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Unit Ideas

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Level 4
Feb 24, 2015
Hey Hive!,

As some of you may know, I'm creating a campaign, which will hopefully be quite good. I've been writing down stories and missions, etc, but one part I got stuck on was units.

I settled on fast pace combat. Units would have low health, low damage, but high attack rates. Since I intend there to be lots of custom abilities, the combat would be long enough for micro-management to be possible. Not only does this open up new strategic options, it is also a fresh way of fighting that I'd like to test out.

Before I begin to make the campaign, I wanted to create the custom races and balance them in melee maps (custom made). The problem is, I'm not quite sure what races will get a techtree. What I mean by this is that there are many races in my planned campaign, but only a few of them need to have full techtrees (buildings, units, heroes, upgrades and spells).

I settled on having three or four completely custom races. At the moment, I'm only sure of one which is, of course, the Human race.

What I want help with is this Human race. I need anything from units to spells.

Now, one thing that is necessary is that this is a human-only race. No elves or dwarves or anything, and preferably as few fantasy beasts as possible (for example, no gryphon riders).

Here's a little bit of an idea: this human race is basically a combination of multiple nations. I haven't set names down in stone yet. The nations I have planned are:

- An 'English' nation: swords, mounted combat and longbows. Casters use holy magic. Not technologically advanced (as in, no Siege Engines or Flying Machines, but catapults and other siege weaponry are fine). Located in grassy plains and rolling hills.

- A 'Viking' nation: spears, pikes, crossbows and huge shields. Casters use runic and frost magic. Not as many siege weaponry as the 'English' nation, but use powerful magic to make up for it. Located in a land further south of the 'English' nation, where the rolling hills turn to large, frosty mountains and snowy forests.

- A horse-riding nation: spears, swords and bows. This nation is heavily focused on cavalry and horse-riding and share special bonds with their mounts. They don't have much siege weaponry nor magic. Located in the same grassy plains and rolling hills as the 'English' nation, but are more sparse and tribal, and basically live in the 'English' nations' shadow.

Anything will do. Of course, this is only one race, so all three of the above need to be included equally. But you shouldn't worry about that =] Just throw ideas my way for anything (buildings, units, spells, upgrades and heroes) and I'll play mix and match to get a good race working. You can suggest as many things you like, the more the better. Even if I don't use some units (say I have too many Viking type units to fit in a techtree) then they will probably be added into the campaign, since all three cultures are met and interacted with in the missions.

Thanks =] Have a nice day.
Level 4
Feb 24, 2015
So basically, the third are Mongol Scotsmen.

Ah, that's what I was thinking of =]

Melee: Barbarian, Horseman
Ranged: Horse Archers (with attack-on-the-move), can switch to Horseman
Caster: Shamanism / Druidism (animal summons, bloodlust/combat drugs, far sight)
Siege: Raider, and ranged units can learn Liquid Fire.

Oh I like these ideas =] Hmm, I'm not quite sure if they would have druids, but shamanism is a great idea =] Thanks for the ideas, and +rep.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Druids was just an alternative name.

Viking ideas:

Longship: Amphibious transport that allows units inside to shoot. If shield-using units are inside, can use the Shield Wall ability (Defend with the percentages increasing with the number of shield-using units)

Berserker: Using Berserk causes the unit to attack and move faster, gain bash/cleave but lose armor and becoming neutral hostile. After the buff passes, it returns to the player's control but is stunned (stun duration shorter than the Berserk cooldown).

War animals (dogs, bears, ravens...)
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010

Knight: Fast melee.
Squire: Weak melee support unit. When "attached" to a Knight (with a special ability), gives attack, move and armor bonus while in range, lost if the squire dies (one knight, one squire at a time). If the squire kills enough enemies (possibly with an ability that does huge damage to stunned or debuffed units), he becomes a Knight free of charge.
Longbowman: Ranged unit with siege range.
Cleric: Caster with Heal, Prayer (channels before giving nearby units a damage bonus).
Trebuchet: Siege unit, needs to unpack to attack but has double siege range.
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Level 3
Mar 17, 2014
It looks like some kind of AoE-like campaign I'm seeing here. How about a hero that is a warrior hero excellent in initiating combat and absorbing damage (I'm thinking of a viking hero like the Thane or something like that) :)

This is interesting... I might post again here if I think of something else ^_^
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Viking spellcasters:

Cryomancers:Hybrit offensice unites like spellbreakers.They can cast
1.Ice Exoskeleton:The cryomancer covers his body with an external skeleton that increases his armour by 4 and reduces the attack speed of melee attackers.
2.Frozen shard:The cryomancer throws a shard to a target enemy that deals damaga and stuns him for 1.25 sec
3.Icy empower:The cryomancers empowers his weaponds.Making them do full damage to any type of armour (this should make up for the lack of siege weaponds)

Runemasters(or name them whatever you want,never was good at names...):Full suportive spellcasters
1.Odins Grace:Runemaster blesses an ally target with Odins Grace.The ally regenerates hp overtime and has increased armour.
2.Thor's Thunder:Runemaster uses the thunder to purge negative buffs from an ally as well as give him an electric shild that damages nearby enemys.
3.Freyja's gift:Empowers an ally.The ally gains evasion and critical passives for a period of time.

Hope i helped
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