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[Campaign] Troll Campaign

Level 2
Jan 22, 2013
Hello. I would like to request aid in solving my problem in third chapter. In maker`s place with their artificial intelligence there are doors to the east i can not open. There are also two press buttons that when activated do nothing visible. And there is elevated floor with golem that i do not have access to. What should i do?
Level 2
Jan 22, 2013
After fourth restart the trigger activated properly. Now i am interested, if there is possibility to reach the room placed in north west area?

Anyway, it is amazing how well developed the environments. With its own biomes both on the surface and below it. Various plants, various organisms and the enemies are unique too. What blizzard did was to just spam spiders everywhere and change their colors but here i have myconids with their respective biome. And i like how much time you have to spend on each map assuring that you will see all this work. -10 points for zig zag routes since it breaks the realism of the geography but whatever. Are the voice actors profesionals? Did the map creator had to pay them? They bring much power to the scenario.
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Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Now I'm curious about what caused the trigger failure. There is indeed a way to reach that room. I'm glad you like the environment and mob choices, designing them was as fun as it was challenging. The voices have been generated with AI and a bunch of takes/post-production.
Level 2
Jan 22, 2013
I had such suspicion however i would not guess that this afterlife god is not real person. Nor the merchant. They are so lively.

Is this room accessible from the same area? I am out of ideas. I imagine i entered into every corner of the map to trigger transportation but i found nothing.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008


I'm at the stage where I can say this project is mostly complete. The development time needed comes down to a couple of cinematics and model edits. All other level designs, assets, triggers, items, music, and voice clips have been completed and imported into the campaign. I'll be spending some time polishing the levels throughout the project, checking for bugs, and making things later-patch-compatible.

Here are some things that have changed since last time, which you can expect in the campaign's full release:

  • All building models (sans Voodoo Lounge) have been reimagined, remodeled, and renamed appropriately.View attachment 462009

  • Giant Bats and Troll Batriders have been replaced with reptilian Pterradons and Pterradon Riders.View attachment 462010

  • Icons for the new buildings have been added.
  • New weapon/armor upgrade icons for the troll tech tree have been added.
  • New custom item recipe combinations have been added, with appropriate icons for each custom item. View attachment 462014
  • Earthen doodad assets and golem units have been visually updated.
  • New aqir units and effects have been added.
  • View attachment 462017View attachment 462018
  • Kruppe now has an ultimate ability and an updated ability icon set.
  • A new optional quest has been added to Chapter 1.
  • A generous amount of tooltip, hotkey, and icon location updates.

I want to thank everyone who has tested the beta versions of my campaign posted throughout this thread. Your feedback has been significant to the quality of work I strive towards.

See you at release!
Utterly incredible.

I'll probably post this on the final upload to the site, but I'll say it now too: if I never accomplish anything in my life, I think I can rest easy knowing that my beloved Jungle Trolls are in good hands.
Level 16
Sep 24, 2009


I'm at the stage where I can say this project is mostly complete. The development time needed comes down to a couple of cinematics and model edits. All other level designs, assets, triggers, items, music, and voice clips have been completed and imported into the campaign. I'll be spending some time polishing the levels throughout the project, checking for bugs, and making things later-patch-compatible.

Here are some things that have changed since last time, which you can expect in the campaign's full release:

  • All building models (sans Voodoo Lounge) have been reimagined, remodeled, and renamed appropriately.View attachment 462009

  • Giant Bats and Troll Batriders have been replaced with reptilian Pterradons and Pterradon Riders.View attachment 462010

  • Icons for the new buildings have been added.
  • New weapon/armor upgrade icons for the troll tech tree have been added.
  • New custom item recipe combinations have been added, with appropriate icons for each custom item. View attachment 462014
  • Earthen doodad assets and golem units have been visually updated.
  • New aqir units and effects have been added.
  • View attachment 462017View attachment 462018
  • Kruppe now has an ultimate ability and an updated ability icon set.
  • A new optional quest has been added to Chapter 1.
  • A generous amount of tooltip, hotkey, and icon location updates.

I want to thank everyone who has tested the beta versions of my campaign posted throughout this thread. Your feedback has been significant to the quality of work I strive towards.

See you at release!
Amazing, man. Can't wait to play it!
Level 2
May 28, 2024
I do have to say that the mission 'Tunnel Vision' has a pretty big difficulty spike.

Two enemy bases with seemingly unlimited resources sending attack teams every few minutes while starting at tier 1 and then added with the Kadra's Helm side quest which has a time limit. Quite a crazy challenge. 😅
Level 2
May 28, 2024
Completely fair. I like the challenge. Keeps me on my toes and makes me adapt different strategies.

Now something I have been curious about;
Once you've completed the campaign, is it possible you could make the Troll race you created be available for custom game skirmishes?


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Interesting question! I've never really planned for it. It would require a few ability triggers to be reworked to handle multiplayer as well as quite a bit of balance work.

That said, it's not impossible. Might even be a nice side project/continuation for the future, along with the further campaign chapters I've got planned.
I could see myself doing a collaboration with more experienced custom race creators, troll enthusiasts (or both) on something like that, depending on the project's reception post-release.
Level 2
May 28, 2024
I seem to be experiencing a bug.

I finished all missions and decided to replay the whole thing, so I removed all save files and started again. I played through the first three missions then got to the 4th. Half way I made a save and then started the 5th accidentally, so now after I finished Tunnel Vision and continue to Battle of Unmei, my heroes start at the same level and same gear as they did at Tunnel Vision.

