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[Spell] Twilight's eve Arctic Freeze, help

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Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone could show me how to make the ability Arctic Freeze from Twilight's eve ORPG.


The basics of the ability is that it creates an area affect ability, kinda like war stomp, that surges out around the caster that stops at a max range, dealing damage and slowing the enemy. When it hits the target the get the Freezing Breath buff animation on them, which shows they have been hit and slowed.

Note: I don't use JASS.

Any helpful information will be noted, and Rep will be given to that =D
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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
First off, I'd like to note that using a huge size does not help a lot of people.
Those who cannot read clearly anymore usually have everything zoomed in already, those who don't can read regular text perfectly fine.

Second: when using imgur, use the image link, not the imgur link.
Picture link: http://i.imgur.com/0QPb2.jpg
Imgur link: http://imgur.com/0QPb2,lx3PA
You can click on the picture in the imgur link to go to the picture link (simple as that).


Works perfectly :)

Third: the model might be something like this (not exactly the same, but looks quite similar).
There are more of these nova-like effects, you can look for them in the model page. Or you can use standard wc3 models, there are quite a few nice ones there as well :)

Fourth and last: if I get it right, there is some kind of pulse that goes outward and hits all targets in range?
Certainly possible in GUI, though a bit more complex than JASS most likely.

To give enemies the freeze effect, simply create a dummy unit (no model, no shadow, doesn't display on map, no food cost, flying, no vision etc.) and make him cast a slow-spell on the target (which is every target that gets hit by the wave). Also, put a 1-second expiration timer on him (generic expiration timer). That way he'll automatically die after 1 second.

The actual trigger might be more complex. If nobody else responds today, I might make it for you - IF you give me more information (I've played EVE quite a lot and maxed out many characters, but that is many years ago).
Just explain exactly what the spell does and how it should work (multiple waves that freeze the enemy? A circle around the caster that grows outward? ...).
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Its just edited from Thunder Clap

Its not just edited from thunder clap, since thunder clap is instant, this sends out a wave that when it reaches in hits the unit, but that might have to do

First off, I'd like to note that using a huge size does not help a lot of people.
Those who cannot read clearly anymore usually have everything zoomed in already, those who don't can read regular text perfectly fine.

Haha sorry, idk why I did that >.<

Fourth and last: if I get it right, there is some kind of pulse that goes outward and hits all targets in range?
Yes that is exactly what it does =D
Already given +Rep for picture help and awesome spell model

Also could you explain what you do with the spell, because you already setting the damage into the triggering, do you set everything like damage and area affect to 0 on the ability as well? (Haven't done trigger ability making before so this will be a first =D)
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