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Tap Tap Challenge v1.04a

Tap Tap Challenge v1.04a
The second evolution of Tap Tap on War Craft III

In Tap Tap Challenge, there are 2 available modes to play: the Classic Mode and the Challenge Mode.

  • For the Classic Mode, a player will select speed for the game. Then notes are automatically created then player(s) will have to tap the notes to get scores. But, any missed note or inaccurate tap will decrease your score and reset your combo to zero. That's the classic version in original Tap Tap
  • For the Challenge Mode, one player will create notes and the other will have to tap to beat all notes that the creator made. The roles will be swapped after one turn and at the end, compare the score and decides who is the winner. The way to create notes is similar to how you tap them.
Remember, what you need are 3 buttons:
[I], [O] and [P]

The letters [I], [O] and [P] are added near the circles. This helps player to understand more easily about gameplay.
A countdown timer was put on the bottom row of the Multi Board. This will help player to know how much time left before the games end
Colors are added to the strings to make the map more colorful
Stupid mistakes like "Speed: Challenge" has been removed
Some leaks have been removed
Player's colors are added to the Multi Board
Game random hints have been added
Special comments are available. Use comments to change note type. There are 3 note types available. This make the game more fun to play.
Leaks are removed
Special notes are available, leads to better and more competitive gameplay
Removed annoying Random Hint
Added Quests to give information to players more effectively
Add one more note type
Set the maximum number of Milti. to 5
Added the Double Score mode.
Fix the number of score given by the Bonus note

Wish you all will have fun with my map!

  • James Tomas == main map creator
  • -Kobas- == Loading Screen maker
  • IamtheRper == Icon Maker
  • epsilon == Modeler
Special thanks to Tap Tap creator for making me good ideas of making a map

Tap Tap, Tap, Challenge

Tap Tap Challenge v1.04a (Map)

19:06, 27th May 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 12
Sep 1, 2009
Now the map is much better with some effects, the terrain is nice from the other version.I like the thing that you added the letters [W] [E] [R] on top of the circles, the description is nice but one thing you need to add some screenshots.I saw that you add credits. 4/5 Vote for Approval.

- Remove the other version or you will get - rep.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
well, I'm not going to review it like i would normally, but i will give what i like, dislike, and recommend.

[+]I like the terrain, it's not boring like i thought it'd be.
[+]I liked the custom units(notes)

[~]Triggering is GUI :/, but it's leakless, so it's okay.

[-]I did not like sometimes i press the button but it doesn't register in time. probably due to slow GUI.
[-]no AI, but i suppose AI would be exceedingly hard to do in this case (but still possible :p)

an option to choose between keys. because, the "WER" keys, are shifted far to the left(which leaves your left hand the only one able to comfortably play), maybe have a dialog pop up for each player asking if they would like an option like the "IOP" keys (would require a different set of abilities -_- but would be good for certain people (like me))

Rating: 3.8/5
Voting for: Approval

Good job and well executed :thumbs_up:
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
Thanks for your review. In my 1 player Tap Tap version I made the "Right hand" and "Left hand" options, but I thought it would be troublesome if I put them in 2 players version

Edit [update]: I removes the problem in restarting. Now it works well
Edit [update 2]: Now 3 keys are [I], [O] and [P]. this change helps you to be more convenient in playing since you can use your left hand or right hand (Or both) instead of only using left hand
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Level 4
Jul 9, 2009
Ok let's see...I downloaded your map yesterday and tested it out...
#1 thing i noticed: music was off timing to the notes. Please fix that! That is a huge problem...
Also if you could make it so that there is some sort of effect so that i can see if i hit the note that would be cool. And some some sound/color effects when you get a combo
^just to make it more exciting you know :D

[2/5] Not really fun/exciting but hey, maybe it's just not my style of game.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
music was off timing to the notes

you do realize, that it would be next to impossible to make the notes on timing...right?

I've seen a lot of thing done that are hard but that would be just impossible. you would have to have a trigger for every note.so even for easy mode, thats oh...probably 500+ triggers...

yeah, I'm not seeing that happening.
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
I've seen a lot of thing done that are hard but that would be just impossible. you would have to have a trigger for every note.so even for easy mode, thats oh...probably 500+ triggers...

Yo, you understand why I can't do that. Further more, making notes matching the song will make this game less repetitive... (Since the order of notes spawning is never changed and you will get bored fast)

And... I thought about making AI... Seems impossible (or it will have 100% accuracy... player can never beat AI in that case)
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
no, because you could make it like a 70% chance and stuff on easy, and just harder as it goes like insane should be 95%. (which would just be if random integer between 1-100 is less than or equal to 95)
Well Ai is easy to create for this map...

