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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Deleted 10/31/14


TFK (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/May/27 18:28:56 Comment: [Approved] View review Resource Moderation - Rules 28/03/2012 - Vengeancekael: Map Updated - Approved. -- Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Mar/19 19:32:41 Reasons...

What change do you want to see in this map?

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Vengeancekael - [Contact]
Date: 2012/May/27 18:28:56

Comment: [Approved]
View review

Resource Moderation - Rules

28/03/2012 - Vengeancekael: Map Updated - Approved.

Vengeancekael: Private Message
Date: 2012/Mar/19 19:32:41

Missing custom preview image: To add a preview image, resize the image to 256x256 or 128x128 using gimp and save it as .tga. Import the image and change its path to 'war3mapPreview.tga'.
Credits need to be posted in the description.
Missing Map Type.
Missing Map Category.

Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials
Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section
Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object editor, overall WE issues): WE Help Zone

Comment: /
Admin Contact - Resource Moderation - Rules

StoPCampinGn00b: Rejected for map being "deleted" by author and spam on the front page.
Level 2
Feb 26, 2012
You map will not approved if you doesn't make dragon and cool story! Story is importan thing on mapping dude.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011

No not all maps needs a story, its mostly apply on RPG games like this.

And here is a small review of mine.

-The terrain wasn't big time, but it was nice enough to keep the players playing. You should add more on the environment to make it more attractive.

- You should put a hint on where to find your quest cause at first I'm lost looking for the village leader.
- The Warrior is overpowered at start it only take 1 hit to kill a spore fighter and 2 hits to kill the young wolf and the wolf can't even damage the warrior because the warrior always block the wolf attack. And also the young bear.
- Its nice that you get your mana by attacking enemies than the normal way, its prevent spamming of spells that making units to be overpowered.
- I know I should say this right now, me myself love 3rd person camera and others, but still many want the normal wc3 camera, so I suggest you make a command to set free the camera.

Nice terrain, Simple spells, simple systems, No custom models for heroes, simple items. This was a simple rpg, you should put more ideas to make this an interesting one. I rate this 2/5.

May 25, 2012:
Map made lots of changes, change my rating to 4/5 now
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Level 13
Dec 13, 2008

No not all maps needs a story, its mostly apply on RPG games like this.

And here is a small review of mine.

-The terrain wasn't big time, but it was nice enough to keep the players playing. You should add more on the environment to make it more attractive.

- You should put a hint on where to find your quest cause at first I'm lost looking for the village leader.
- The Warrior is overpowered at start it only take 1 hit to kill a spore fighter and 2 hits to kill the young wolf and the wolf can't even damage the warrior because the warrior always block the wolf attack. And also the young bear.
- Its nice that you get your mana by attacking enemies than the normal way, its prevent spamming of spells that making units to be overpowered.
- I know I should say this right now, me myself love 3rd person camera and others, but still many want the normal wc3 camera, so I suggest you make a command to set free the camera.

Nice terrain, Simple spells, simple systems, No custom models for heroes, simple items. This was a simple rpg, you should put more ideas to make this an interesting one. I rate this 2/5.

I should thanks you for the ratings.
Level 2
Nov 4, 2011

No not all maps needs a story, its mostly apply on RPG games like this.

And here is a small review of mine.

-The terrain wasn't big time, but it was nice enough to keep the players playing. You should add more on the environment to make it more attractive.

- You should put a hint on where to find your quest cause at first I'm lost looking for the village leader.
- The Warrior is overpowered at start it only take 1 hit to kill a spore fighter and 2 hits to kill the young wolf and the wolf can't even damage the warrior because the warrior always block the wolf attack. And also the young bear.
- Its nice that you get your mana by attacking enemies than the normal way, its prevent spamming of spells that making units to be overpowered.
- I know I should say this right now, me myself love 3rd person camera and others, but still many want the normal wc3 camera, so I suggest you make a command to set free the camera.

Nice terrain, Simple spells, simple systems, No custom models for heroes, simple items. This was a simple rpg, you should put more ideas to make this an interesting one. I rate this 2/5.

It's really not easy to make such a big map by himself, I doubt you can do any better so why rate at such a low score?

Although I am not a great map maker, I can feel that effort has been put into this map. No much comment..

Rate: 3.5/5
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
This map is composed very nicely :) Although there is no real storyline, it is an adventure RPG with dynamic gameplay. Original and the terrain isn't to mehh :D A good RPG no doubt :) 4.5/5 from me!
Thanks for a good ratings...

Actually the first region which is "Howling Valley" I only copy n paste the quest from ONLINE database of ROM, but I realise that I can't take it 500+ quest so, I make my own short story from 2nd "Silver Spring" to 4th region "Ystra Highlands".

So please be patient, in my poor english

Hordes Races will arrive very soon...
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
It's really not easy to make such a big map by himself, I doubt you can do any better so why rate at such a low score?

Although I am not a great map maker, I can feel that effort has been put into this map. No much comment..

Rate: 3.5/5

I also feel the effort given to this map, but the things it features and others are can be seen to any rpg map this, I'm not saying the map was bad or anything it just no special to this map nowadays, but really the terrain was really nice. Sorry if I offended you are anyone here with my rating. Its just my own rating of the maps based on what I see inside it. And also I can change my rating when he made some updates.
Level 6
Feb 8, 2012
Oh yeah here my review...

