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[The Graphic Workshop]

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Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
i'm back and ready to work :)

Type of Request : Loading Screen

Name : Pokemon Legacy v0.1b

Background : Anything that fits the theme.

Info: I'm sure all of you know Pokemon since your childhood, so i want him without the background, on the loadingscreen and the 3 starter pokemon wich would be Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur just google if you don't know them and write in the upper middle Pokemon Legacy v0.1b in Blue and White, and make a letter box below the name so i can add the desciptions etc. And also but a bar for Credits and my Name NightBrowler on the under right corner.

Can you take my request?!
Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
The image posted here is most definitely NOT the PSD file.
The PSD file is the version with all the layers and photoshop settings.
Before uploading anything you have to save your file as a .JPG or .PNG or something.
Attempting to upload a PSD file to ANY image uploading site will give you something like this:

Yes, that's a screenshot. ;)
Level 9
Nov 3, 2010
i will send it you when i get 1 min on my computer (when my m other isnt there :D)

of cause you can help us^^
but then i think we are full xD

please wait
we will make your request when you wait. :)

im coming back soon :)


  • Graphic Workshop.psd
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Level 27
Jun 23, 2009
Alright! I've made some examples to show what i mean.
First up is one where i've simply made the text readable.
And since there were no real 'Popping Out' i moved the border ontop of the other images.
It just lookes kinda messy. :S
-Add the Stroke style to the text.
-Move text to the top layers (Dont have your pics ontop of the text unless you REALLY know what you're doing)
-Switch Small text font (A serious font and a silly font doesnt really work together)
...and that's it.
I also deleted all the remants of the images you've used that floated around in the PSD file. Remember to rasterise them and use the cut tool when you're finished. ;)

And here's another one to show what i mean with 'Popping Out'.
I admit i got carried away with this one, but the alien i drew looks kinda cool, right? :p

Yeah, it's kinda messy, but i dont think you'd like me showing off in your thread, lol.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2008
Type of Request : Logo, Minimap Preview
Name : Binders
Details : I need a logo for my map called Binders, the method of interpretation is not important the thing i need is a logo and a black background. I prefer it to be written or drawn with adequate warcraft-ish font and one colorstyle(not the whole rainbow in a word, either golden, or blue like blizzards for instance, but this is your choice) the thing i also need is an awesome shading made to the font so it'd look like pure quality. Please make it in a jpg and blp format. I need it in a month so no hurries, work as you have free time, thank you in advance.

P.S: The logo should read "Binders" and please contact me in a private message once it's ready.
Level 12
Dec 17, 2009
Type of Request : Logo, Minimap Preview
Name : Binders
Details : I need a logo for my map called Binders, the method of interpretation is not important the thing i need is a logo and a black background. I prefer it to be written or drawn with adequate warcraft-ish font and one colorstyle(not the whole rainbow in a word, either golden, or blue like blizzards for instance, but this is your choice) the thing i also need is an awesome shading made to the font so it'd look like pure quality. Please make it in a jpg and blp format. I need it in a month so no hurries, work as you have free time, thank you in advance.

P.S: The logo should read "Binders" and please contact me in a private message once it's ready.

Mine :)
Level 12
Oct 7, 2010
@Raijin and other undone requests
A class billboard contest is held at my school and it's due end of this month. The real bad news is I'm in charge! :goblin_wtf: Please be patience guys. I'll be back a.s.a.p.
Level 9
Dec 15, 2009
Type of Request : Loading Screen
Text :Imagine diablo III
Background :
Theme :medieval,black metalic
Other details :could u guys make it like pop out of some metalic(cool) borders?and make the ''imagine'' stand out
and on the bottom left put the credit to who made the loading screen(example: loading screen by bloodbath)

Type of Request 2nd: Signature
Name :imagine diablo III
Background : i couldnt find any cool images that suits to be a sig
its up to u guys to decide :D
Other details :Could you guys create me a super cool signature?
as usual i want the ''imagine'' text to stand out
just create anything that u guys think its cool
i just hope a great quality of work :D
and finaly put a small litle text ''by bloodbath5557''
btm of the sig
i want something like demigod's sig(same coolness)

and the image i attached is for the loading screen.

For the sig image i hope u guys can help :D

as long it looks cool i ok with it im not picky

looking forward for it as u can see my current signiture suckballs


  • diablo-3-demon-hunter-wallpaper.jpg
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Level 5
Mar 10, 2011
Type of Request : Animated Avatar
Name : Female Blood Knight
Background : Black with a border resembling Blood Elf UI
Other details : A animated WoW Female Blood Knight... Any animation will do, be it Stand, Attack, Spell, or Walk
Level 19
Aug 31, 2008
Type of Request : Loading Screen
Text :Imagine diablo III
Background :
Theme :medieval,black metalic
Other details :could u guys make it like pop out of some metalic(cool) borders?and make the ''imagine'' stand out
and on the bottom left put the credit to who made the loading screen(example: loading screen by bloodbath)

Taken ;)

More info? Will I put descriptions? or anything? please specify.
Level 9
Dec 15, 2009
i read all the previous post i think marc mamales you requested so many...are u gonna map upload massacre or something...=.=

Make sure its not for fun editing shit is not easy job....
Level 12
Oct 7, 2010
As far as i remember, .VTZ. is the one that is doing your minimap preview. i thought it is finished, so i removed in from the waiting list when i renewed the list. Just be patience for the moment. if it's urgent, contact .VTZ. then.
Level 8
Mar 20, 2011
I need some one to make this into a loading screen...

With the text "Dragonflight Wars" overlapping the World of Warcraft logo. Font: LifeCraft Color: Blood Red with fiery glowing effects

Oh! And can some one also do my signature??? My current signature sucks.... I'm not an artist and don't even know how to use Photoshop :p
I just want this image

with Dragonflight Wars written on it. Font:LifeCraft, Color: Fiery Red with a glowy effect :) (Maybe a lil smaller for the whole image to show, or just crop it :D)
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Level 10
Mar 19, 2010
Hey guys any slot left?
I would need a loading screen as well as minimap preview.
Type of Request : Loading screen & minimap preview
Name : Epic War
Background : it should be ancient-ish style
Other details : The thing I wanted is to hae a sence of 2 side of heroes fighting many boss, in a formation of this word "品". With bosses on upper part while 2 different forces of heroes on the bottom. Minimap preview should by some thing like that. And remember to leave a place for me to write description using WE(means I need a space on right hand side for those words).
Level 12
Oct 7, 2010
Cyrophoenix's sig request:
Done. i used the tips that Dragonson taught. it isn't exactly the kind of image you want. Do tell me what you think. remakes are requestable.


  • DragonflightwarsSIG.png
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Level 8
Oct 23, 2010
I am looking for a loading screen, (is it possible to make an animated loading screen?

Request Form
Type of Request : Loading screen
Name : Terror of the Tides
Background : something like the attached image
Other details : i want it to be like my map... if you would like, i can let you test my map while it's in beta, so you can get a feel for it, but if you would rather not, then just try your best. :] It's set in some tropical island, i want it facing the ocean, with the murlocs facing the camera.


  • Murlocsdone2.tga
    768 KB · Views: 45
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