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<Trials of Ascension>

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Level 4
Jun 24, 2013
hello warcraft community! l bring you to a game that will change the gaming of mmos forever. its called <Trials of Ascension> donate to them you get rewards were near our 40k goal were at 29k if you intrested heres the site and what to expect. 16 playible races. no classes seriously theres none! but its real life in midevil times think of it elderscrolls mix with minecraft with warcraft. but with real life involved you can loot other people make towns and so on. you can even play as feral dragons and feral Grypions the world is yours your litterly engraved into the games lore! the current races on demo release and alpha are humans and the evil spiders Raknars! its a game for you if your tired of the same thing every mmo has this games for you. its PvP always but you cant kill others soon as you see them you have to litterly hunt them you cant click on someone or see his name plate like every other game. like the elderscrolls oblivion or skyrim you litterly have to stalk em. rl is involved so dont think you will sprain and cripple your self because you will!

Player Characters
"I am you, only ... better."
- Jimmy's Avatar, deleted moments after comment


You are represented in Trials of Ascension by an in-game avatar, or as many call it, a player character. You will be able to customize the looks and attributes of your player character upon creation.

Playable Races

For initial launch, you will be able to play as a human or raknar. Some of the races from the original design are planned post launch so expect to see pixies, centaurs, doppelgangers, gryphons, and even the mighty dragons when the time comes!

Introducing New Races

When a new race is ready to come online, it won’t just be turned on and everyone can play it. Instead it will be introduced by the way of GM events. During these events, a certain number of special items will be dropped that will allow you to unlock (or at least attempt to) the new race for your account. In the name of fairness these events will happen all throughout the world. The type of event itself will vary. It could be an easter egg hunt, a “kill the boss(es)” scenario, anything really. Just know that it will be backed by a large story and probably happen over many days if not weeks. If there are too few unlocks of a race during these events, we’ll simply run additional events until enough of the new race is unlocked to give it a good foothold in the world.

Each new race will have ways in which you can unlock them. Let’s use the ever so popular dragon as an example. You will either need a dragon to give you a soul scale or you must harvest its heart. The differences are plenty.

The soul scale is a one-of-a-kind scale that the dragon can freely give away. The limiting factor is it only molts a soul scale (thereby allowing the dragon to give it away) once every so often. A time frame of one soul scale every 30 days would be a reasonable expectation. A soul scale can never be harvested from a dragon’s corpse. Someone using a soul scale to unlock the dragon race will have a chance of successfully doing so based on the dragons age. The soul scale from a hatchling will have almost no chance of unlocking the race, but one from an ancient will come with a 100% success rate.

On the other hand, if there are no generous dragons out there looking to expand their race, you can take matters into your own hands by harvesting the heart of a dead dragon. Consuming the heart will give you a chance to unlock the race. Your chances will be much lower than using a soul scale, but it’s a chance none-the-less.

As the giving (soul scales) and taking (harvesting of the heart) continues, eventually the server will reach a tipping point where there are enough accounts that have unlocked the dragon race it will become available to everyone on the server.

When you unlock a new race, your current character does not turn into the new race. The new race is now made available during character creation.


Each character will have default attributes based on its race and gender. You will be able to adjust the attributes by a small amount. The attributes are:

Strength: The measure of how physically strong a character is.

Fortitude: The measure of how mentally strong a character is.

Agility: Measures how well a character can perform acts of dexterity and balance.

Intelligence: A measure of how smart the character is.

Vitality: A measure of how well a character can recover from hit point loss, fatigue, diseases, etc.

Perception: Determines how well a character will be able to notice the details of his or her surroundings.

Attributes are not adjustable after you’ve created your character. As you use your skills there will be a very rare chance that it could add a point to the associated attribute. The chance of attribute gain is rare enough that you should never expect an attribute to grow more than 5-10% throughout the life of the character.


Your character’s inventory will be limited by both weight and volume. The more you carry, the slower you will move and the more stamina you will use.

Eating & Drinking

Your character must eat and drink to survive. Going without either will weaken your character to the point where he won’t even have the stamina to move, making him a very easy target.

The better grown and prepared the food and drink are, the more filling it will be.

