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The Last Survivor PART 1

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
  • Angry
Reactions: ap0calypse

Long time ago, The Darkness over runned the World, some People,
named Hellscreams Stole the Power of The Lord and put it in a Baby
named Blaze, Blaze Hellscream. After that the rest of the Hellscreams
died, Blaze is the last Survivor. He got a scared life, all hates him, he
havnt any friends. All run away from him and shout " The Monster
Comes, ahh!". Later his "Father" was killed and he had nothing.
If Blaze Hellscream die, the Power will be free and the Lord get his
Power back. Then he would start a counter attack and the World
will change in a Darkness, Dead World.......

Doodads: xXm0rph3usXx, Born²modificate
Units: TDR, Sephiex, Miseracord

Sorry for Re-Upload

Warcraft 3, Hellscream, Zebith, Blaze, Darkness, Dead, Lord, The Last Survivor,
Anime, High Quality

The Last Survivor PART 1 (Map)

17:55, 6th Jun 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected