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Ubersplats as a doodad and 3d sounds not working

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Level 12
Apr 16, 2007
Hey Guys

I'm working on my cinematic and have encountered two things I can't do yet... One being that I want to put the "footprint" of a steam tank ingame as a doodad, to simulate a scrape mark of a large object. Now i know you can do this, because I've seen it done in other maps, I just can't remember how :/

The second is that I've imported some custom sounds, but for some reason when I check the "3d sound" flag, they don't play at all...
  • Sound - Play ScrapeRock <gen> at 100.00% volume, located at (Center of Crusher Dust <gen>) with Z offset 0.00
I've tried setting the range to maxiumum, and changing the channels it was in, but all to no avail. Some help would really be appreciated!

Thank you.
Level 12
Apr 16, 2007
Hey DSG, thanks for the answer.
Sorry If I double posted, it's been 48 hours since i started this thread and nobody's answered D:

Well the camera is right next to the sound source, and no matter how close or far it is, it cannot be heard. The 3d sound flag is checked as well.

Odd thing is, when I remove the flag, the sound plays. :confused:
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
plz... if you want it to be 3d sound make it WAV. MP3's wont work if checked as 3d...

i suggest you to use mp3 but not as 3d and let it be heard all over the map... as it is a cinematic it wont bother anybody if it is heard by every player in the game :p

Else... if you want it to be heard by players near a unit or a region take a look at this -> http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/f98/3d-sounds-53150/?highlight=3d+sound
Level 12
Apr 16, 2007
Thanks dude.
Well, it is a .wav file, so it's definetely not an issue with the format.

Also, I cannot make it an mp3 that is heard all over the map, for some specific reasons to do with the triggers, the camera moves through a small corridor, and the sound should only be heard as you get closer to the far end, if you follow.

But the tutorials were a great help, so thank you very much!
+ Rep,
But i still need some help with the splats D:
Level 12
Apr 16, 2007
Ah heck, nothing worked :sad:

I ended up replacing internal sounds with the ones I wanted, and it half worked :eekani:

For the splats, I'll just make an invisible unit with locust and no collision, and move it back and forth between the points I want the footprints in, it should do the trick.
Thanks for your help guys.
Level 11
Dec 31, 2007
for the 3d sounds... did you do it the way i said in my post?. There is no reason for it not to work. What happened? why it didnt? perhaps i can help you (coz i dont like the idea of replacing internal sounds)
Level 12
Apr 16, 2007
It's alright, considering its a cinematic it doesn't matter if I replace a few unneeded sounds :p

Well, I followed every tutorial, the ones you linked me and the ones they linked to, and none had any effect, the sound would not play, no matter what I tried.

Don't worry about it, really, I'm perfectly happy with it working the way it is now :thumbs_up:
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