Gameplay:the gameplay is good player just can fight with one enemy so we can't get disturb by another enemy if we already fighting.Interact system with object having a chance to get it or not.Good gameplay after all 5/5

Terrain:Terrain is good but not too variable just like another RPG. 4/5

Item:Oh the item is good too a item with custom icons with a balanced stats add 4/5

Quest:Oh the quest is boring we need to get in another level to take another quest there is no repeatable quest. 2/5

Monster/Models:The monster and the other model good some custom some not.i like the Shroom models like a warrior but a shroom warrior. 3/5

System:the camera is make me dizzy and can't make me explore the map like what i want.Maybe you should add a command to make camera system like this -camera normal.EXperience system not good too boring to make level up so slightly experience to get level up.

overall:so i think the overall is 4/5 Vote for approved.just fix a bug or make another variable command or guide in Quest log...

Ohhh sorry for double post my internet is so slow...
oh yeah the save/load system is not working...
to save or load just write -save or -load right?
or i'm wrong?
Last edited by a moderator:
Wait so I can't exactly find the merchant with the equipment bag for the second quest in the beginning :S
Oh you need to talk to him.
Better make a hint about that or at least change the tooltip of "Basic skills", it doesn't exactly fit.

edit: Neat map you have there, I'll approve it, although you told me that you're using some non-blizzard made textures? If so, please remove them.
I'll review this if you want me to in the weekend or some other time.
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
Wait so I can't exactly find the merchant with the equipment bag for the second quest in the beginning :S
Oh you need to talk to him.
Better make a hint about that or at least change the tooltip of "Basic skills", it doesn't exactly fit.

edit: Neat map you have there, I'll approve it, although you told me that you're using some non-blizzard made textures? If so, please remove them.
I'll review this if you want me to in the weekend or some other time.
I will remove it, just like as you said...
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Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
oh hey jxtranghero, can you please tell me how you got the camera to follow the unit and turn accordingly to the hero? or can anyone help? thanks ^_^
Just copy n paste the camera system folder from this map onto ur map, just remember to check this:
preference>create unknown variables
change the array of variables Heroes(1) into ur count of max player desire.
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Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
It's really not easy to make such a big map by himself, I doubt you can do any better so why rate at such a low score?

Although I am not a great map maker, I can feel that effort has been put into this map. No much comment..

Rate: 3.5/5

The criteria on which maps are approved or rejected on this site has nothing to do with the number of people that had to work on any type of map. A project/map/etc. stands on its own merits, not special pleading.

This map is not ready to be a part of the Hive.
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
The criteria on which maps are approved or rejected on this site has nothing to do with the number of people that had to work on any type of map. A project/map/etc. stands on its own merits, not special pleading.

This map is not ready to be a part of the Hive.

Lets say ur right, then tell me each criteria do I need to meet?
cause I really want to improve this map to be a part of the Hives.
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Level 3
Apr 11, 2010
There are some fails in some of the quests. like the one when you must kill 10 bears. You seem to only need 5.



Level 7
Aug 28, 2010
you can update the resource maybe? fix a few bugs, add a solid storyline corresponding to "Runes of magic" and adding some new kick-ass features. Just a few suggestions ;)
Level 6
Feb 8, 2012
how bout improve this game with command like -cam normal to make camera in our top and make -camera TP to make camera be third person
or -revive if someone stuck with they're revive time but get penalty 80 second
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
you can update the resource maybe? fix a few bugs, add a solid storyline corresponding to "Runes of magic" and adding some new kick-ass features. Just a few suggestions ;)

Yeah features like this;
- Dual Class System : Enable to choose another class, character can be switch instantly [OUT/OFF COMBAT ONLY]

- Fury System : I learn this lately, when fury is reach 100pt character can be switch instantly into RAGEMODE which character morph into like dragon or something very unusual looks. [ROMS Human/Elven]

- Revive System : After character dead they instantly transfer into unknown different places which can fight along with the invincible NPC/Creatures/Bosses and gain more (S)pirit (P)oints [required to use Arcane Transmutor, etc..]

- Guild System : Build own guild and manipulate few army to defend/destroyed Hordes/Alliance side. [Event Only]

- AI System : When a player left the game [Hero lvl 10+ ONLY] it automatically belong to NPC which can be hired as a mercenary, item will be all locked to that unit only.
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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Are you guys kidding me? 2/5? 3.5/5?

This map is wonderful, I really enjoyed myself playing it and it's very user friendly. I highly disagree with the rating the map currently have.

The start of your map was very good. I could actually see what abilities the hero of my choise would have before even picking it! After I picked my hero I got teleported to the beginning area.

I started off speaking to the female villager with the yellow exclamation hovering over her head. I got a quest where I have to report to the first village. At the first village I came across Leighton, Shikha, a Weapon Smith and a Merchant. Very good introduction there since while I am reporting to Leighton I am also introducing myself to the city properly instead of just rushing in without any purpose. Now unfortunately I did not see the quest to kill the plants at the beginning but that is my own fault. I saw a quest requiring level 3 to get so I tried to take down a few wolfs just outside the village. The combat system is amazing! I played as the Rouge which isn't held back it's mana, another thing I really liked about the game!

I killed a few wolfs, enjoying the background music and reached to level 3. After that I continued to do quests, gearing and leveling up.

The introduction of this game was superb. First I get a quest where I have to report to the first town. Inside the town I get a quest where I need to speak to the Merchant which will hook me up with some starter gear. Now if that isn't "noob friendly", what is?

I chose to base my Sverk3rCraft Map Review #3 around this map, Runes of Magic and I gotta say, it was a lot of fun.

+rep jxtranghero, keep updating the map, I am fully supporting you and I think you made a great job with Runes of Magic. I will rate this map 5/5 now since it has kind of a lacking rating at current state.

Here is my Sverk3rCraft Map Review: