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[Cinematic] The Lone Panther

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Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
I doubt it. He said the only thing he had left to do is to add the voices.
If he added another scene he would have to get even more voices.
And if he implemented a ruins scene it might not come out as he wanted. Plus that would mean an even longer wait period.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Yeah, I came back from my vacation several days ago, but since I had to start studying immediately I wasn't able to get much time at the PC.

Now, a few of the voice actors still didn't send me the recordings and, frankly, I'm getting annoyed. Really annoyed. Looking for new voice actors would take just as long, or probably longer so I'll have to be patient.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Yeah, I came back from my vacation several days ago, but since I had to start studying immediately I wasn't able to get much time at the PC.

Now, a few of the voice actors still didn't send me the recordings and, frankly, I'm getting annoyed. Really annoyed. Looking for new voice actors would take just as long, or probably longer so I'll have to be patient.

YOU'RE BACK! Yay, anyway, take your time. We'll surely take it into consideration when rating.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
The thing is that there isn't anything(or has been for a while) to take my time about. I literally have nothing to do because everything is as I want it to be. And I don't want to start working on part 4 until I get some feedback from part 3. That's why I'm annoyed by the incompetence of the voice actors.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
The thing is that there isn't anything(or has been for a while) to take my time about. I literally have nothing to do because everything is as I want it to be. And I don't want to start working on part 4 until I get some feedback from part 3. That's why I'm annoyed by the incompetence of the voice actors.

I'm sure at least someone you know in reallife could help you out. Ask them to make some voice acting for you.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I'm sure at least someone you know in reallife could help you out. Ask them to make some voice acting for you.

Well, the thing is I'm from Serbia and, even though there are several people I know who know proper English on paper, most of them lack good pronunciation(I'm probably the best and I'm not that great).

HFR, Elenai abandoned the project when I got back from my vacation but luckily I was able to find a replacement. I only hope he'll be more reliable.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007

I was playing melee some hours ago and I found a guy with the nickname "Veneficus". Coincidence?

Lol, really? That's nice to hear :)

Search and Destroy! xD?

But... Why Elenai abandoned it? lazyness, lazyness, lazyness...

I don't know, he didn't say. My guess is that he's either too busy or simply doesn't feel like being a part of this.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
A very fine cinematic!

Only the Standing animation are very annoying, but you can't help that...
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Well, I think I'll be getting the rest of the voice soon, hopefully, but I decided not to waste time anymore waiting for them. I've started with the basic layout of LP 4(in notepad) and it looks very promising.

However, I doubt I'll start working on it intensely for at least another 3 weeks or so, as my school year is coming to an end and, as you can imagine, there are a lot of exams, sadly :(

Lone Panther 3 - Broken Belief should arrive soon, as I already mentioned, so stay tuned.

Thanks for all the support, it means a lot.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Taking to long! so when do you think it will finally be out. i mean you always say about next week and then we turn out waiting another month.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I've said that it will be in about a week two or so times. And, as I mentioned many times before, it's up to the voice actors, not me. They are not payed to do this and they most certainly are not forced to do it by any deadline so you'll just have to wait, for them.

This was the biggest concern for me when I decided to use voice actors, the delay, but think of it this way: The longer it takes me to release the final chapter of TLP(chapter 5 or 6) the longer you can look forward to it.

In the meantime check out this.
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Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Forgetting about it is also unreliable. If you accept to do voice acting, you can do it the same day unless something special prevents you from it. But even though, then you can do it the next day or the day after that. Then you got 3 days which should be no problem. And even if something needs to be fixed, it still would take just a week. But if you got to wait 3 months just to get the voices, you know people are just being lazy and irresponsible.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
It has been a while, I agree, but since the voice actors(especially decent voice actors) are such a rarity I have no option but to wait for them. The thing that you all must remember is that they are doing it for free and have no real duty to complete their task in any timely manner.

I can't expect them to drop their exams and personal life so they can do the recordings, even if there aren't more than 25 lines. However, I believe that the two I've been waiting for have already finished, or have this week to finish school so it shouldn't be long now.

So keep in mind - The project is not abandoned, it is paused. Hopefully now that summer is here LP 4 will have the voices done in a timely manner since I'll start recruiting from the very start. Not much more I can say other than that you might want to check out The Kaliim Quiz and get reminded on a few things from the cinematics. Make sure you read the first post and the active question(usually the final post).
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Well... it's been a long while, I must admit. Can't say that I have been trying to complete Lone Panther 3, which is a shame since the map is sitting on my computer missing only a few character voice actings.