Most food will not have an infinite shelf life.


Your character will have a range of temperatures in which it feels comfortable. If you get outside of that comfort zone then your character will begin to suffer penalties.

A well prepared traveler would do well to know where he is going and what clothing and supplies to take with him!

If your intrested in helping this mmo links below and every idea you have will may get in! have fun!

(Im only helping them out dont bash me for it)
Seems nice though I'm not a fan of not being able to use new races right away... Or oh well, I'm not a fan of using multi-characters too anyway so it might not be that much of a problem, unless that new race is totally stronger than the others...

or why not make them available, but those who uses the items to unlock it can choose to turn their character into that race with additional bonuses?

and it sounds nice to have all those features, but IMHO, I won't play a game that has gone that far (as to having food a necessity + temperatures affecting you) coz I'm not that of a hardcore MMO player so I prefer simpler games when it comes to MMOs... I feel like all of these "real-life-like" features makes the game more complicated than it needs to be... (Food is fine I think depending on how easy/hard it is to get, but needing to change clothing because of temperature?)
Level 4
Jun 24, 2013
I hate grinding the samething over and over again. and like metroid id like to aquire a suit of armor that resists tempitures. and the need of food and water. is a fun factor. just means godly stuff isent the one thing on your mind. and the roleplays of dinner and talking at a table like in the movies. think of that too :p lotr mmo edtion.

If they had every race avalible to the public. it will be bland and old about balance. this is realistic based. the only balance is the numbers of that race. theres never a mmo that gives us rewards anymore.


i bought this coin for 25$ they give real things as donated things and ingame things. example. alpha pass gives you an alpha only armor set. that no one else will ever get and if you donate in a certian k like 10,000-11,000 You get an item that will never appear in the game. EVER.. so what mmos do that?!
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
That sounds like pure fanboy-ism... every second MMO on Kickstarter do that. That's the basis of crowd-founding. You also get the same thing for collectors edition of any MMO, take WoW for example: you get in-game items, a small Deathwing statue (if I remember right) and who knows whatever else.

Also, no offence, but your English hurts my eyes. -.-' All those random full stops... No to mention "isent", "bland and old about balance", "realistic based"...

If you hate grinding, stop playing MMOs. They are all about grinding, on one level or another. There is just no way out of that. You will grind something - it may not be "kill 1,000 skeletons", but maybe "steal money from 1,000 players", "kill 10,000 players" - it still is, and will be grinding.

The reason is simple: development time. If you develop something and make it so people have to grind it, the playtime of your game increases. If you don't do that, you will work for 2-3 years and end up with a game that players can finish in a single day or two.

That, or extreme replayability with relatively small amount of content.

Also, please consider that the game won't be an AAA MMO like WoW - the world will be probably a lot smaller (in the best case, a couple times bigger than Firefall, or a low quality terrain with a relatively big world, Northrend, in the best case it'd be as big as Kalimdor) and even if they deliver the functions they promised, I really wonder if the overall quality will be "ok". (I'm not even thinking about "good" quality, just "ok")
IMHO, needing to do those things just to unlock a race can count as grinding to an extent... and unless that race is significantly more powerful than the others, doing these things to get it is just a waste of time for me as a player and only those players that have so much free time to play the game can obtain it...

LOTR, mmo edition? I'd rather watch the movies...
Level 4
Jun 24, 2013
But theres no class xD and the races are events. no grinding on mobs like that xD a single death blow to an unarmored targets enough to fell most monsters. if you got armor on its a different story same with dragons. but mostly it is rl. you dont have a grind. you have a fun time with the game. You do a lore story but what you do IS the games lore. so your setting your mark on the game and are in the games lore. once you unlock a race you create it. And race and gender and bulk will equel your strengths and weaknesses. So. In a way it is a hunt. not a grind. if snother players after you. like in rl you wont see nameplates or titles. you can hide in the grass or behind the tree and you can lose em. Unless hes three feet away from you then he or she can click on you and see the nameplate. (litterly 3 feet away)

I just replied what his explanations seem to tell me...

But anyway, IMHO, if the game is like that, I'd rather make it not have too much of heavy graphics that might make it unplayable on not so good computers... and I prefer to play games like that in single player... because if everybody's actions can change the world, then if I for example stop playing for a week, then it's highly possible that next time I play a lot have changed already...

And also, since food spoils, then that also makes it harder for us players that cannot play it everyday... unless food doesn't spoil when you're offline

The features are nice, but it's more of for people who can play on a consistent basis.
Level 4
Jun 24, 2013
They are going to be true to there word. ive seen whats to come. you can litterly just take things xD and no its not grinding when your money is the mats you gather in the ground that you worked for. its going to reflect real life actions. unless you call rl grinding lol and yes fairy tails exist xD
No one said grinding in any of the posts after your reply you know...

but since you said grinding again,

yeah real life is full of grinding in case you haven't noticed... life is one heck of a grindfest, unless maybe you're some super lucky human who is born with so much money that you can just buy what you want whenever you want.

its going to reflect real life actions

somehow to me that sends the message that it's keeping an eye of what I do in real life... Lolz
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
and no its not grinding when your money is the mats you gather in the ground that you worked for

Diablo is definitely not a grinding game by design, then. That's good to know.

We get it, you are a fanboy of the game and you see it through pink glasses as a beautiful colorful land of candies and rainbow shooting unicorns.

In reality, there seems to be nothing special about it. At all.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
I looked at them really, yet I still find those features as far too complex for a normal player to even enjoy the game. and IMHO, the graphics is kinda overkill for this kind of game, but oh well, I'm never a fan of super good graphics coz they normally mean you need a higher end computer...

Complexity is not such a major problem, since generally the creators want to give the original D&D feeling, where things were really complicated, but that was so players could get in-depth as much as they wanted to. There aren't many games with such a depth, and while this will reduce the player base, at the same time it explores a less overflowing market fragment.

The problem is really if they can actually create what they promise. Usually these games end up being the 99999th World of Warcraft, so I'm sick and tired of anticipating the next breakthrough.

Also, I don't see any problems with the graphics - it's relatively low poly compared to state-of-the-art games, and what you call super good graphics is just the way shaders are written. Looking at it, you could run it on an Intel HD 3000 series CPU integrated GPU found in most i5 and i7 laptops (the new laptops have HD4000, that's even better).
most i5 and i7 laptops

That is the problem... I don't have those... XD

And no, I still think the features are far too much for a normal MMO player... I personally don't like that food spoilage thingy, unless it doesn't spoil when you're logged out... If not, then it becomes a problem for players that cannot log-in for a consistent way or just cannot log-in for a certain period...

and anyway, I've yet to see the relation of all those features to the actual game world. Maybe they'll make sense when that happens. Adding features just for the sake of adding them is not a good thing...
What is it with people and their "MMOs are fine with graphics equivalent to games from the year 2000".

not sure about others, but I was never a fan of really nice graphics, probably because most games that has nice graphics come with a huge HDD space requirement + my computer cannot really run them fine + the fact that it makes me feel bad (like really bad)...

and anyway, in the end this will be what matters

and anyway, I've yet to see the relation of all those features to the actual game world. Maybe they'll make sense when that happens. Adding features just for the sake of adding them is not a good thing...

I'm more of into playing games for the story and the fun part... and having all these real-life mimic thing makes the game so tedious to me that it removes the fun... if it's like a game about foods, then by all means do all those food stuff...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Sounds too much of a chore to play. People play games because they want to do fantastic stuff like be an infinite ammo machine gun bowman or be able to take nuclear explosions to the chest with only some scratches. Simulating reality is not the intent as people could always go outside and experience reality in real life.

Food systems become a chore. You are constantly having to find food just to keep your damn character functioning. "Let us attack that castle! Oh wait my character needs to cook something for 15 minutes, excuse me..." does not sound at all fun. It would parallel "Let us attack that castle! Oh wait my character needs to go to the bathroom, excuse me...". Not the kind of activities people play games for.

Also your take on PvP sounds like a trolls dream and an annoyance to most people. There is a reason WoW restricts PvP in some cases.

