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Throw Kobold v1.6a

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Throw Kobold
Created by Marcin013

Map Info

Throw it as far as you can! You can choose from ten balls:
This is a super mini-game which consists of selecting a ball and then throw it as far as possible. Play multiplayer to gain results, each has three chances later is the final result.
Map is 100% english.

How to play ?

Force increases the faster you press: left, right, alternately!
Strength depends on the accuracy, choose her ESC.
Good luck!

Change Log

-first upload to hiveworkshop.

-more english.

-more english.

-more english
-new ball chicken
-bugs fixed
-now you can better see ball frog

-new model for dog.

-changes in terrain.

-fixed a bug.

-3 bugs fixed
-added a custom map preview.

-3 bugs fixed
-new ball rabbit
-terrain balace.

-new custom map preview.

-fixed a bug
-terrain balancig
-added 3 new balls.

-fixed balls:footman and peon
-Fixed map preview.

-added game timer
-terrain balancig
-2 bugs fixed
-new ball pandaren
-added quests(How to play ,change log and credits).

-Removed some special efects
-2 bugs fixed

Thanks to:








throw kobold frog sheep peon footman archer dog pig chicken rabbit furbolg

Throw Kobold v1.6a (Map)

05:14, 29th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Map is unique and don't have bugs so I can give 2/5.




05:14, 29th Jun 2011
Status: Approved
Map is unique and don't have bugs so I can give 2/5.
Level 5
Mar 18, 2009
Funny game

1) Bad if there's AFKer
2) The Frog is "camouflaging" in the grass
3) Instructions isn't clear enough, at first round, I thought the 5 kobolds at bottom means Weak ~> Strongest
Until 3rd round then I realize that middle one is strongest :vw_unimpressed:



Level 21
Apr 10, 2009
The gameplay is nice..
But I have two problems:
-Can you make more matches? I enjoyed playing it, but not enjoyed enough!
-Please make the explanations better, I'm having a hard time understanding it.

Otherwise it is nice, custom map preview would make it look more interesting too. 3/5 :D
Level 8
Sep 24, 2010
The gameplay is nice..
But I have two problems:
-Can you make more matches? I enjoyed playing it, but not enjoyed enough!
-Please make the explanations better, I'm having a hard time understanding it.

Otherwise it is nice, custom map preview would make it look more interesting too. 3/5 :D

Thanks for your rating ;).Ok I will add a custom map preview and i will make the explosions better.:thumbs_up:
Level 12
Apr 4, 2010
Gonna test it.

Edit: lol, I didn't know what to do at the first time, ( because i never look at the game text, lol, hahaz )

-Good stuffs

-Bad Stuffs
-Memory leaks
-Kindda short

Overall - Recommended map. ( Once memory leaks are fixed )
3/5 - Fix the memory leaks and also, let the host select the number of rounds.
Voting for Approval.
Memory leaks tutorial - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/trigger-gui-editor-tutorials-279/basic-memory-leaks-5889/
Level 1
Mar 19, 2009
hehe vibrating game ;) some annoying stuff:
- Area is way too short, every throw ends up getting bugged at right wall, scores >5000
- Rounds area kinda long, watching chicken being out of screen half the time
- One player at time? seriously?
- Hard to get best accuracy due to lag(if you are not host)
Level 4
Sep 2, 2010
Funny map but too short
In my game there were no lags..
But a description at the beginign would be nice... not only pigs and kobolds gets throwed, the player also gets throwed into the game and dont realy know what to do
Level 4
Nov 23, 2010
Ahaa, one more creative map, dude!
Like the others said, the instruction make me confused. And after I notice the small kobolds is the power bar, then, "Yeah! Now I am understand! Ok guys, there is one more creative and funny map. Let's play it." :xxd:
Now, I have a few suggestions :
-Add more small kobolds(power bar on the bottom) to make it more fun to play
-Adding different colours on the small kobolds(bottom) is a good idea, I think, making it more creative. Example : <K> = Kobold
<K> <K> <K> <K> <K> <- Don't know what I mean? Lol, ask me if you don't know!
-Add more special effects on each balls
-Change the 2 kobolds on the top to others(other creeps/something), I confused because of that
-On the chat message/instruction, add the "The kobolds on the bottom is the power bar/something like that", it makes players more understand
-As the other one said, gameplay is too short, add more rounds or throwing rounds
-Add bonus streak, ex : If the score is >3500 2 times a row, gives bonus score. And if the other players doing the same, minus the score of the first player that doing the combo (the >3500 thingy)
Now, the questions :
-Why the map name is Throw Kobold? Since players can throw rabbit, dog, etc.
-I don't understand the 2nd instruction on the loading screen. What is the meaning of that? :con:
Enough, nah, this map is good, very good if it's perfect. I appreciate if you don't like my suggestions
Hope next version is better! :grin::xxd::thumbs_up::ogre_hurrhurr:
P.S : Lol, I can see the "bullets" description thingys on the loading screen exceed the space limit :xxd:
EDIT : Ah, I have one more suggestion. How if you bigger the map, and make all players to throw the bullets at the same time? So there is no wasting time.
Last edited:
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
this map is pretty good and i have played some browser games like this one!! 5/5 :thumbs_up:

-i noticed that the footman,archer,peon,pandaren does not fly when being hitted

-create a timer that ends in 60 seconds and if timer ends player loses his turn (anti afk system)
-you should change the special effect when you are choosing strength to something more accurate (because it's kinda messed up)
Level 6
Mar 18, 2011
It's unique and reminds me of a flash game. Terrain is just .. 'fine'. The game is still short and if you have desire to make it longer and with more varieties it's gonna be even cooler !

4/5 for now!