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The Shadow of The Guardian

After Illidan's defeat at Icecrown Glacier, the Blood Elves return to their home, Quel'Thalas. A few weeks from that moment, a Lieutenant greets Prince Kael'Thas and announces someone wants to see him.

Campaign by: Dinu Mihai (Shadowblade)&Armand
Uploaded by: Camner93

The Shadow of The Guardian (Campaign)

11:43, 1st Jul 2008 Rui: Approved. Lacking quality, specially in Object Editor.




11:43, 1st Jul 2008
Lacking quality, specially in Object Editor.
Level 3
Aug 10, 2007
maybe a little more info :)
edit: the grammar is bad...plzz fix it ;P
Level 4
Feb 1, 2006
Just a friendly word of advice, fix your own grammar before telling him to fix his.

An average campaign, nothing too special or original, but not a bad one by any means.
Putting in a little extra effort here or there and you can raise the quality.
Take your time, you don't need to work furiously to increase your mapping skills.
Level 2
Nov 1, 2007
Hmm, very mediocre. Average story that doesn't mesh with the rest of the Warcraft canon, boring gameplay, and bad grammar, and poor terrain.

Level 2
May 12, 2004
@Gerbal_warfare : my grammar is way better than his own, and even so, i didn't learn the english at all.
Level 7
Sep 2, 2006
Yes i can see that, First of all in chapter 1 Keal stands on a hill. i mean look at the hill a little steeper and he falls off. Second the whole terrain is crap. I mean it looks like you wanted to finish the campaign off quickly. Third there is no melee al for the undead they are just standing there waiting for you to crush them. And the Neutral buildaings are too close to each other. And the wells i mean come on. As final take english lessons.
Level 1
Nov 26, 2007
Pretty bad... No meile AI (I know it has already been mentioned.)
Terrain bad.
Story pretty bad (I'll give more detail on the story part of the review) as the plot is INCREDIBLY DRY, as well you portrayed the majority of the cast badly (FFS even blizzard could make better charecters because at least then they have EMOTIONS and PERSPECTIVES instead of what you portrayed it as "Hi I'm kyle" next thing you know everyone knows that this guy called Kyle exists even though he only told one person and that person never told anyone)... The terraining was decent though and on the plus side nice model for the eagle rider.
Level 7
Mar 6, 2008
Camner93 I am from Romania to and I want to learn some things about making a campaign If you want to help me , write you're e-mail adress , thanks .
Level 3
Jan 24, 2008
For god sake people this was my first campaing,and so i worked at it several weeks at least say something good at it, you really are making me a bad mood

I even bet all of you didn't even finished the campaing you just played chapter 1 and say"that's it,,the campaing is bad"at least do it to the finall then comment the bad parts......it may bee a bad campaing but at least i worked for it

well antomarc heres my emaill dinumihai93

At least can a person say that he liked a little this campaing and im happy
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
For god's sake do not double-post and do not quadruple post... use the Edit button.

Approved. Somewhat low quality, but the final rating still allows me to approve it.
If you find it hard to read what is written in this box, hold CTRL and press the Plus (+) button. To revert, press the Less (-) button.

[+]Custom models are always nice to see.
[+/-]Terrain is OK, at least better from those I've seen in this campaign section.
[-]Starting heroes at level 10. I understand they are campaign heroes which we previously played with, but still, lvl 10 heroes at the start and "let's pawn" right away is boring in a campaign.
[-]Poor Object Editor work. The Eagle Riders, for example, have an exagerated amount of regeneration, both life and mana. They possess the same abilities as the Dragonhawk Rider, and throw hammers through a bow.
The Farms have no pathing restrictions and can be built over each other, and the Barracks have an excessive amount of units, and lack of upgrades.
[-]Interface slightly bugged: idle workers show the Human Peasant icon.
[-]Creeps and Enemy Forces are badly chosen (creeps mostly), and creeps do not drop anything.
[-]Excessive amount of fountains.