There are also questions with your race system. Why even have humans as something playable since most people will want to play as the fantasy stuff anyway. All the humans could be NPC. It would also solve the food problem as races like dragons as you could go around just eating local NPCs (lol stereotypical dragon)
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Yeah... Games are people's escape from life...

and if you do want real-life immersion, I'd rather play a tabletop RPG with my friends to experience that...

I do think he's a supporter from all his posts...

If so, then this thread is basically not needed, nor allowed in a game development forum imo. This forum is for game designers and developers to show off their work, not to advertise others' projects
Level 4
Jun 24, 2013
Well there too busy with there game. its only three 50-60 year olds that are making the game. its a small team thats trying to make mmos better then what they are now.
Level 1
Apr 17, 2014
Hello Hive Workshop!

My social media team alerted me to this thread and I thought I would stop by and set a few things straight.

While RagnarokBazil is a follower and backer of Trials of Ascension, he is not affiliated with my team and does not speak for us in any official capacity, nor have we ever told him to make such comments. That said, he is a great person and is obviously very passionate about the success of ToA, and is clearly wanting to do all he can to help us out. :)

Also, we're not in our 50s and 60s lol. I'm a spry 41 years young thank you very much! :p

As to the game itself -- we know it's not for everyone. All we ask of anyone is that you give it a fair shake and not just a cursory overview. Almost without exception, those that do take the time to learn all the ins and outs of the design, come to realize the potential our game has. But hey, I'm a little biased, aren't I? ;)

Safe travels!

Don Danielson (Brax) - CoFounder, Forged Chaos LLC
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Hello Hive Workshop!

My social media team alerted me to this thread and I thought I would stop by and set a few things straight.

While RagnarokBazil is a follower and backer of Trials of Ascension, he is not affiliated with my team and does not speak for us in any official capacity, nor have we ever told him to make such comments. That said, he is a great person and is obviously very passionate about the success of ToA, and is clearly wanting to do all he can to help us out. :)

Also, we're not in our 50s and 60s lol. I'm a spry 41 years young thank you very much! :p

As to the game itself -- we know it's not for everyone. All we ask of anyone is that you give it a fair shake and not just a cursory overview. Almost without exception, those that do take the time to learn all the ins and outs of the design, come to realize the potential our game has. But hey, I'm a little biased, aren't I? ;)

Safe travels!

Don Danielson (Brax) - CoFounder, Forged Chaos LLC

Welcome to the Hive, nice to see you around :) I, for one have no particular problem with your game, but with the obvious fanboyism he shows.

I'm not against enthusiastic developer posts (even if biased), self-advertisement and such but I just can't stand fanboyism. Also, I'm one of those people who really enjoy tabletop RPGs for the depth and the extreme amount opportunities and features. It takes a lot to understand, but I'm always willing. The only feature I'm not willing to give up about such a game is magic - it either exist in an RPG, or I'm not playing :)

Also, as a side note, I know Ragnarok can not speak in your name, but it did sound like you asked him to spread the word - please note that acting as he did can be repulsive. Being biased is a thing, but talking as if looking at it through rose coloured glasses is annoying and makes it way less reliable.

When I have enough time (right now I don't, sadly) I might read through all those features listed on your website in detail, but at a glance it really looks like something I had in mind a year or two ago.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
My social media team alerted me to this thread and I thought I would stop by and set a few things straight.
Yeh amazing how few developers search what they are working on in Google. They would find out so much about it, or how little others know.

As to the game itself -- we know it's not for everyone. All we ask of anyone is that you give it a fair shake and not just a cursory overview. Almost without exception, those that do take the time to learn all the ins and outs of the design, come to realize the potential our game has. But hey, I'm a little biased, aren't I? ;)
People will judge by what is produced. There will always be speculation among designers as to whether something is a good idea or not but until it is actually done no one can tell for sure. Once something is done then the success of the design is gauged by the users, and in the hash industry of video game production that unfortunately means that they vote by their feet. If something was well designed then it will succeed, otherwise it will fail.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Idea-wise it is complex, and since there's no demo yet (I think) we cannot really test it out to see if it's complex or not in actual play. :)

Don't forget that in games complexity also comes from how those functions are introduced to the player. The same game can prove extremely easy or hard to learn depending on the tutorial/learning process.
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