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Texturing Competition #3 - Demonic Units

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Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Still working on the tendril placement so that will change
Made his chin longer
Added chains to his arms, not sure if you can see em from my screenie


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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

How does the skin look on the portrait model?
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Like this
Which uses the part of the skin that is NOT used anywhere else
And included a side shot to show his new "claws" and the chains


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Ok well I didn't
So I will post the wrap
Chriz. you crafty lil bugger :p

Now I will say one thing
I DID CNP the skull that is on his leg armor
The face I did by looking at the skin and duplicating
Call me a liar, I do not care, but that IS how I did it

Armor needs some serious detail. It's REALLY blurry.
Check the model shots
You see no blurs on the model cause the wrap is poop
Skin is fine
Unless you see a glaringly obvious blurry spot on some of the shots I took of the model wrap

Even the wrap could use some sharpening, or maybe more detail. Even if the wrap is horrible, even the skin isn't very "detailed"... compared to youe other skins.
Level 7
Feb 12, 2006
Finished the legs and started mapping out the face. Though I wanna finish the clothing etc. before I begin skinning the face.


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Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Okay, well, I made a crappy start on it (darn my lack of anatomical knowledge). Whether I will be able to finish it is another question, as I am leaving the country today and will not have computer access for around 2 weeks. Anyway....


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Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Final Entry

Due to several projects at school. Several exams next week and the week after i will no longer be able to participate/further improve my skin.

Therefore, i am now submitting what i have as my final entry.

The Three-Eyed Demon One

I wish you all the best of luck. And now im off to study for exams...


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Level 5
Jan 23, 2007
humm... yea..... they are big

it looked so effing weird when i tried to make them smaller, so i'll keep it that way.

it is supposed to be some sort of Annihilan stalker/tracker/hunter, so i guss big eyes will be handy :p

EDIT: This i my post number 100! notice my improvement in skinning from my early postst in the skinning competition 1 in only 100 posts

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Finally someone who made a significant modification of the dreadlord's face!

I like the basic idea, make the pointy teeth match the teeth around the mouth, and I'd say remove the green inside his ear, looks like earwax.
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
The face is one of the few parts of the skin that doesnt have a bad wrap. You just really strayed far from the original layout. I would suggest restarting and keep to blizzards original layout. Also he doesnt have a very good face for adding extra teeth. So just give him more of a snarl :p The unwrap looks really good but you got a little too overzealous.

lol I just noticed you gave him ear hair!

P.S. Whats with the green globs?
Level 45
Dec 13, 2005

I converted Tichondrius into a fallen angel/satyr/whatever ':\ ...
Path is: "units\Undead\Tichondrius\Tichondrius.blp"
I suggest you use the Tichondrius model because it has such a better wrap (especially in the portrait) Enjoy and give credit.


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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I like it a lot, especially the green glow inside his mouth.

I just don't like what you did with the wings, they should be something, demonic.
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Your a fast skinner.

Alright, I could not decide what to do for my guys clothes ( I am using Furion so you know hwat I am talking about) so I decided to make chainmail. Will that completely ruin my skin? It looks good but I don't think it fits with the theme.... of my skin.
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Try to have some darker plate mail. And spread some chain mail throughout it. As long as you keep the plate part demonic and the chain mail go with the plate then it should work fine with what you are doing. Try not to put too much mail because that could potentially ruin it.
Level 15
Feb 15, 2006
All this skins are looking interesting... I don't know if I should participate with one that I did... I think about it later...

THE_END's demon has a good concept, unfortunately the model itself doesn't help a lot (it's too blurry). I suggest to modify the beard tentacles... they look unnaturally curved, they should fall more straight on its chest. About the beard... I think it doesn't fit with the tentacles. I propose to make it only with tentacles or only with beard.

About Dionesiist skin... I must say it's great!! but I agree with Chriz about the wings... Why not adding some veins so it looks more organic. Just an idea.

Odin Skin... I think the model is not a good choice, in fact that model is based on the pitlord, so it's like texturing it again.

About the Arab4life's skin.... I think it's a good choice, something different and original.

Congrats to all of you :)
Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
Ohhh moyack has a differant opinion than Chriz.
Now which one to go with...hmmm
I could just make the tentacles angle down more and make them less long
I think that would solve the problem

Update: Problem..solved?


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Level 7
Apr 30, 2004
im srry but i cant shake this feeling anymore! Does no one else think that The_End's Eredar looks chubby? im srry but it loooks so goshdang CHUBBY! IT was after you added the beard that it looked chubby and then after you added your latest update he got fatter. You need to tell your skin to lay off the cheeseburgers and start eating healthier. Other then that looks great.

Everyone is doing a fantastic job with their skins i wish i could say the same thing for myself but whenever i try to start skinning it always ends up in disaster. Cant wait to see future updates!

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

I don't think there's a way to make the druid of the claw not fat.
Since this contest is a demon-like theme, I'm turning the Shaman into Ganon (the antagonist in Zelda series). I'll make the version he appeared in Zelda 1 & 3, when he was some kind of a demonic boar beast thing.

I did made a Ganon skin a long time ago, but that looked like crap.
So I'm making a new improved version for the contest.

Here is an early WIP of the skin.


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Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
I dont think I want the shoulder armor on him. I think it will overpower the skin. Best to have two equal dominant colors. Wouldnt mind a second oppinion on this though. If I dont do the shoulders then other than some cleaning up and maybe redoing of the hands (dont quite like em) I am done with the armor.


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