication cost, you have to chosse someone with a different role. So if you played BioMech, your new character has to be one of the less armored species (Gen'Mokai, Hellion, 7th Fleet Merc, Necri) and vice versa.

I hope that answers your question.
Level 7
Dec 23, 2009
WOW! The best fps made into a RP?!? I'm SO TOTALLY JOINING THIS!

Name: Jaret Colds
Race: Liandri Marketing Corp Male (Xan/Axon type of armor, painted in silver)
Favourite Weapon: Shock Rifle
Role: Front-lined heavy Shock Rifle shooter, Bomb defusing
Bio: As a professional trained killing Bio Mech based on the ultimate fighting skills of Xan Kriegor, he was built for protecting of various other Bio Mechs who served the Liandri. After he found out that the Liandri didn't need his Services anymore and wanted to melt his metal for making another Bio Mech, he fled from them, and now he's just another long lost Bio Mech in the gigantic cosmos.
Well, the knife is your melee weapon. You are not really 'wielding' it. You just have it and can use it when needed (in FPS terms: "Press V to use Knife" when someone is standing in front of you).
Assault rifle can be dual wielded, but that costs accuracy and one 'weapon slot', meaning that you cannot carry another weapon.
Only original Unreal weapons are allowed. After all, this is an Unreal rp.

If someone donates me another Unreal Tournament Version than 2004, i may add the weapons appearing there. ;)

Btw, leet-speak, caps lock and grammar mistakes are not really appealing for good RP-ers. Additionally i dont like them too.
No, its not dead, i am preparing a reall long response to Jarets comment. I'll post it here:
I can understand your reaction, but i hope you can also understand mine.
RP is supposed to be fast paced and interesting, not to have a mission of about 3 pages. There shouldn't be that many Rules, because it is supposed not to shrink you to the minimum. The GM shouldn't be like a God, he's supposed to be just like everyone else.

If i have learned something about fast-paced RPs then it is the fact that they consist mostly of misunderstandings, illogical actions and a half-hearted plot. If someone who is not as active as the standard user joins, he has no chance to keep up the pace and will be either forgotten or freezed (or even worse, will freeze someone else).
And that is why there should be something like an GM that has actually some rights. To keep things right and logical. To make a good plot, maybe even with some twists and surprises. To ensure that every player feels useful and integrated. I once played (well more just read) in a very bad example of this: The GM had a plot, but no idea how to deliver it. Some wanted action, some wanted a love story. We ended up staying the whole time in one place doing mostly nothing except the lovers loving each other and the action guys fighting against random enemies suddenly appearing with portals all over the place.
Allowing everyone to control NPCs may work in some RPs, but you have to admit that this cannot work here, because fast-paced RPers usually also cut problems and fightings horribly short. You may have wanted to make the team get caught later, but maybe you wont have the chance, because HolyFire defines the chief's office without cameras, the chief as on the toilet and the safe as very easy to open. Then Peper takes the disk and uses your dumb and easily fooled guards to get you out again without any trouble. Then what shall i do? I cant tell you every detail i made up in my head in advance, because that would be illogical, and lateron i wont have a chance if everyone postes like you. I cannot make up missions as fast as you want to 'solve' them.
This is a completely different attempt for role-playing to make it fun, because if in a fast-paced RP someone invents a challenge, there will be someone who finds it boring and uses the short way. I wanted to create a world where such flaws could not happen, where the players would have to solve the challenge, not just to define it as solved. Where the uninterested could not spoil everything, because they could have decided to wait for the next task instead of being dragged through. Where the plot would not have forgotten or become illogical, because there is no giant save-the world quest.
Probably i got the wishes of you RP'ers wrong. You dont want to actually play, but to create a world. Probably i'm also too much of an perfectionist who plans every detail and wants to get rid of every undefined or contradictory spot in his history. Probably i also have underestimated lazyness. I had hoped, that with restrictions and rules the players may be challenged to try to creatively avoid them. But its of course easier to just quit playing and to join an RP where there are no restrictions.
Well, if someone wants to be challenged, i'm still here.
Level 6
Sep 18, 2010
Name: K'rak Luthar
Species: Gen'Mokai Male
Favourite Weapon - Strongly prefers using speed combined with a knife.
Role - Close quarters combatant.
Short Biography - K'rak Luthar decided to ally himself with the humans, as it seemed the most logical and safest thing to do. He does not throw himself into combat,but he is slightly more bloodthirsty and aggressive than that of the other Gen'Mokai.

Soooo does posting this mean i can particiapate in the RP?
Level 6
Sep 22, 2010
OO New player welcome aboard we are fighting rebels next right?? Wigglz looks so SCARY that the rebels would.... Erhm...

What?? I could only start at: ( GMT +8 times )

11.00 AM

2.00 PM

8.30 PM

AlienatSystem your time is about midnight in my time look for Malaysia or Singapore time zones thx

By the way do you live in Europe or West Central Africa?? <----------- ( Joking :D)
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