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The Zombie Apocalypse v1.30

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The Zombie Apocalypse



The Virus hit hard and fast. Millions turned into Zombies almost overnight, and those who were immune now are the prey to these mindless beasts. Does your team have what it takes to survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

The Zombie Apocalypse is a unique Zombie experience that combines teamwork and skill to create a fun and challenging experience. Players must work together and utilize all their talents and professions in order to achieve victory. The key element to this game is randomness. All spawns, talents, professions, weapons, and events are randomized to assure a new experience every time you play.

Professions and Talents
Every male survivor has their own professions and talent. Talents generally are combat related and will help your character fight while professions are all about survival. Some of the professions will create useful items for your people while others will provide useful effects. Every profession and talent will level up as your survivor gains combat experience and kills zombies. The most important aspect of this map is utilizing your professions and talents in order to benefit the group as a whole.

Currently there are 10 professions and 10 talents.
  • Construction: Builds defensive buildings to defend your people
  • Craftsmen: Builds useful weapons, armors, and tools to aid you in combat
  • Engineer: Builds modifications to improve your weaponry
  • Munitions: Builds explosive designed to make decimate zombies
  • Reloader: Reloads ammunition for your weapons
  • Physician: Heals wounded survivors
  • Fertility: What can you say? He’s attractive and fertile…increases population
  • Biotech: Creates helpful medical items for your people
  • Survival: Has priceless wilderness knowledge and abilities to aid your people
  • Chemist: Uses toxic compounds to destroy zombies

Supplies are central to your people's survival. Every turn you need a minimum amount of supplies for each survivor or your villagers will starve to death. Supplies can be found by searching houses, random events, fishing, growing crops, mining ore, or killing pigs and sheep. Supplies also are used to create most of the useful items that each profession can provide. Having a booming economy is central to achieving victory.

The Zombie spawn system has been completely revamped. The virus now starts in the Lab area where the infernal disease was created. The virus will attempt to spread to new areas over time, creating virus pools so that the virus can add to its army. Each new base will continue to grow in strength and size the longer they remain, and they also will help the virus spread even faster. Will you risk valuable people trying to fight the spread of disease, or will you just try and outlast the ever growing horde? Either way, zombies crave the succulent taste of women flesh and will attack you every night.

There are now new types of special zombies that spawn depending on the region where the virus has spread.
  • Docks: The docks regions now spawn the dreaded Reaver Zombie. This half fish, half man creature is a much more terrifying hunter.
  • Farm: The farm regions now spawn a mutated sheep called a Boomer. This ticking time bomb explodes upon death dealing damage to everything around it.
  • Graveyard: The virus reanimates the bones of long dead corpses, creating extremely endurable skeletal zombies.
  • Small Towns: The Small Town provide extra bodies for the virus to corrupt, creating extra spawns of normal zombies.

Women are the key to reproduction. Every so often, randomly, women will deliver babies. Even if your male survivor is killed, your female survivor can still deliver a child assuming there are some other male survivors left (the survivors have loose morals), so keep your women safe. Women can also carry items and backpacks.

Your survivors can pick up various weapons to boost their combat effectiveness. However, guns require ammo to shoot so you will need to pick up ammo to use your new weapon. The game features a custom reloading script which makes survivors automatically reload when needed.
As of Version 1.30, there are 13 different weapons:
Hatchet, Knife, Chainsaw, AK-47, M240, SPAS-12, W1200, 9mm, Desert Eagle, Intervention, .50cal, FAMAS, and the M16.
Each of the weapons can also be modified in several different ways, giving a huge variety of possibilities.

*Note: I don’t know that much about weapons, however I do obviously realize that not all pistols use the same ammo, and that not all shotguns use the same ammo, etc. However, for the purpose of simplicity I have kept the ammo types generic.

Will you bunker down and try and outlast the horde or will you attempt to destroy the massive overlord that controls them all? The choice is yours, good luck.

I would appreciate any comments and suggestions so that I can make the game more enjoyable.

New Gameplay Screenshots










New Terrain Screenshots






Old In Game Screenshots







Future updates might be a little more scarce as I’m currently in the middle of another project. However, I want to continue to improve the map, so I appreciate any comments, reviews, and feedback you have.