That is my review. Custom models are nice to see, but what counts in a campaign is the gameplay, not some custom buildings with fancy models thrown around.
My rating for this resource is 3/10, approximately 2 (Lacking). You need to use the Object Editor better than that.
Level 2
May 24, 2008
sorry man but this is one of the most borring map maps that i have ever played

the map need a lot of work

also i like the idea and the skins are verry good

you need to work realy on this map

Level 7
Mar 6, 2008
Ok I have made a review about this campaign :
: Nice custom imports : models , skins and spells
: Terrain was good you have abused in some part of fountains but I + for the rest of terrain
: More work on object editor some things don't have descriptions
: Abuse of some doodads you can make good terrain without use thousand fountains
: Some bases don't do anything the heroes and units don't attack they just stay there and wait to be killed I don't say to you to make AI but you can use the spawn and attack triggers
: No description about the campaign , story or anything when you upload it
Comment : I will give you a 4/10 ( average ) . I have saw you fast upload it before finish simple things like some descriptions . I don't - for the grammar I am not very good to . Good luck with you're next maps !
Level 1
May 24, 2008

I fully played this campaign and i really liked it. But in the first chapter it looked crappy map cos AI didn't do anything, but i continued playing it and i really loved it! and damm i laughed for credits it was funny! 5/5 :thumbs_up:

Ps Blood elfs rules:spell_breaker:!!!
Level 9
Dec 22, 2008
Bad Things:
-Grammar should be worked;
-Terrain should be improved;
-Undead should have a custom AI;
-A lot of bugs;

Good Things:
-Creative and original story & ideea;
-Nice spell buffs and effects;
-Cool loading screen picture;

Final Results:
The campaing is pretty good for a beginner, but you should learn more about the terraining, triggering and others.Good ideea.Keep it up, I liked the campaing.

Info: I'm from Romania to :D.
Level 4
Dec 16, 2010
I don't know why everyone is hating on this... I thought it was a very well done campaign. especially for ur first time. I'm starting off with a campaign of my own and if you can help me with the triggers... im pretty much doing triggers for the first time... so im flyin blind. pm me when u get a chance.
Level 2
Nov 10, 2011
I'm from romania too :), but you were wrong
english can be learned in romania, but romanian ppl give no shit, so...
i just finished the first mission
here's my problems report
-at Blacksmith you have moon glave upgrade... what for?
-level 10 kael and jaina? why? i mean... we need to work on the hero and make him stronger, but how if the character's level is already 10 from the start?
-too much gold from the start
-the enemy is just standing like they are some stupid neutral creeps
-the priests have inventory with 2 slots, lol. why?
-and hmm... my english is bad too, not so bad like yours, but it's ok cuz we are from the same country :)
oh, eagle rider's voice is Shizuka from Wanderers of Sorceria? :|
I'll come back and write my conclusion when i finish the campaign. ^^
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
This campaign is uninteresting. All you do is kill monsters on the map in a linear fashion without actually needing anything else than the 10th level heroes and their abilities.

-what's the point of changing the icons of spells? (Kael's Flame Strike and Phoenix)
-what the heck's with all those resources? Feels like I'm playing with cheats... plus a Fountain of Health and one of Mana for two level ten heroes...
-supply giving buildings have no description and can be built anywhere and on anything
-the Blacksmith's icon is that of a ship. The building contains the Moon Glaive upgrade for Huntresses...
-Lieutenants have the same icon as Spellbreakers. The Barracks trains too many units without some of them requiring other buildings first
-Periapts of Vitality can be bought from the Merchant Shop with no problem
-too many Fountains, makes it look like some checkpoints but they aren't needed
-the level would have been better with only the two heroes at the player's command

-cinematic levels do not need a victory message but just the setting for the next level
-Medivh made it clear at the end of RoC that he won't interfere in Azeroth's fate. He taught what he had to
-but Sargeras is not on Azeroth, he is on Argus or somewhere else in the universe