Truth be told, it's not that I've run out of inspiration, it's that I lack motivation. However, in this dead sea of no submissions I have managed to create a cinematic related to the Tales of Kaliim, but a small story on it's own, rather than a side story to the main plot.

Not really sure why I didn't mention it sooner, but with the cinematic contest thread being locked down I haven't really gotten any feedback which I would like to get, in order to tweak it up before I upload it to the Hive's map database.

Without further a due I present to you The Clown of As'Latur. Feedback is welcome and greatly appreciated.

As for the Lone Panther, I just don't know. Part 3 will surely be released eventually... but I believe that I might create another independent story situated in the vast lands of Kaliim before I continue the Lone Panther series. Can't say for sure yet though, as I got a ton of school work these days.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
That's quite epic. I must say I'm deeply impressed how much your skills have improved since the Sect of the Holy Mother series. :p

The only thing I can criticize is the Priest's voice. It doesn't really seem to fit the character but sure it doesn't matter as it is easy to get used to.

I hope you release a second chapter or something because that was so damn epic. I want some moar.
Level 7
Jun 19, 2009
so cmarket as i sad in one message i sent you in June
I'm as always stunned with your work
voice acting in the panther doesn't work for some but i personally like it
well Serbian brother wish you luck in finishing episode three
and if you need help in voice acting i may find a way to help you
its just that i don't have a microphone
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
Always glad to see some praise and thanks for offering to help me. Part 3 will come out, I'm just not sure when. Hopefully soon, but I can't really make any promises until I'm finished with my school work.

On another note, you can find one of my "unpublished" cinematics in the Arena, on the Cinematic Contest thread. It isn't directly linked to any of my previous work, apart from it being in the same world, Kaliim, but there are a few Easter eggs that tie it to both SotHM and TLP. I will "publish" the map eventually, but probably not before the contest ends.
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
lol at comment above mine. Showrstudios said, quote on quote :


Is English your 5th or 4th language or are you really "than" young

Then not than!

Im going to go THEN not THAN

Dude you said 4 or 5th language.... if he knows 4 or 5 languages, hes definelty smarter then you >.>

so please go back on topic. because exploring this argument further would make ME look stupid.
Level 14
Apr 21, 2007
I'll be uploading a modified version of the Clown of As'Latur to the hive map database after all the new year's fuss, so probably at the end of this week. By modified I mean that I've fixed a few unnoticeable issues as well as introduced back the deleted scenes, which I had to cut due to competition limit. Nothing major really, but still makes it a bit more movie-like.

As for the Lone Panther... I really, really don't know anymore. The third installment is sitting on my PC, practically completed, save for a few voice actors missing. I really don't have the energy to search for voice actors anymore, it's really a huge fuss looking for people over the internet so I'll do the following:

Here are a few lines of the missing characters I need to be voiced. Save them in any format you like but preferably use .wav and try to do your best if you chose to do them.

Character 1: His voice is arrogant, proud and strong. It is also quite deep. No extra effects needed, but if you think you can work a good eccho/bass proportion feel free to try. Otherwise I'll do it(by which I mean add eccho/bass) myself when I get the file. No need to add both if you think your voice is powerful enough.

- You're an interesting man, Reege. You rush into my realm with hardly any idea of what to expect, defying your god in the process. All that and you aren't even sure if this boy has the weapon, or if he'll ever have it.

Character 2: An old and wise man. Basically if you can rip off Decard Cain's voice you're the right man for the job.

- Yes, yes it has. Well, don't just stand there in the cold, come inside.

- What is your purpose here?

Character 3:
A naga. Simple as that. A male naga. Open the world editor, here what a naga myrmidon and royal guard sound like and try to copy it as best as you can.

- Eh... leave? It... it's not that easy. I can't just leave and abandon my homeland.

- He's usually at the altar above here. Just follow the wall and you'll find a stairway to access the altar grounds. Or you could just swim up.

To be clear all characters are male. The first and the third one have over 15 lines(although I'm not entirely sure the exact number) while the second one has 10 or less.
Rewards are always there for those who try. Reputation increase, as if that means anything, as well as a place in the credits to those who are chosen.

Anyway, happy holidays to you all and I hope to see some activity regarding the voice actings.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Exactly what i told him 2 months ago! Just do it Cmarket really it's noth worth losing so many interested people, for what? some voice acting...
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