Any advice on how I could fix this?


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
It's got something to do with when the heroes and their gear get saved in the campaign cache. Normally this happens at the end of each chapter, just before the victory screen. When you loaded ch5 without finishing ch4 it loaded with ch4 data (xp and inventories). Why this persists after you've finished ch4 I can't tell. Shouldn't be much of an issue on the live version with revealing campaign buttons tho.



Model Reviewer
Level 31
May 8, 2012
@frostwhisper Lovely map! I would like to report a visual bug though, if this is the correct thread to do it.

When luring the Devilsaur from the bridge to the vine trap, both of us got rooted despite my hero not visually stepping on the trap. The root visual effect persists through the gameplay. Map version is 2.0, game version is Reforged


  • WC3ScrnShot_081524_214424_000.png
    3.8 MB · Views: 36
  • WC3ScrnShot_081524_214530_000.png
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Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Getting rooted is normal since only your spirit snake can pass through the vines without getting caught. The effect persisting is not tho. I'll look into it, but it might be a patch issue. I know the lifesteal is definitely a bug since you only get the ability once you pick up the bloodstone at the end.

EDIT: Yeah the persisting vine effect is my bad. A variable gets overridden and the effect never goes away. Oops.
Level 16
Jun 11, 2022
Played on 1.31. It sure was enjoyable, the cinematics, the plot, the gameplay. Here's something I noticed during playthrough:
(Chapter 1)
Entagling root debuff visuals from roots pit near a bridge with devilsaur doesn't disappear even after debuff expires. It also isn't a patch issue, I started on 1.36 live version, then switched to 1.31 visuals from the bebuff still remain.
Assembling adventure gear from jade ring, druid's pouch and totem of might gives Oriss lifesteal from the blood orb. Same with jeweled headdress.
Spirit of forest quest can't be activated if you don't have Zan'do in your party. Kind of a bummer if you killed phoenix, escorted Zando to the ritual site and can't turn in phoenix ash.
(2nd chapter)
When troll mounts raptor it makes hyppogryph sound, perhaps replace it with raptor sound from WoW?
Raptor riders don't have backpack, despite headhunter having it before mounting the raptor.
Heartkeeper sometimes teleports to a place you can't get out because other invulnerable units are blocking.
Kodos are a tauren thing native to barrens, perhaps rename yaungol kodo rider to mushan rider instead and make mount use thunder lizard texture?
I also would say that attack waves from the enemies are too rare. Make them more frequent perhaps?
(3rd chapter)
Why is there bunch of items spawning at the start? It dupes reward from forest spirit quest from first mission.
The Mjolnir boss. Perhaps make healing runes dissappear if not picked up after a few seconds? They stack and make the fight too easy.
(4th chapter)
There is sounds of fighting heard throughout the starting cutscene. Making it hard to hear the dialogue.
Sometimes Rendar doesn't teleport when using his ult.
(6th chapter)
Skiping pre-boss cutscene resets mission.
Also please add more dialogue skip options for replayablity value, add hard difficulty. Will be waiting for the continuation.:thumbs_up:
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Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Played on 1.31. It sure was enjoyable, the cinematics, the plot, the gameplay. Here's something I noticed during playthrough:
(Chapter 1)
Entagling root debuff visuals from roots pit near a bridge with devilsaur doesn't disappear even after debuff expires. It also isn't a patch issue, I started on 1.36 live version, then switched to 1.31 visuals from the bebuff still remain.
Assembling adventure gear from jade ring, druid's pouch and totem of might gives Oriss lifesteal from the blood orb. Same with jeweled headdress.
Spirit of forest quest can't be activated if you don't have Zan'do in your party. Kind of a bummer if you killed phoenix, escorted Zando to the ritual site and can't turn in phoenix ash.
(2nd chapter)
When troll mounts raptor it makes hyppogryph sound, perhaps replace it with raptor sound from WoW?
Raptor riders don't have backpack, despite headhunter having it before mounting the raptor.
Heartkeeper sometimes teleports to a place you can't get out because other invulnerable units are blocking.
Kodos are a tauren thing native to barrens, perhaps rename yaungol kodo rider to mushan rider instead and make mount use thunder lizard texture?
I also would say that attack waves from the enemies are too rare. Make them more frequent perhaps?
(3rd chapter)
Why is there bunch of items spawning at the start? It dupes reward from forest spirit quest from first mission.
The Mjolnir boss. Perhaps make healing runes dissappear if not picked up after a few seconds? They stack and make the fight too easy.
(4th chapter)
There is sounds of fighting heard throughout the starting cutscene. Making it hard to hear the dialogue.
Sometimes Rendar doesn't teleport when using his ult.
(6th chapter)
Skiping pre-boss cutscene resets mission.
Also please add more dialogue skip options for replayablity value, add hard difficulty. Will be waiting for the continuation.:thumbs_up:
Thanks for pointing those out. The item dump in chapter 3 was an unintended testing sequence that went live. Enjoy the free items while you can guys, they're hotfixed now. 😁 I'll address the rest too in a patch soon.
Enjoy the free items while you can guys, they're hotfixed now.
But they were cool, makes it look like Chief Tauranga was hiding all the goodies in his hut 😂 I will miss them, although I was confused about them.
Level 1
Jan 15, 2012
Insane good campaign! Love the item building and the story a lot!

I finished the last boss and saw that really good cutscene at the end. It was really breathtaking! But after Oriss took on the mask, after the screen went to black, my game crashes. Anyone else eyperiencing this?