Triggers Tap 1 and Tap 2 don't use variable, replace point in region with variable
  • Set Yellow_Circle = (Position of Yellow Circle 0005 <gen>)
Yellow_Circle need to replace
  • Unit - Cause Rocker 0009 <gen> to damage circular area after 0.00 seconds of radius 100.00 at (Position of Yellow Circle 0005 <gen>), dealing 100.00 damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
Position of Yellow Circle 0005 <gen>
Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
K thanks I will go and fix it now

[Edit 1]: Fixed. Thanks for finding such mistake for me
+ rep
[Edit 2]: Map updated. I changed the whole terrain but nothing about the game play (except the letters added near the circles)
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Well about Ai it can be done like this!
AI Setup
If computer player difficulty is set to easy then -> AI_TmpReal1 = 100
If computer player difficulty is set to normal then -> AI_TmpReal1 = 80
If computer player difficulty is set to insane then -> AI_TmpReal1 = 60

AI Cast Spell

Unit Enters Region yellow/red/blue

AI_TmpReal2 = Random number between 0 and AI_TmpReal1
if AI_TmpReal2 less or equal to 50 then
order unit to cast spell (just like when player click)

Also you mast care about region so if is yellow we cast another spell then for red region!
you can see that easy has 50% chance to miss, normal less etc...
I hope you can understand (btw it can be done on many other ways I just wanted to give you some tips)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
you do realize, that it would be next to impossible to make the notes on timing...right?

I've seen a lot of thing done that are hard but that would be just impossible. you would have to have a trigger for every note.so even for easy mode, thats oh...probably 500+ triggers...

yeah, I'm not seeing that happening.

Excuse me? That's what I'm doing right now.
My Guitar-map is nearing completion stage and yes: the notes are based on the songs (1 short demo-song complete, another - longer - one in progress).
I need... umm... 2 triggers for every song (max of about 8000 notes per song), though I could do it with 1 trigger (I made it 2 so others can easily make their own song as well).

It's not impossible.
Never say something is impossible, because sooner or later some guy does it anyway.

I have approved the map for now.
This is due to the positive comments.
I still don't really like it, but yeah... the map has improved a lot since the first version.
Level 5
Jul 20, 2008
i have not played this map yet, and i am not complaining about it or anything. But in response to one of those comments, to match a song and the notes, couldn't you just start the song and game at a certain point, and then just program a "Wave" and start them at a certain point? 2 triggers ^_^. I am no map maker so i am probably wrong... anyway gonna try this out!!
Well Falzelo asked me to check map again so here it is:

Ok let see... Tap Tap Challenge v1.02

Things that I like:

1st - Map Description
2nd - Multiboard
3th - Idea
4th - Very unique
5th - Fun to play

Things that I don't like:

1st - Memory leaks
  • Floating Text
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 0.10 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads I at (Center of Region 010 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 16.00, color (100.00%, 80.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads O at (Center of Region 011 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 16.00, color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads P at (Center of Region 012 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 16.00, color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads I at (Center of Region 013 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 16.00, color (100.00%, 80.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads O at (Center of Region 014 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 16.00, color (0.00%, 0.00%, 100.00%), and 0.00% transparency
      • Floating Text - Create floating text that reads P at (Center of Region 015 <gen>) with Z offset 0.00, using font size 16.00, color (100.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%), and 0.00% transparency
2nd - Well like ap0 said, notes are spawned randomly
3th - Terrain look bad
4th - No hints
5th - No events like reverse buttons, slow motion, destroy all notes, double bounty etc etc
6th - Notes move on ground not above
7th - Triggers are bad (for example you can replace 8 spawn triggers with only 1)

Word or 2 to Author:

*Well this is wc3 game not phone one! Add moooooooore! Why not to create 4 or 8 lanes for both hands at same time -> [A] [S] [D] [F] and [H] [J] [K] [L] insane isn't it!
*Add events/pickups or whatever, create notes that will give extra points, slow wave or destroy all notes in one column etc etc
*Clean leaks pls
*Triggers are good but they can be better, try to use variables more
*Change fog each 0.1 sec add disco effect :D
*Change terrain a little more (burned buildings and poison grrrrr)
*Change notes look, player can write for example: -seal lightning balls will be changed into seals ^^ etc etc

There are many many ideas, but this is your map, above is my opinion!
I will give you 2/5 because map must be more upgraded! We don't want to see you become lazy :razz:

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Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
What to say now... James Tomas is busy with another project (Visiting Map Development and you can see something there)
Okay I will send these words to James. Thanks for reviewing my map again and wait for author's update

[edit] And now some word from the author:
Hi people! At last v1.03 of my Tap Tap has been released. Hope you all have fun with this new version!
I this update, there are many major changes, and there may be dozens of bug too. Hope that people can help me to find them to better my map.
Finally, thanks -Kobas- for giving me some important idea!
Any word you want to send to author, just tell Falzelo. I'm looking forward seeing good responses soon.
[edit 2] Please leave some comments about the map :)
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Level 7
Dec 24, 2009
LOL I've said that I only knew about GH after completing this map X(
DDR? Nah I'm not thinking about making such map; but you gave me the idea about a "Hitting the moles" map :) Wait for it
And OMG thanks for the screenshot :D
Level 11
Aug 6, 2009
Excuse me? That's what I'm doing right now.
My Guitar-map is nearing completion stage and yes: the notes are based on the songs (1 short demo-song complete, another - longer - one in progress).
I need... umm... 2 triggers for every song (max of about 8000 notes per song), though I could do it with 1 trigger (I made it 2 so others can easily make their own song as well).

It's not impossible.
Never say something is impossible, because sooner or later some guy does it anyway.

I have approved the map for now.
This is due to the positive comments.
I still don't really like it, but yeah... the map has improved a lot since the first version.
Thoughs 2 triggers must lag like hell when you open them :)