New Skin for Reanimated Bones
New Spitter Model
New Skin for Reaver
Changed Zombie icons
Added 6 new weapons and changed much of the old ones
Changed the weapon mod system
Added Reloading
Different weapons have different movement speeds
Torches and campfires are now built instantly but there can only be 1 campfire and 8 torches on the map at one time
Added more to craftsmen class
Changed beginning conditions - Players now start in center of city with random weapons and gear

Greatly increased the difficulty of hard and insanity mode
Lowered health of Tank
New Special Zombies

Fixed major bug with backpack that crashed the game. The backpack can no longer select items within the units inventory
Women now have an inventory. They can’t use weapons but can still carry other items and backpacks
Fixed bug when attempting to pick up a weapon with a man that has a weapon already equipped
Supplies found in the city are now only worth 50
Fixed tooltip for Experience Ability
Fixed Armor Exploit, you can now only equip one set of armor at a time

Day/Night cycle back to 100%
Announce when children are born
Units remain selected when picking up weapons
Added effect when constructing
More information at the beginning of game

Vastly improved many of the tooltips and descriptions
Added some information to the information section
Improved the hotkeys.

Completely overhauled the zombie spawn system
Fixed some minor bugs

Completely redesigned the terrain
Slowed the day/night cycle by 25%

Fixed minor bug with neutral creatures setting of events
Minor Improvements to terrain

Adding new victory condition, bug fixes, balancing issues

Crafting Professions use a spellbook system to store craftable items. Unfortunately, because of the way the spellbook ‘spell’ works, there is button used to cycle through the various items. It’s a little crude right now but works perfectly fine. I’ll continue to look for a better work around.

Crafting Professions also take time to create their items. If you order your survivor to create a barricade be a little patient, it takes time to build!

Thanks for playing,

Email me at [email protected]

Thanks to all these people for their resources, I apologize if I missed anyone:
Red Shift
Talon the Mage

Zombie, Zombies, Apocalypse, Survival, Defense, Survive, Future, Modern

The Zombie Apocalypse v1.30 (Map)

18:49, 9th Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
On a completely unrelated note, if someone could tell me how to make my description much more better (screenshots, colored font, formatting, etc), I'd really appreciate it.

Use screenshots of gameplay and terrain, most players like that.

use this to improve ur description http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/misc.php?do=bbcode
Edit:Btw ur game seem promising,i will try it and give u a review

Yeah, everybody likes this, just don't overdo it, it can fast create an confusing atmosphere in the text.

Lol'd about the female part, a bit sexist that the males fight the zombies and women stay back and deliever childrend, don't you think? xD
Level 1
Jul 27, 2011
I read the description and Woman Reproduction FTW!!!

5/5 it should have sex scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SEX YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG BALLS
I read the description and Woman Reproduction FTW!!!

5/5 it should have sex scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I SEX YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG BALLS

What??? careful dude... your post violates rules... Read it before posting...
Atmosphere - 2/5 -
Nice map preview, text is a bit blurry. Good looking loading screen.
Information is detailed, however, it is hard to find. And in multi-player, it would be an inconvenience to read the quest menu for 5 minutes. In fact, first time I played, I got no idea what to do. And I still don't know...
Also, the quest icons are all 'Shadowmeld'.
Half the map is empty terrain, and the filled in parts look shit. The tiles are too plain, even more noticed because of the lack of doodads (eg. flowers, grass). It takes hours to move your dude out of the fkn starting area. The building models and props look medieval, I suggest using modern props (I can show you links to them if you want).
The villager models lacked portraits, and were too small. I don't really see any reason why you have multiple units with different models. Just use one model.
Zombies looked cheesy and gay. Use custom models/skins instead of the cartoony Wc3 ones.
The map wasn't scary and didn't give any vibes of horror.
Gameplay - 2/5 - A bit tedious and complicated, but the complexity is well done. Professions are nice, so is gathering items. Gives it an RPG touch.
Considering it being a zombie apocalypse, I didn't see many zombies...
This map seems too slow paced, and the way you gain victory is kinda stupid :/ (also a bit sexist that the men do everything and the women are like cattle) Btw, how do you get new adults?
I have a feeling this map is in the Alpha stage (maybe even pre-alpha), as alot of the gameplay is undeveloped (and often things don't work) or under-refined.
Fun - 3/5 - One could have a good time messing about. Since that's pretty much all you do.
Too slow paced gameplay often results in lacking of fun, this being the case with your map. You just sit there hitting rocks and waiting for babies to randomly pop next to women. Not enjoyable.
I was too lazy to walk out of the 5000 miles start area and actually kill any zombies.
Storyline - N/A - not story driven.
Overall - 7/15 - 2.3/5 - [2/5] - Not too impressed. Your map is ugly, no offense. The gameplay is poorly made. Don't make everything random.