-the items from the previous level weren't kept
-the Frost Phoenix doesn't die and resurrect like the normal one
-Kael has two spells who's icons look like for passive abilities
-Jaina's Frost Nova icon is green when trying to learn it
-the Frost Phoenix is too big. It almost occupies half of the screen...
-a Merchant Shop? But there's no gold to buy...
-the player can send the Phoenix to destroy most of the units that don't attack air and even if they do the Phoenix can either go to regenerate at Fountains or be summoned again
-trees are awkwardly placed
-a second shop, still no gold...

-what? There was a rock there informing about how to kill Sargeras!?
-seems some other blood elven troops appeared that weren't in the previous level
-help the naga do what?
-Kael's spells change places on load
-after the Aszune cutscene, the camera didn't reset properly
-some monsters sleep
-units may walk on bridge areas before their animation being finished
-the terrain is flat and the level is linear like the previous two
-why doesn't Medivh take care of Sargeras? He is more powerful than Kael and his friends
-Why would Vashj go against the Legion when Azshara was in cahoots with Sargeras?

-there's Sorceress in the north. Moved it a bit further up and a custcene with Kael's brother started. Then the Phoenix and Vashj were left where the level starts and Jaina and Kael were up there in the north... All other units disappeared
-the orbs can be taken during the night when the monsters sleep
-how did his brother know about that place and the artifacts?
-Phoenixes can get past/through the barrier. When does the barrier fall? It fell after the Keep was finished... how could one know?
-the Altar looks like the Barracks before being placed
-night elf units just spawn in the base...
-how did the night elves get there in the first place when there were so many monsters and doors to open on the way?
-upgrades don't work for Archers
-the Barracks can be placed wherever
-the Tomb Guardian is named Mur'Gul Hut...
-Phoenix Fire lasts forever but does not kill the afflicted

-hints are more like spoilers in this campaign
-why didn't Medivh open the portal from the start of the level!?

-heroes don't start with full mana. The same in the previous level
-monsters sleep at night
-spells need better/proper description. World of Power does way more damage than 60. Its icon is green during game pause
-Kael has Divine armour type. That means he can just run about to the finish
-Kael shoots no projectile
-Frost Strike has the same hotkey as the action Stop: S
-sometimes Hale shoots blue magic from himself like Phoenix Fire
-Kael's path is filled with Fountains while Hale's has none

-there is no timer. Most of the level can be completed by just running
-Sargeras is a retard. He let the heroes keep the artifacts before showing himself...
-in the end stage cutscene Jaina appears and attacks Kael. Kael retaliates and kills her. They still talk though...
-how did she come there anyway?

cinematic scene:
-the blood elves spawned from the Highborne. There were no more differences
-what home did Kael return to? Quel'Thalas was decimated and the dead roamed free

-the loading screen is that of a melee map
-this cinematic scene is filled with depravity
-so what if you are Romanians. It's not a rule that Romanians don't know English well... I could almost call you racist against your own people with such a statement. It's understandable that your way of expressing may be misleading due to your low knowledge of English.

I'm only happy it's a short campaign. Most levels take a maximum of 20 minutes to complete.
Level 5
Aug 25, 2015
hi, i've played all your campaign and i think the loling credits are better than game.

"go fuck yourselves" XD. you're better creating cinematics, you should created more about this :p
Level 5
Sep 13, 2016
I had to replay this one. I did play it once, if I remember well enough the first map. But after finishing it I feel that there is a lot of work to be done. The Story isn't....good in any sense, it's just bad, and the way everything works in every maps seems to bugged. I know this is an old campaign and maybe the guy that made it doesn't even watch this forum anymore, but still it's hard to feel any enjoyment from this map.

If you want you can find the game here
Eclipse Literature
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Level 8
Apr 26, 2016
Go back to school and fix your spelling mistakes my spelling is 5 time better than yours no offence.
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