Technical - Nice and informative map description. However, you must add the Suggested Players to your map info.
Backpack doesn't work. Also when I tried to drop the backpack, the game crashed.
Level 3
Jul 19, 2011

Thanks for the review. I appreciate someone playing it and telling me what they think. I hope you played the latest version however, because numerous improvements have been made.
Backpack doesn't work. Also when I tried to drop the backpack, the game crashed.
I really have no idea what that is about. I've played and tested the map tons of times, and I've never had a problem with the backpack all the way back to the alpha stage. I'll look into it but I really have no idea what could be the problem.
Considering it being a zombie apocalypse, I didn't see many zombies...
Didn't see many zombies? Did you even play to the first night? On easy mode, by myself, I can barely survive the first night most of the time so I really don't know how you didn't see any zombies.
Btw, how do you get new adults?
Just let the kids grow up...
Zombies looked cheesy and gay. Use custom models/skins instead of the cartoony Wc3 ones.
All of the regular zombies have custom skins (7 variations), and all but 2 of the special zombies also have custom skins...
Half the map is empty terrain, and the filled in parts look shit. The tiles are too plain, even more noticed because of the lack of doodads (eg. flowers, grass). It takes hours to move your dude out of the fkn starting area. The building models and props look medieval, I suggest using modern props (I can show you links to them if you want).
Ouch, lol. My terraining skills aren't great for sure, but I really wasn't going for a major metropolitan area. I actually based the area off of my home town, which is very small but contains one of the highest level government labs in the United States. However, it is still a little medieval looking for sure, but so is my town.
This map seems too slow paced, and the way you gain victory is kinda stupid
What would you like to see for a victory condition? I tried to break the formula of your average zombie survival map in which you just have to survive enough waves or something like that. Instead you can either survive long enough and allow your population to grow, or you can go on the offensive and take out the overmind.
I have a feeling this map is in the Alpha stage (maybe even pre-alpha), as alot of the gameplay is undeveloped (and often things don't work) or under-refined.
What specifically is underveloped, under-refined, or doesn't work?
I was too lazy to walk out of the 5000 miles start area and actually kill any zombies.
Really? The starting area is a small area in the corner. Sorry you couldn't quite make it out of there...

Thanks for playing.
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First off, let me state I played v1.20 and I did a brief review of the systems and features. That would explain if something you've already solved/updated has been listed in my review. So, here are my answers...to your answers (based on v1.20).

1. The game crashes when I use the Backpack's ability (which doesn't work btw) and then attempt to drop the said backpack.
2. Nope, I tested on insanity, and even used iseedeadpeople. And saw like 10 zombies.
3. Yes I know that it is kinda obvious, however, you should still inform people how and also when (you could give children expiration timers or phoenix morph etc.) a child turns to an adult.
4. The only custom skin I saw was the Charger zombie. Musn't have encountered all of them.
5. Yes, I know you were going for a suburban area, but still, the buildings and the surrounding terrain look crappy and Wc3-ish. I suggest taking out some of the Villager skins and putting in some better building doodads (medieval or not).
Also, lol, don't worry. In time, your terraining skills will hone. Just read some tutorials and stuff.
6. I support a creative way of victory. I don't support having to wait hours for random kids to teleport next to random women.
Backpack doesnt work
Weapons and stuff are dull (and also you should re-select your character after picking up a weapon)
Victory condition is just bad
Terrain is definitely not complete
Supply time is too long
Women... um... are useless
Systems and information not very obvious to new players (especially considering most people don't want to spend half an hour in the quest dialog)
Crafting system doesn't function properly
Need I list more?

8. Lol, mistake on my part, sorry. It seems I need to improve my observation skills, as I just re-tested, and saw a very close exit... /facepalm
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Level 3
Jul 19, 2011
1. I'm really not sure what's up with that. Honestly, I just tested the backpack to make sure it works and it works fine for me. So, that's really frustrating and I wish I could fix that but I can't even recreate the problem.
2. Zombies don't attack on the starting night. It takes about 9 minutes for the second night begin, and then if your only seeing 10 zombies, we really got problems. I purposely made first night not have zombies to give the player time to prepare. However, I agree that the day/night cycle is too long and will be putting it back to 100%.
3. I'll add a announcement when children grow up in the next release.
6. There is more than 1 way to win, killing the overlord or getting enough population. The next release I'm planning on adding another way to win.
Don't know about the backpacks
What else could I do with the weapons (honestly I want your input)? There's 7different weapons and improvements for all of the weapons. I will definately make it reselect the character when he picks up a weapon.
Female villager models don't have any animations so for the time being they will go on doing what they do.
The map has a lot of systems and features that definately can be a little complex. I'm sorry that you have to read a lot to find out how they work but I think you can agree that it's better than having people flounder around with no idea what to do.
Crafting system doesn't function properly
How so? What's the problem? It takes about 30 seconds to craft the average item.

Thank you for your constructive comments, I'll work to fix what I can and try and improve the map.
I'm glad you appreciate my comment ;]

1. First I pick up the backpack. Then, I left-click it and click another item (which produces no effect :/). Then I attempt to drop the backpack...and it crashes.
2. Aye, see you did not tell that information. Please, remember, NOT to make a map TOO slow-paced (9 minutes???). It could very easily ruin its gameplay.
6. This wasn't in v1.20 lol.
See no. 1
The items themselves are alright. The weapons system is not. There is much simpler ways of doing it.
Fair enough, you haven't exactly finished the map anyways.
people flounder around with no idea what to do.
That's what's happening with the current display of information! I'm not telling you to get rid of the quest info, I'm telling you to improve the info display (eg. you could provide important notes in the loading screen).
Crafting system doesn't function properly
I assumed it doesn't work because I couldn't see any items being built, and that they don't cost supplies.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2010
Personally, I thought this map wasnt half bad, Just needs better terraining, And a few more custom models.
Level 2
Jan 5, 2011
i dont know how could it be hard for you guys.
i tried this map with my friend and it was way to easy
we survived 5 nights and then we left coz it was rly boring...
Level 5
Aug 12, 2010
I dont know what childrens do, they dont have inventory they are just meat for zombies...
Anyone ever win this? because i played for 50 mins and zombies had half map occupied lol everywhere we move were zombies, virus spores running and building new buildings we just can't handle this, they were too much, and the rank skill that gives bonus description could be on every lvl, always say 10% move and 5%atk speed, i dont know how many lvl there are...
Anyway game is cool.but the hell its 7mb size?
Level 3
Jul 19, 2011
I dont know what childrens do, they dont have inventory they are just meat for zombies...
Children don't do anything, they just grow into adults eventually.
Anyone ever win this? because i played for 50 mins and zombies had half map occupied lol everywhere we move were zombies, virus spores running and building new buildings we just can't handle this, they were too much
lol. You really have to stay on top of the virus spread or this will definately happen.
rank skill that gives bonus description could be on every lvl, always say 10% move and 5%atk speed, i dont know how many lvl there are...
Thank you for pointing this out. I didn't realize the tooltip was wrong, there is supposed to be 3 levels of the experience ability.
Level 4
Jan 3, 2011
This looks.. well... How do i put this.. Awesome? No, not that... Badass? Hmmm, I'm at a loss for words, never seen a zombie map where it cares about your health (farming and fishing maaaan!) so much! I will make sure to bug my friends to play it :3
Level 3
Jul 19, 2011
I've been auto hosting your map across battle.net, and it has been pretty popular.
No, please keep hosting it. I can't host myself so I'm happy others are.
Also, where the hell is the water bucket? I looked all over the farm for one and found nothing but animals and crops.
Water bucket can be built by the munitions class (converted flamethrower I presume).
Level 8
Aug 15, 2011
The crop die too fast,chainsaw too power full, class makebaby is too weak - if i drop or pick weapon then skill of this class cd, sniper yet damage low,assault gun 30 round yet only 10 mana,map too large yet not many place to def,no build class = gg game,killer buff weak than other,survival class useless reveal,fire cap unfinished can heal lol, if i having 2 man having miss + one with build barricade then win game in all mode
why don't u make spell book better easy too use, just use level of spell book to make the time finish the item,building construction class hard to build correct place if any unit stay there...
the birth of baby, pig, sheep is imbalance ( some game i got 40 pig only with 5 min but some game 30 minute still so-so )
make mode for two - three people...
btw, make captured animal don't run around anymore, it hard to control ( i build a whole wall for them )
overlord is out power full, i buidl 10 man with miss + block damage level 3 + metal armor still can tank the overlord

Btw2, This game petty easy if u got a chainsaw early, use unit having chainsaw to kill zombie building in early game ( this make zombie can spawning in mid game )
Level 5
Sep 18, 2010
a little review:
i like:
doesnt bother me : shooting
dont like:
tank ( his hp is to strong and if you want to play with your friend alone, its inpossible )
more weapons/machines
if you push: search building , and put use it not on a building but on the ground, it will say "must be targeted on a tree"
3.5/5--->4/5 fun,good map :D, keep up the good work!
Level 1
Oct 10, 2011
No, please keep hosting it. I can't host myself so I'm happy others are.

Water bucket can be built by the munitions class (converted flamethrower I presume).

how u get the female and animals can get baby? and i nid capture skill in my new map:eekani:
Level 5
Sep 18, 2010
how u get the female and animals can get baby? and i nid capture skill in my new map:eekani:

can you please go to the tutorials and shut the hell up? you can get a baby by making them both together, that increases the chance of a baby, and near a fire increases more
Level 1
Mar 16, 2012
This game is a little bit hard but noobs would say that this is a very hard game. This game needs a much more easier diffuculty and a place that teaches a noob how to survive.
Level 1
Mar 16, 2012
There must be 2 cities, I mean if theres a 1 large city in the center there must be a another city in another place.
Make a difficulty that is suited for noobs.
Lessen the pounce damage of hunter.
Add a crowbar. Its a zombie killing weapon and can cave a zombie skull.
There must be a airport.